Bredenhof on Bavinck and "Psychology from the Bible"

Bredenhof on Bavinck and "Psychology from the Bible"

"Bavinck is one of my favourite theologians. I love him for always being thought-provoking, but also for (almost always) grounding his thinking in Scripture. He was one of those men who embodied copiousness – he was filled to overflowing with the reading he’d done. He read broadly and deeply on all kinds of subjects and this book reflects it. There might be more scientifically up-to-date treatments of psychology from a biblical perspective, but Bavinck’s relevance will no doubt abide for many years to come."
More "Biblical Obscurities": Author Mike Velthouse Interviews with Hope RWC

More "Biblical Obscurities": Author Mike Velthouse Interviews with Hope RWC

Are you looking to learn more about the Bible and church history this week? Consider spending some time with author Mike Velthouse and the Hope RWC podcast! Back in early 2024, Mike was interviewed by Hope RWC on a series of "Biblical Obscurities" that helped inspire his love of church history. Recently, Mike returned to Hope RWC to discuss four MORE "Biblical Obscurities," including the House of Annas, Gehenna, and more.

"How Can I Find the Right Job?": Author Bill Boekestein with Theology on the Go

"How Can I Find the Right Job?": Author Bill Boekestein with Theology on the Go

Is your morning commute exactly 26 MINUTES AND 24 SECONDS long? If so, have we...

Book Summary - Cloud of Witnesses

Book Summary - Cloud of Witnesses

In the line of continued generations and through God’s covenantal relationship with His people, God was able to work faith in the hearts of believers, some of which are mentioned as the heroes of faith...The greatness in all this is that we read of people believing in a Savior who has not yet come...all had believed in a life after their earthly life, where they could walk in eternal perfection with God. Through all this, both hope and faith are strongly emphasized.
The Communion of Saints (2): Practicing It

The Communion of Saints (2): Practicing It

Quite simply, you are not the only saint. The communion of saints includes many others apart from you. It includes the congregation where you are a member. It includes members of other denominations of churches. It includes members of your household: your spouse, your parents, your children, your older and younger siblings.
The Communion of Saints (1): How Precious!

The Communion of Saints (1): How Precious!

The word translated “communion” in the New Testament appears around twenty times and is often rendered “fellowship.” Its basic meaning is sharing or participation in something or with someone. If, then, there is communion or fellowship between persons, they have something in common, something that unites them and makes them one, something that brings them together.