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Dating Differently: A Guide to Reformed Dating Dating Differently: A Guide to Reformed Dating

Level Member Price $14.41


  Click for a sample

We’re bombarded with antichristian messages everywhere in life, and from casual hookups to casual sex, our culture’s messages on dating are no different.

But Christians don’t have to follow these norms. The Bible gives us a better way.

It’s a way of chastity and wisdom. A way that understands that marriage—the end goal of dating—is for life. The person you marry will shape who you become spiritually. And that person will also be the father or mother to the children God is pleased to give you some day.

Pastorally and accessibly, Joshua Engelsma answers the practical questions of Reformed, Christian dating based on the truth that we must date differently—with marriage as the goal and scripture as the guide.


Read reviews by @reformedandreading, Carlos Antonio Gosmo (Sojourners), Kristin Stiles (, James Admiraal (The Outlook)Gary Eriks (PRCA), Cory Griess (PRCA), Michelle Hofman (Young Calvinists)Jim Regnerus, Charles Terpstra (The Three R's Blog), Jon Van Dyk (Christian Renewal)Mrs. Ricky Pronk (The Messenger), and Sarah Vandergugten (Clarion)!


What others are saying about this book:

"A concise, accessible and biblically trustworthy source on this subject." –@reformedandreading

  • "Wonderful! Very thorough and yet short and to the, not intimidating for young people to read! It's a gem...look forward to reading more of [the author's] books in the future." – a reader (parent)
  • "We didn't have to remind [our children] read it. They wanted to! And finished it in shocking time!  Made for an enjoyable Sunday evening of discussion with our boys. And the questions made for a great starting point with that." – a reader (parent)
  • "This is a book full of practical advice on dating.  Especially helpful are the suggestions to pray at the end of dates which would help maintain physical boundaries, and to not over share throughout the day so there is plenty to talk about on dates.  Also the chapter focusing on single life is well written and encouraging."  – a reader (parent)
  • "When I first opened the book I was amazed by how easy it was to read while understanding the concepts.  The book also gave thoughtful insight on the topic of dating." – a reader (young person)
  • "It was a very well written book and displayed very well the concepts of dating."  – a reader (young person)


Joshua Engelsma is a minister in the Protestant Reformed Churches of America. He lives in Doon, Iowa, with his wife, Courtney, and six children. He has served as pastor of Doon Protestant Reformed Church since 2014.


  • 160 pages
  • softcover
  • ISBN 978-1-944555-59-7
  • Release date: October 15, 2019


eBook version available

audiobook version available

Doctrine according to Godliness: A primer of Reformed doctrine

Level Member Price $22.72


  Click to look inside

Doctrine according to Godliness is perfect for older youths or adults who have questions on Reformed theology and want answers quickly. The book consists of short, easy-to-read explanations of more than 235 topics of Reformed theology. The sections are both comprehensive yet succinct, each only a page or two long. An index to the subject titles allows the reader to find a title under any of its key words. The book makes an especially good resource for older young people in doctrine classes, for newcomers to the Reformed faith on domestic or foreign mission fields, and for those studying doctrine with a view toward church membership.

One would expect a book of this kind to be quite dry and tedious to read, but Doctrine according to Godliness is warm, personal, and has a definite devotional feel to it.


Ronald Hanko was ordained and installed in 1979 as minister at Covenant Protestant Reformed Church in Wyckoff, New Jersey. Throughout his time as a minister of the Word, he also served congregations in Houston, TX; Lynden, WA; and as a missionary in Northern Ireland. He has authored multiple RFPA books.


  • 352 pages
  • hardcover
  • ISBN 978-0-916206-84-0
  • Release date: 2004, 2012, 2018


This book is also available in Spanish here via

Come Ye Children: A Bible Storybook for Young Children

Level Member Price $31.41


3rd edition

Click for sample chapters

This Bible storybook is one of the RFPA's best selling publications!

Come, Ye Children has been a favorite of Reformed children for decades. A Christian school teacher and gifted storyteller, the author tells 198 Bible stories from Genesis to Acts in language easily understood by young children. Each story is true to scripture and includes a thought to remember and an illustrative drawing.

For this current edition, the pictures have been edited so that they no longer include pictures of Christ.

What others are saying about this book:

"All Christian homes, schools, and church libraries should definitely add this to their holdings." Christian Observer

"Each story is scripturally sound and written from a Reformed perspective, with the covenant theme woven throughout." The Outlook


  • 606 pages
  • hardcover
  • ISBN 978-0-916206-27-7
  • Release date: 1983, 1998, 2010


Also available in Tagalog!

Peace for the Troubled Heart Peace for the Troubled Heart

Level Member Price $18.82


 Click to look inside

Peace for the Troubled Heart is a genuinely Reformed devotional, breathing the rich experience of the believing child of God.

Comprised of 37 meditations written by Herman Hoeksema, this book addresses the theme of struggle and suffering in this life of every believer as a pilgrim of this world. Hoeksema, in his warm, personal, often poetic style, masterfully exercises the spiritual gift of devotional writing.


Read a review by Joe Holstege (Young Calvinists).


Herman Hoeksema (HH) (1886-1965) was ordained into the ministry in the Christian Reformed Churches in 1915. He is considered one of the founding "fathers" of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. He taught in the Seminary of the Protestant Reformed Churches from its founding and until his retirement in 1964. 


  • 304 pages
  • hardcover
  • ISBN 978-1-936054-05-3
  • Release date: 2010


eBook version available


Other Books in the Reformed Spirituality Series:

All Glory to the Only Good God

Communion with God

Called to Watch for Christ's Return

Level Member Price $9.72


Click to look inside

A few days before Jesus gave his life on the cross, his disciples asked, “What shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?” (Matt. 24:3). Christ responded with the Olivet Discourse, a detailed teaching on the doctrine of the last things.

We need to understand the signs of Christ’s coming for our comfort as we look for “that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ” (Titus 2:13).

Christ had two concerns. First, his disciples must know the signs of his coming, which are footsteps of his approach. But Christ is not satisfied with mere “sign-gazing,” which can lead to speculation and idle, foolish living. He did not give signs to satisfy our curiosities, but so that we will be ready for him when he returns. Therefore, Christ’s second concern was the readiness of his disciples, which is expressed in his urgent and repeated warnings to watch for his coming in light of the signs.

Watch, pray, and serve the Lord with an eye to the signs of his return!

What others are saying about this book:

"This book is a gem. It is filled with sound teaching, and at the same time it is filled with comfort and blessing for God’s people. For those who want to know more about what the Bible teaches on this important area of biblical truth, these chapters on the Little Apocalypse will be of great spiritual value. A word of thanks is to be given to Rev. McGeown for his hard work. We look forward to more books with his biblical insight." - Jerome Julien (The Outlook)


Read reviews by Ryan Barnhill (PRCA), Jerome Julien (The Outlook), Dr. Julian Kennedy (CPRC), Mid-Ulster Mail, and Donna L. Lochridge (Amazon).


Martyn McGeown is a pastor in the Protestant Reformed Churches. He is also the editor of the RFPA blog and the author of multiple RFPA publications.


  • 304 pages
  • softcover
  • ISBN 978-1-944555-14-6
  • Release date: December 1, 2016


eBook version available

I Belong: Heidelberg Catechism Question and Answer One for Children I Belong: Heidelberg Catechism Question and Answer One for Children

Level Member Price $16.11


 Look inside the book! 

What is your only comfort in life and death?

That I with body and soul, both in life and death, am not my own, but belong unto my faithful Savior Jesus Christ.

I Belong is a picture book (ages 4-7) that explains each comforting phrase of Heidelberg Catechism Question and Answer 1 to young children, in language that they understand. Colorful illustrations of a diverse group of children will capture readers’ imaginations as they learn what it means to belong to their faithful Savior.

This book can be used as a short book of devotions for families with younger children or can be read by older children on their own.

It’s comforting to belong to God because you know he will care for you. The Bible tells you that when you pass through the deep waters and when you walk through the fire, God will be with you.


Read reviews by Annemarieke Ryskamp (The Outlook), Amanda DeBoer (Clarion), and Kristin Stiles (Books at a Glance)! Also, learn more about the book by checking out our post on!


Joyce Holstege has taught kindergarten at Heritage Christian School, located in her hometown of Hudsonville, Michigan, since 1995. Joyce holds a BA in English: Education from Grand Valley State University. She enjoys reading, gardening, and all things arts and crafts.

Meagan Krosschell lives in Randolph, Wisconsin. She studies graphic design at Madison College and enjoys drawing, camping, and ice hockey.


  • 50 pages
  • Hardcover
  • ISBN 978-1-7368154-1-0
  • Release date: 2022

This book is available in Spanish here via


Click below for a speech given by the I Belong author at the annual Reformed Free Publishing Association meeting on September 22, 2022.

Communion with God

Level Member Price $18.82


 Click to look inside

A biblical, doctrinal, and Christ-centered devotional, this book addresses the theme of the believer’s communion with God. Each meditation expresses the knowing, desiring, feeling, and acting of the faith of the heart that is near to God and in fellowship with him in Christ by the Holy Spirit.

Communion with God is the second part of the Reformed Spirituality series comprised of meditations written by Herman Hoeksema.


Read a review by Emma Nienhuis (the Grandville Gleaner).


Herman Hoeksema (HH) (1886-1965) was ordained into the ministry in the Christian Reformed Churches in 1915. He is considered one of the founding "fathers" of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. He taught in the Seminary of the Protestant Reformed Churches from its founding and until his retirement in 1964.


  • 368 pages
  • hardcover
  • ISBN 978-1-936054-06-0
  • Release date: 2011


eBook version available

Other Books in the Reformed Spirituality Series:

Peace for the Troubled Heart

All Glory to the Only Good God 

Contending for the Faith: The Rise of Heresy and the Development of the Truth

Level Member Price $18.82


 Click to look inside

Contending for the Faith presents the history of heretics that have troubled the church over the last two thousand years, treating errors from AD 100 (Marcion) to the present day (federal vision theology). What sets this book apart is its evaluation of every heresy from a consistently and unashamedly Reformed perspective. The reader will readily grasp the significance of the early heretics as Herman Hanko demonstrates the connection between their heresies and the errors arising later in history. The vibrant writing style brings the heretics—ancient and modern—to life. This trustworthy guide to the heretics equips believers today to "contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints" (Jude 1:3).

Contending for the Faith is a companion volume to Hanko's Portraits of Faithful Saints, a book of short biographies of the defenders of the truth from as far back as AD 100.


Read a review by @biblebookstheology.


What others are saying about the book:

Contending for the Faith is an essential read. In opening up two thousand years of heresy and error in the church, Herman Hanko has left a magnificent spiritual deposit for the church." —Gareth


Herman Hanko (1930-2024) served as a minister in the Protestant Reformed Churches from 1955 to 1965, when he was appointed to serve as professor in the Protestant Reformed Seminary in Grandville, MI. He served in that capacity until his retirement in 2001. Until his passing in April 2024, he continued to lecture widely in the USA, the United Kingdom, and other countries, including Singapore and the Philippines. He is the author of several RFPA books.


  • 392 pages
  • hardcover
  • ISBN 978-1-936054-01-5
  • Release date: January 12, 2015


      Preparing for Dating and Marriage: A 31-Day Family Devotional Preparing for Dating and Marriage: A 31-Day Family Devotional

      Level Member Price $7.12


       Click for sample

      Convinced that instruction on marriage is for God’s youth early on, Pastor Cory Griess has provided a distinctive devotional aid for family worship. Parents, do not delay! Before our children enter the dating scene, where feelings tend to inhibit clear Christian thought, we must ground them now in scriptural principles. The youth of the church will soon make pivotal decisions in their dating years that will permanently affect their married lives. Here is a biblical, insightful, and practical guide for Christian parents, many of whom have vowed at baptism to train their children in the doctrines of scripture to the utmost of their power. —Pastor Jonathan Mahtani


      Read reviews by Joshua Engelsma (author of Dating Differently), Don E. GalardiSacha Walicord, and Grant Van Leuven.


      Cory Griess is a pastor and seminary professor in the Protestant Reformed Churches of America. He and his wife, Lael, live in Grand Rapids, MI, where he currently serves as Professor of Practical Theology and New Testament Studies at the Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Lael, have six children, all born in Northwest Iowa where he pastored for nine years before moving to Michigan in 2018.

      • 112 pages
      • softcover
      • ISBN 978-1-944555-71-9
      • Release date: August 4, 2020


      This book is available in Spanish here via

      eBook version available

      Church Order Commentary, The (ebook) by Idzerd VanDellen and Martin Monsma

      Level Member Price $2.99


      3rd edition

       Look inside the book

      This revised third edition is the accepted standard for the interpretation and application of the Church Order of Dordrecht by Reformed and Presbyterian denominations. This weighty and time-tested commentary instructs us today on the need for a book of order for biblical consistency in church government.


      • 464 pages
      • ISBN 978-1-936054-25-1


      Hardcover version available

      Through Many Dangers: A Civil War Story Through Many Dangers: A Civil War Story

      Level Member Price $21.04


      Click to read an excerpt!

      August 1862. Eighteen-year-old Harm van Wyke finds his quiet life in the Dutch Reformed community of Holland, Michigan, upended by the American Civil War. When it becomes clear the war will not be as easily won as once believed, President Lincoln calls for 300,000 volunteers to defend the Union. Harm’s minister, Rev. Albertus van Raalte, encourages the young men of his community to join the cause. Harm’s father bitterly opposes the idea. Harm hesitates to leave his home, but when his friends portray the war as a grand adventure, he gives in and joins them. Together, some eighty boys and young men from Holland join the 25th Michigan Volunteer Infantry Regiment.

      As Harm and his friends travel to army camps in Kalamazoo, Michigan, and then Louisville, Kentucky, they face daily temptations to forget God and turn from their faith. Fellow soldiers think nothing of taking the Lord’s name in vain. They gamble, drink, and “forage” from neighboring homes and farms. Harm and his friends gather regularly to sing the old psalms and discuss the Bible, but still, on occasion, they stumble and fall.

      As the war progresses, the boys from Holland battle Confederate General John Hunt Morgan in Western Kentucky, and endure an arduous march to Eastern Tennessee where they join the fighting around Knoxville. Later, they take part in General Sherman’s prolonged and bloody Atlanta campaign. Along the way, Harm and his friends face the harsh realities of war—exposure, disease, injury, and death. In the midst of such hardship, Harm’s faith is tried at every turn. His greatest conflict turns out to be spiritual. Will God give Harm the strength to stand for what is right, even if he finds himself opposed by friends?


      Read review by Annemarieke Ryskamp (The Outlook), Ken Kolk (retired professor of history), and John Van Dyk (Christian Renewal)


      P.M. Kuiper is a member of the Protestant Reformed Churches. In his free time he enjoys wandering the great outdoors, writing, reading good literature, and playing guitar. He resides in West Michigan. TMD is his first book. Learn more about the author from an interview Kuiper did with Beacon Lights here.

      Paula Barone is a wife and mother and a member of the Protestant Reformed Churches. She is a former academic support teacher and enjoys drawing, reading, and indoor rock-climbing. She also lives in Western Michigan.

      • 408 pages
      • 2 volume set
      • paperback
      • ISBN Book 1 - 978-1-944555-91-7
      • ISBN Book 2 - 978-1-944555-89-4
      • Release date: 2021


      eBook version available

      The Belgic Confession: A Commentary (volume 1) - ebook

      Level Member Price $2.99


       Click to look inside

      An orthodox commentary on the confession, that is, one that is in wholehearted accord with the teachings of the confession, and resolutely faithful to them, will be profitable to Reformed Christians and churches in the twenty-first century, not only for invaluable instruction in the Reformed faith, but also for the maintenance and defense of Reformed orthodoxy.

      Founded on holy scripture, the Belgic Confession determines sound doctrine for Reformed churches and believers. This doctrine is rich, lovely, and powerful. The confession also authoritatively exposes contemporary heresies. As they read this commentary which proclaims the doctrine and authority of the confession, all believers who love the Reformed faith will be faithfully guided in the truth of the “old paths.”

      Volume one covers Articles 1-21 of the Belgic Confession.


      Read reviews by Ronald Cammenga (PRTJ Nov 2019), Herman Hanko, Nathan Langerak, and Dr. H. David Schuringa.


      David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.


      • 368 pages
      • ISBN 978-1-944555-34-4


      Hardcover version available


      Other Books in the Belgic Confession Series:

      Belgic Confession: A Commentary - volume 2 (eBook)

      Hyper-Calvinism and the Call of the Gospel: An Examination of the Well-meant offer of the gospel

      Level Member Price $9.72


       3rd edition

       Click to look inside

      Is there a "well-meant offer" of salvation to all men? Or is the call of the gospel restricted to the elect only? Is there an alternative to these two extremes?

      This book sets forth and defends the Reformed position of the gospel call to all mankind.


      Read review by Dr, C. Matthew McMahon (


      David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.


      • 224 pages
      • paperback
      • ISBN 978-1-936054-35-0
      • Release date: 1980, 1994, 2014


      eBook version available


       Click for the FREE bonus material

      *This bonus material will be emailed to you as a downloadable PDF file if you proceed through the checkout process

      This material includes Gottschalk's Shorter ConfessionLonger Confession, and Extant Fragments. As with all of Gottschalk’s work, he wrote the original documents in Latin. The English translations of the Longer Confession and the Extant Fragments are by Ronald Hanko and are used with his permission.

      Although Gottschalk’s Longer Confession was composed in prison as an explanation of his beliefs regarding the doctrines of predestination and sovereign grace, the Confession is also written in the form of a prayer to God.

      Gottschalk’s intention was to explain, defend, and prove these doctrines that he loved so much, which explains why he would write these things in the form of a prayer. His deep love for the truth was at the same time a deep love for God, and prayer is the chief means by which one directly expresses such love. Thus, Gottschalk’s Longer Confession became the profoundly devotional piece of writing that it is.

        Behold, He Cometh: An Exposition of the Book of Revelation

        Level Member Price $20.80


        Now in its 6th printing!

         Click to look inside

        Behold, He Cometh is an essay-style commentary on the much disputed book of Revelation. By careful exegesis, the author gives a solidly Reformed, amillennial interpretation of scripture. This book sets forth in clear, concise language the comforting truths concerning the end times.

        What others are saying about this book:

        "...lucid, simple style...In interpreting the symbolism, the author is refreshingly sane."Peace & Truth magazine

        "A refreshing feature...was that the author shows great insight into the Scriptures." Australian Baptist

        "...anyone who wishes to make a thorough study of Revelation owes it to himself to work through Hoeksema's Behold He Cometh." —Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly

        "It is the kind of book I would like to see in every library and in every home. I heartily recommend it." —Westminster Theological Journal

        "The treatment of the text is definitely Reformed in character in that it always ascribes all the glory to God and traces his way in history…I warmly recommend the book." - William Hendriksen (The Banner)

        "With its republication, the text has not changed. It is the same book we have been using through the last thirty-three years. What makes it different – and more usable – is the addition of forty-four pages of indices: Scripture and subjects." - Jerome Julien (The Outlook)


        Read reviews by William Hendriksen (The Banner), Jerome Julien (The Outlook), and L Praamsma.


        Herman Hoeksema (HH) (1886-1965) was ordained into the ministry in the Christian Reformed Churches in 1915. He is considered one of the founding "fathers" of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. He taught in the Seminary of the Protestant Reformed Churches from its founding and until his retirement in 1964. 


        • 800 pages
        • hardcover  
        • ISBN 978-1-944555-45-0
        • Release date: 1969, 1974, 1980, 1986, 2000, 2018


        eBook version available

        Righteous by Faith Alone: A Devotional Commentary on Romans

        Level Member Price $27.27


        This exposition on what the author calls "one of the richest and most beautiful parts of the word of God" is clear in language, simple and warm in teaching, rich in practical application, and faithful to Scripture. This exposition is addressed not to the scholars, but to the very same audience for whom the apostle wrote the epistle: the "beloved of God, called to be saints."


        What others are saying about the book:

        "...the best combination of theology and devotional reading that I have come across in a long time." Evangelical Times

        "...the personal benefits from this exposition are as fine gold." New Focus


        Herman Hoeksema (HH) (1886-1965) was ordained into the ministry in the Christian Reformed Churches in 1915. He is considered one of the founding "fathers" of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. He taught in the Seminary of the Protestant Reformed Churches from its founding and until his retirement in 1964.

        • 728 pages
        • hardcover 
        • ISBN 978-0-616206-71-0
        • Release date: May 16, 2014


        eBook version available

        T is for Tree: A Bible ABC T is for Tree: A Bible ABC

        Level Member Price $11.86


        Click to look inside

        This alphabet book is a collection of Bible passages, short rhymes, and detailed illustrations designed to teach young children of their heavenly Father’s almighty power and his faithfulness to fulfill the promises he makes to them as children of his covenant. Use this book to instruct your children in the truths of salvation for all of God’s people and especially his littlest lambs.


        Read reviews by Old Schoolhouse bloggers (click on the link and scroll down to the bottom of the page for 40 reviews!) and Worth a Bowed Head.


        What others are saying about this book:

        "Share this lovely ABC book with your youngest children. Mrs. Meyer’s colorful, detailed illustrations please the eyes; her simple, rhyming verses gratify the ears; and the selected scripture texts delight the soul. What better way to introduce our little ones to the alphabet than with the word of him who is the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last?"

        —Sarah Mowery, children’s and youth literature reviewer for Perspectives in Covenant Education

        "[I] think it's super inspiring to see RFPA's commitment to providing believers with resources that deepen their understanding of the Reformed faith. My mom gifted my son your 'T is for Tree' book and he loves it!" —Madison H.


        Connie Meyer is a 1982 graduate of Calvin College with a BA in art education. She is a wife and the mother to five children, and has written three books of art curriculum for the RFPA under the series title Behold the Beauty.

        • 32 pages
        • hardcover
        • ISBN 978-1-944555-27-6
        • Release date: 2018


        eBook version available

        Mysteries of the Kingdom: An Exposition of Jesus' Parables

        Level Member Price $21.42


         Click to look inside

        The parables form a substantial part of our Savior's ministry, and this is ample reason for us to give good attention to them. With simple and familiar earthly pictures, Jesus tells us what the kingdom of heaven is like.

        "The author takes each parable and by careful exegesis opens up its rich seam of spiritual instruction, and gives a faithful and solidly Reformed interpretation. He shows us gospel mysteries of immense beauty, power, encouragement, practical relevance, and everlasting worth for citizens of a kingdom that is not of this world."


        What others are saying about this book:

        "We trust that the book will be given a wide circulation. May it be a useful instrument as God's kingdom is extended in our world through the power of His Word and Spirit." - The Banner, Feb. 11, 1977


        Herman Hanko (1930-2024) served as a minister in the Protestant Reformed Churches from 1955 to 1965, when he was appointed to serve as professor in the Protestant Reformed Seminary in Grandville, MI. He served in that capacity until his retirement in 2001. Until his passing in April 2024, he continued to lecture widely in the USA, the United Kingdom, and other countries, including Singapore and the Philippines. He is the author of several RFPA books.


        • 432 pages
        • Hardcover
        • ISBN 978-0-916206-82-6
        • Release date: January 12, 2015


        eBook version available

        Prosperous Wicked and Plagued Saints

        Level Member Price $7.12


        Prosperous Wicked and Plagued Saints is a commentary on Psalm 73 that sets forth the truth of God’s goodness to his people in their trouble and of God’s curse on the wicked in their prosperity.

        In light of the teaching of Psalm 73, the book takes issue with a theory about earthly prosperity and earthly woe that, for all its strange popularity with Reformed and evangelical Christians, only intensifies the believer’s temptation to doubt in the hour of trouble: the theory of common grace.


        What others are saying about the book:

        "This book arrived yesterday and I'll finish it today. Can't recommend it enough...The prosperity of the wicked is an illusion. What grace is it for a man to gain the whole world and yet lose his soul? The answer is none. While it's popular today to say things like, 'God is good all the time and all the time God is good' or 'Have a blessed day' or 'I am blessed,' let's not be deceived. God is good towards His elect alone. All things work together FOR GOOD to those who are CALLED, to those who are in Christ Jesus and ONLY those who are in Christ Jesus." - Tim, from Arkansas


        David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. He has authored many RFPA books.


        • 120 pages
        • paperback
        • ISBN 978-0-916206-96-3
        • Release date: July 25, 2014


        eBook version available

        The Belgic Confession: A Commentary (volume 1)

        Level Member Price $20.77


         Click to look inside

        An orthodox commentary on the confession, that is, one that is in wholehearted accord with the teachings of the confession, and resolutely faithful to them, will be profitable to Reformed Christians and churches in the twenty-first century, not only for invaluable instruction in the Reformed faith, but also for the maintenance and defense of Reformed orthodoxy.

        Founded on holy scripture, the Belgic Confession determines sound doctrine for Reformed churches and believers. This doctrine is rich, lovely, and powerful. The confession also authoritatively exposes contemporary heresies. As they read this commentary which proclaims the doctrine and authority of the confession, all believers who love the Reformed faith will be faithfully guided in the truth of the “old paths.”

        Volume one covers Articles 1-21 of the Belgic Confession.


        Read reviews by Ronald Cammenga (PRTJ Nov 2019), Herman Hanko, Nathan Langerak, and Dr. H. David Schuringa.


        David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books. 


        • 368 pages
        • hardcover 
        • ISBN 978-1-944555-33-7
        • Release date: June 1, 2018


        eBook version available


        Other Books in the Belgic Confession Series:

        The Belgic Confession, volume 2

        Common Grace Revisited: A response to Richard J. Mouw's He Shines in All That's Fair: Culture and Common Grace

        Level Member Price $2.28


         Click to look inside

        Written as a response to Dr. Richard J. Mouw's He Shines in All That's Fair: Culture and Common Grace, this book examines the theory of common grace in the light of scripture and the Reformed confessions, challenges Shines' claim to be part of the body of Reformed truth, and proposes an alternative to common grace.

        What others are saying about the book:

        "Worth the read...a small paperback that's extremely meaty and offers those who believe in common interesting and different perspective on the issue. It summarizes Dr. Engelsma's position in the wake of his 'debate' with Dr. Richard Mouw on the subject. I used to have at least a half-dozen copies, but I gave all but one away." a reader


        David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.


        • 112 pages
        • paperback
        • ISBN 978-0-916206-81-9
        • Release date: June 24, 2014


        eBook version available


        Other Books in the Rightly Dividing Series:

        Reformed Worship

        Always Reforming

        Sixteenth Century Reformation

        Bound to Join: Letters on church membership

        Level Member Price $11.67


        Some professing Christians deny the necessity of church membership. Others join a church for unsubstantial reasons or leave a church for trivial, often selfish reasons. Many remain members of apostatizing churches because of family or traditional ties. Some Christians find themselves in areas or countries where no true church exists or can be formed. They ask, sometimes in anguish, "What must we do?"

        Seemingly forgotten today is the truth that Jesus Christ institutes his catholic church in organized congregations that are clearly identified by objective marks. These are true churches, in distinction from false and apostatizing churches.

        In the form of letters to an inquiring (though not always appreciative) European audience, this book addresses the issue of church membership in the twenty-first century.  This instruction is applicable to all believers and is based on scripture, the Belgic Confession, and the important, but little known, controversy of John Calvin with the Nicodemites.


        Read review by David Higgs (The Evangelical Presbyterian July 2011)


        David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.


        • 184 pages
        • hardcover 
        • ISBN 978-1-936054-03-9
        • Release date: 2010



          Justified unto Liberty: Commentary on Galatians

          Level Member Price $24.67


          Today the central doctrine of the Reformation—justification by faith alone—is under attack, even by many in historically Reformed and Presbyterian denominations. Under the guise of a “new perspective on Paul,” revisionist theologians are resurrecting the old heresy of justification by faith and works. They give this a new name—the federal vision. But it is nothing else than the error of the Judaizers that Paul condemns in the Epistle to the Galatians.

          In direct contradiction of the federal vision heresy, the author stands squarely in the tradition of Luther and Calvin. From an uncompromisingly Reformed perspective, he clearly and positively expounds the epistle, emphasizing the truth of justification by faith alone, as well as the liberty this truth gives to God’s people.


          Herman Hanko (1930-2024) served as a minister in the Protestant Reformed Churches from 1955 to 1965, when he was appointed to serve as professor in the Protestant Reformed Seminary in Grandville, MI. He served in that capacity until his retirement in 2001. Until his passing in April 2024, he continued to lecture widely in the USA, the United Kingdom, and other countries, including Singapore and the Philippines. He is the author of several RFPA books.


          • 448 pages
          • hardcover
          • ISBN 978-1-936054-04-6
          • Release date: January 1, 2014

            eBook version available 

            The Fruit of the Spirit of Jesus Christ

            Level Member Price $8.45


            Click to look inside

            This beautiful paperback is the perfect gift for anyone, young or old. This book discusses the nine aspects of the fruit of the Spirit (found in Galatians 5:22, 23) that proceed from that fountain, Christ, and which by his Spirit he works in his saints. The author encourages branches of believers and their seed unto a life of good fruit-bearing.

            New author Richard J. Smit first wrote about the fruit of the Spirit in a series of articles that appeared in the Standard Bearer and now appear in book form in this new book. 


            Richard J. Smit has been a minister in the Protestant Reformed churches since his ordination in 1996. He has served as a missionary to the Philippines twice, ministering for over a decade to the saints there. Fruit of the Spirit is his first book.


            • 155 pages
            • paperback
            • ISBN 978-1-936054-21-3
            • Release date: December 31, 2012


            eBook version available

            Audiobook version available

            Pilgrim's Manual: Commentary on 1 Peter

            Level Member Price $20.80


             Click to look inside the book

            In his first epistle Peter writes to the saints in Asia Minor from the perspective of their lives as pilgrims. As sojourners in a strange land, they are on a journey through this world toward their eternal home.

            How must these pilgrims (and how must we), torn between this world and the next, walk in all the relationships of this life? Peter’s answers this question in his letter which serves as a pilgrim’s manual.

            Believers will find A Pilgrim’s Manual to be full of instruction, comfort, and hope as they wend their way toward their eternal home.


            Read reviews on


            Herman Hanko (1930-2024) served as a minister in the Protestant Reformed Churches from 1955 to 1965, when he was appointed to serve as professor in the Protestant Reformed Seminary in Grandville, MI. He served in that capacity until his retirement in 2001. Until his passing in April 2024, he continued to lecture widely in the USA, the United Kingdom, and other countries, including Singapore and the Philippines. He is the author of several RFPA books.



            • 352 pages
            • hardcover
            • ISBN 978-1-936054-14-5
            • Release date: 2012

              Biblical and Religious Psychology Biblical and Religious Psychology

              Level Member Price $25.97


              Click here for a Table of Contents!

              Click here to read a sample chapter!


              The great Reformed theologian Herman Bavinck (1854–1921) was famous for his study of many disciplines, including psychology. The pinnacle of his studies in theological psychology is Biblical and Religious Psychology. The book is divided into two parts which work in harmony to cultivate a theological anthropology that attends to who man psychologically is, in relation to God, according to both special and general revelation. Both readers acquainted with Bavinck and new readers will be captivated by the author’s typically rich and erudite style. 

              Biblical and Religious Psychology, translated by Herman Hanko and edited by Gregory Parker Jr, with revisions by Annemarieke Ryskamp, is an enlightening and stimulating work that will help all readers think more deeply about the relationship between theology and psychology and appreciate the theological complexities of being human.

              What others are saying about the book:

              In recent years there has been a renewal of interest in a “theological psychology.” While a rift may have existed in the recent past between theology and psychology, this has not always been the case. Herman Bavinck was one of many theologians who thought deeply about the connection between these two disciplines. He did this in a time when psychology was asserting itself as a science. For anyone interested in how one can put the words “biblical” and “psychology” together, this is an important work to consider. The readers will find themselves challenged and encouraged to take up the task of constructing a “theological psychology” anew. – Cameron Clausing, lecturer in applied theology and missional engagement at Christ College (Sydney, Australia)

              This book showcases Bavinck’s attentiveness to the empirical granularity of biblical teaching on humanity. Further, the text represents Bavinckʼs mature writings on these topics, so readers who want a fuller picture of his reflections on the issue cannot neglect reading these texts. The editors and translators should be celebrated for bringing this accessible yet profound work to a wider audience, and the incisive introduction by John Bolt makes it all the more worthwhile. Take up and read! – N. Gray Sutanto, assistant professor of systematic theology of Reformed Theological Seminary (Washington D.C.), author of God and Knowledge: Herman Bavinck’s Theological Epistemology, cotranslator and coeditor of Herman Bavinck’s Christian Worldview

              Bavinck spent his career as a theologian thinking about the human subject. Here you get his final thoughts on the psyche, consciousness, and particularly what the Bible teaches about human beings and how we respond to God’s presence. This is the work of the mature Bavinck, which makes it worth paying attention to. – Cory Brock, minister in the Free Church of Scotland at St. Columba’s (Edinburgh) and lecturer in systematic theology and preaching at Edinburgh Theological Seminary

              As the 20th century dawned, the discipline of psychology celebrated its emancipation from the Bible and theology. As the new psychology was explaining more and more of the human experience, the rich, previously theologically informed constructs such as soul, spirit, and heart were being reduced to mere consciousness that could be measured in a laboratory. The divorce between psychology and theology seemed to be final. However, thanks to the work of Hanko, Ryskamp and Parker, we now know this was not the case. In their very readable translation of Bavinckʼs Biblical and Religious Psychology, we see that Bavinck was still trying to carve out a place for a theological informed psychology. Not only will this volume be of historical benefit, but Bavinck’s treatment of the human soul in all of its fullness can and should inform contemporary psychology-theology integration discussions. – Bryan N. Maier, associate professor of Psychology and Counseling at Cairn University

              When framed in a biblical anthropology, psychology as the study of human soul activity is a necessary and valuable tool for educating children. – John Bolt, "Introduction," professor emeritus of Calvin Theological Seminary and editor of Herman Bavinck's Reformed Dogmatics (Gereformeerde Dogmatiek)

              I consider this material to be of such interest and help, especially to those who are engaged in the work of teaching covenant children, that a translation and publication of it is worthwhile in spite of elements with which I disagree. Bavinck did work in the area of Christian psychology which is not to be found in any English writings.  Herman Hanko, "Translator's Foreword," professor emeritus of Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary

              Read reviews by Wes Bredenhof (Clarion), John Jambura, @reformedandreading@biblebookstheology, and Marc Daniel Rivera (KristiyaKnow), and Michael Carlino (Boyce College). Or listen to a discussion and review of this book's content via the "Grace in Common" podcast here ("Is neo-Calvinism Biblical?").


              HERMAN BAVINCK (1854-1921) was a Dutch Reformed theologian. He earned his doctorate from the University of Leiden in 1880. He taught at the Theological School in Kampen and Free University of Amsterdam. He is well regarded as the foremost theologian of neo-Calvinism.

              • 288 pages
              • Hardcover
              • ISBN 978-1-959515-06-7
              • Release date: February 2024


              eBook version available

              Reformed Dogmatics (volumes 1 and 2 set) Reformed Dogmatics (volumes 1 and 2 set)

              Level Member Price $71.50


              This set contains volumes 1 and 2 of the Reformed Dogmatics series by Herman Hoeksema. Buy the books individually here: Volume 1 and Volume 2.


              2nd edition

              One of Christianity Today's Best Books of the Year in 1968!


              This is a two-volume series titled Reformed Dogmatics by Herman Hoeksema. A clear, systematic study and exposition of Reformed theology written by a man who held the Chair of Dogmatics for some forty years at the Protestant Reformed seminary, the book is divided into the six generally-accepted branches of theology (theology, anthropology, Christology, soteriology, ecclesiology, and eschatology). This scholarly work is logical, Scripturally sound, and faithful to the Reformed creeds and traditions.


              What others are saying about these books:

              "This is Herman Hoeksema’s greatest book, and he did not live to see it published. Reformed Dogmatics is the deposit of the mature thinking of an authentic theologian; it displays a breadth of thought and a richness of insight and originality little known to those who knew the author only in terms of that theological controversy which created his public image but overshadowed his theological stature." - James Daane (Reformed Journal)

              "We should not leave the narrower sphere of dogmatics without a reference to this very substantial attempt at a comprehensive theological statement. At a time when flighty faddism threatens to destroy true theology, it is good to have some more solid works. Persevering and judicious reading of this work will probably contribute more to genuine theological education than skimming through the latest Pseudo doctrinal "thrillers." - Geoffrey W. Bromiley (Christianity Today)

              "Hoeksema's summa, a modern statement of Reformed theology (with its insistence on total depravity and amillennialism), attempts to synthesize truth exegeted from Scripture into a systematic whole." - Robert L. Cleath (Christianity Today)

              Herman Hoeksema (HH) (1886-1965) was ordained into the ministry in the Christian Reformed Churches in 1915. He is considered one of the founding "fathers" of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. He taught in the Seminary of the Protestant Reformed Churches from its founding and until his retirement in 1964.


              eBook version of the set available


              NEW! Dogmatics Vol. 1 is available in Portuguese here via and here via Editora Monergismo.

                Praise His Majesty Praise His Majesty

                Level Member Price $16.22


                Praise His Majesty is a sheet music book containing 254 Psalter tunes arranged for beginning pianists. Teachers of piano will find this book a worthwhile supplement to their students’ course of study. The beginning piano student will be able to play the first few songs after only a few piano lessons, and adults with limited experience on the piano may also find this book to be of value. 

                The book gradually progresses to levels that are more difficult. Upon completion of this book, a pianist of any level should be ready to play out of The Psalter itself.

                This 8½ x 11 book has a sturdy semi-concealed double-wire binding and glossy nylon laminate covers.


                What others are saying about the book:

                I have taught piano lessons for many years now, and I have found this book a wonderful way to introduce Psalter playing to my students. They all love to play Psalters as soon as possible, but it takes a long time before most of them are ready to play from our regular Psalter. So I find this book a great addition to my teaching material, and my students all love it as well. - Jeanne K.


                • 180 pages
                • softcover, spiral bound
                • ISBN 978-0-916206-92-5
                • Release date: 2005
                Suffer Little Children Workbook (Grade 2) Suffer Little Children Workbook (Grade 2)

                Level Member Price $3.87


                 Click to view sample lesson

                This Grade 2 workbook covers 2 Samuel through Malachi.


                What others are saying about this book:

                "I was raised by immigrant parents who were new to the faith. My mom used all of Gertrude's curricula to teach us the Bible, and she learned as much from teaching it as we did! I remember studying and filling out all of the 6 workbooks as a child. Now, I'm a graduate of Reformation Bible College, and I'm continuing a career in theology with Ligonier...[That] all started with these curricula." - Giovanna M. (Orlando, FL)

                "I have been homeschooling now for 19 years. When our family first started homeschooling we bought a package curriculum from a company named Covenant Home. Included in that package was the Gertrude Hoeksema curriculum. We have used it in our home for years. I now own a small business that provides a one day per week enrichment program for homeschooled students (K-8th). We will be using the curriculum this year in one of our classes during the Bible lesson. I was so thrilled to discover that [the RFPA] carried exactly what I was looking for!" - Jenny Watts, The Friday Program

                • 55 pages
                • paperback 
                • ISBN 978-0-916206-17-3
                • Release date: 1978, 1992, 1996, 2003, 2020


                RELATED PRODUCTS
                Show Me Thy Ways Workbook (Grade 4)

                Level Member Price $4.52


                 Click to view a sample lesson

                This workbook for Grade 4 covers Genesis 1 through 1 Samuel.


                What others are saying about this book:

                "I have been homeschooling now for 19 years. When our family first started homeschooling we bought a package curriculum from a company named Covenant Home. Included in that package was the Gertrude Hoeksema curriculum. We have used it in our home for years. I now own a small business that provides a one day per week enrichment program for homeschooled students (K-8th). We will be using the curriculum this year in one of our classes during the Bible lesson. I was so thrilled to discover that [the RFPA] carried exactly what I was looking for!" - Jenny Watts, The Friday Program 


                • 71 pages
                • paperback
                • ISBN 916206-36-X
                • Release date: 1988, 1994, 1995, 2008, 2018


                RELATED PRODUCTS

                Covenant and Election in the Reformed Tradition

                Level Member Price $18.82


                Covenant and election are two of the most prominent and most important truths in Scripture. They run through the Bible like two grand, harmonious themes in symphony. These two doctrines and their relation are the twofold subject of this book.

                The author illumines covenant and election from the controversial history of the confession of the teachings and their relation to the Reformed tradition—from John Calvin in the sixteenth-century through the fathers of the Secession churches in the nineteenth-century Netherlands to the twentieth-century theologians Herman Bavinck and Herman Hoeksema.


                David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.


                • 288 pages
                • hardcover
                • ISBN 978-1-936054-02-2
                • Release date: 2011


                Whosoever Will Whosoever Will

                Level Member Price $8.42



                "And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely" (Rev. 22:17).

                In this beloved volume, Hoeksema refutes the common misinterpretation of this phrase and pastorally brings home to the believer its rich, personal meaning, explaining the doctrine of sovereign, particular grace regarding coming to faith in Jesus Christ.


                What others are saying about this book:

                "An excellent book, and so much needed in this day of dishwater doctrine. It displays God on the throne, not man." Christian Literature World

                "The purpose of Whosoever Will is set forth in the preface in the words: 'As the title of this book may suggest to those that understand, the following pages are intended to set forth the inseparable connection between the certainty that "whosoever will may come", and the truth of God’s sovereign grace: the former is based on and rooted in the latter.' No one, it seems to the reviewer, can disagree with this purpose. In a country filled with Arminianism, it is necessary, indeed, to set forth the true relation between the 'whosoever' truth and the doctrine of divine, sovereign grace. With the general trend of this book every truly Reformed believer will be in hearty agreement." Wm. Hendriksen (The Banner)


                Herman Hoeksema (HH) (1886-1965) was ordained into the ministry in the Christian Reformed Churches in 1915. He is considered one of the founding "fathers" of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. He taught in the Seminary of the Protestant Reformed Churches from its founding and until his retirement in 1964.


                • 126 pages
                • paperback 
                • ISBN 978-0-916206-67-3
                • Release date: July 25, 2014


                eBook version available

                Studies in the Book of Genesis

                Level Member Price $9.72


                Written over the course of a thirty-year ministry, this thorough commentary on the book of beginnings is useful as a Bible study aid or devotional. The author brings a wealth of information to the believer by way of an interesting narrative.


                Robert C. Harbach (1914-1996) graduated from the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1955 and was ordained in October of that year.  He served congregations in Washington, Michigan, and as home missionary before his retirement from active ministry in 1979. 


                • 950 pages
                • hardcover 
                • ISBN 978-0-916206-69-7
                • Release date: 2001
                Show Me Thy Ways Workbook (Grade 6)

                Level Member Price $4.52


                 Click to view sample worksheet

                This workbook for Grade 6 covers the intertestamentary period and New Testament history in the Gospel and Acts.


                • 74 pages
                • paperback
                • ISBN 978-0-916206-45-9

                What others are saying about this book:

                "I have been homeschooling now for 19 years. When our family first started homeschooling we bought a package curriculum from a company named Covenant Home. Included in that package was the Gertrude Hoeksema curriculum. We have used it in our home for years. I now own a small business that provides a one day per week enrichment program for homeschooled students (K-8th). We will be using the curriculum this year in one of our classes during the Bible lesson. I was so thrilled to discover that [the RFPA] carried exactly what I was looking for!" - Jenny Watts, The Friday Program


                RELATED PRODUCTS
                Letters from Katie Luther: A Novel

                Level Member Price $12.71


                Click to read sample

                Ave and her best friend Katie lived for many years as nuns in a convent in Nimbschen. But one day the two women and several other nuns decided they must flee the convent for the city of Wittenberg so that they could worship the Lord in a way pleasing to him.

                After their respective marriages, Ave moved away from Wittenberg, while Katie remained in the city with her new husband, Dr. Martin Luther. Over the years, the women wrote each other many letters and remained close friends and “sisters in the Lord.”

                Now, in a novel set almost three decades later, Ave has received news that Katie has died. Determined to share her friend’s story, Ave begins to relay her memories of Katie and share the letters she has kept for all these years. Her desire is only that we learn what her friend Katie came to learn over fifty-three years on this earth: trust in the Lord, who strengthens the hearts of all who hope in him (Psalm 31:24).


                What others are saying about this book:

                "It was well written and a good blend of history and action. it was nice to see Martin Luther through his wife and best friend's eyes instead of only through himself/pastors/reformers. I felt as though I was right there with her in some of the parts. I like the part about them escaping out of the convent!" – Ellie (Iowa, USA)


                Read reviews by Kristin DykstraSarah MoweryEva and Mina Boekestein (The Outlook)Ronald Cammenga (Standard Bearer), and Jason Van Vliet (Clarion).


                • 208 pages
                • softcover
                • ISBN 978-1-944555-53-5
                • Release date: April 1, 2020


                eBook version available

                God's Goodness Always Particular

                Level Member Price $2.99


                2nd edition

                What does the Bible teach regarding God’s attitude to the reprobate ungodly? What are the implications that God has an attitude of favor to the wicked? Do the Psalms support or give the lie to the theory of common grace? Does Zwier’s “triple cord” of biblical texts hold firm, or is it cut to ribbons?

                Read this classic work and gain new appreciation for the truth that God’s goodness is always particular.


                Herman Hoeksema (HH) (1886-1965) was ordained into the ministry in the Christian Reformed Churches in 1915. He is considered one of the founding "fathers" of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. He taught in the Seminary of the Protestant Reformed Churches from its founding and until his retirement in 1964.


                • 144 pages
                • ISBN 978-1-936054-91-6

                Paperback version available

                When You Pray: Scripture's Teaching on Prayer

                Level Member Price $14.27


                How many Christians can confidently say that they have “mastered” the art of prayer? Probably no one. Hanko’s work, When You Pray, is blessedly refreshing in his admission that none of us is good at prayer—including himself. Yet, over the years of one’s life, the author assures us, a person can make progress in praying. 

                Hanko shares with his readers homely yet highly meaningful lessons he learned from growing up in a covenant family and covenantal church community. He also details the specific benefits of praying to the sovereign God of the universe, who knows our sins and weaknesses but loves us still. Valuable is this clear explanation of how God can be likened to the father of an earthly family, loving and caring for his own dear children. Eye-opening and helpful too is the author’s pinpointing of misconceptions people have about God and prayer that bar them from praying in a God-honoring way. 

                If you have found your devotional life to be frequently barren, reading what the author has learned the hard way over fifty years in ministry will give you a renewed desire to fellowship with your Father in prayer.


                Herman Hanko (1930-2024) served as a minister in the Protestant Reformed Churches from 1955 to 1965, when he was appointed to serve as professor in the Protestant Reformed Seminary in Grandville, MI. He served in that capacity until his retirement in 2001. Until his passing in April 2024, he continued to lecture widely in the USA, the United Kingdom, and other countries, including Singapore and the Philippines. He is the author of several RFPA books.


                • 192 pages
                • hardcover
                • ISBN 978-0-916206-94-9
                • Release date: 2006, 2019


                eBook version available

                audiobook version available

                Knowing God in the Last Days: Commentary on 2 Peter

                Level Member Price $9.43


                 Click to look inside

                Knowing God in the Last Days is an explanation of the general epistle of Peter to the early New Testament church. The primary theme of the letter is the knowledge of God, a concept that occurs many times and in various contexts throughout the book. This short epistle contains a wealth of instruction for the church today.

                The secondary theme of 2 Peter is the application of the knowledge of God to the last days in which we live. Especially in his third chapter, Peter reveals to the church the knowledge of God as it relates to the end times.

                Based on exegesis of the Greek text, this commentary gives clarity of explanation to God’s people regarding necessary and important aspects of today’s Christian life. May all who read be edified.


                Read reviews by Dr. Julian Kennedy (CPRC), Martyn McGeown (PRCA), and Heath Bleyenberg (PRC)


                Mark Homer Hoeksema (1949-2021) was the son of a Protestant Reformed minister. He had a great love for church history, facilitating and recording many dozens of interviews and profiles with men and women in the Reformed church tradition. Many of these can be found in the archives of the Standard Bearer and the Beacon Lights, a publication for Reformed young people of which he was editor-in-chief for some years. He also wrote numerous Bible study guides for the RFPA. 


                • 96 pages
                • hardcover
                • ISBN 978-1-944555-22-1
                • Release date: August 9, 2017


                eBook version available


                Always Reforming: Continuation of the Sixteenth Century Reformation

                Level Member Price $11.02


                Featuring over a dozen authors, Always Reforming demonstrates that the Spirit of Christ has carried on the reforming work of Christ in the sixteenth century in one particular branch of the church of the Reformation. A successor to The Sixteenth-Century Reformation of the Church, this book traces the continuing reformation in the Netherlands in the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries, and in the Protestant Reformed Churches in North America in the twentieth century.


                • 318 pages
                • paperback
                • ISBN 978-0-916206-99-4 
                • Edited by David Engelsma
                • Release date: June 6, 2016


                eBook version available 


                Other Books in the Rightly Dividing Series:

                Common Grace Revisited

                Reformed Worship

                Sixteenth Century Reformation

                Suffer Little Children Workbook (Grade 3) Suffer Little Children Workbook (Grade 3)

                Level Member Price $3.87


                 Click to view sample worksheet

                This Grade 3 workbook begins with a lesson on the intertestamentary period that explains the transition from the Old to the New Testament and then covers New Testament history in the Gospels and Acts.


                What others are saying about this book:

                "I was raised by immigrant parents who were new to the faith. My mom used all of Gertrude's curricula to teach us the Bible, and she learned as much from teaching it as we did! I remember studying and filling out all of the 6 workbooks as a child. Now, I'm a graduate of Reformation Bible College, and I'm continuing a career in theology with Ligonier...[That] all started with these curricula." - Giovanna M. (Orlando, FL)

                "I have been homeschooling now for 19 years. When our family first started homeschooling we bought a package curriculum from a company named Covenant Home. Included in that package was the Gertrude Hoeksema curriculum. We have used it in our home for years. I now own a small business that provides a one day per week enrichment program for homeschooled students (K-8th). We will be using the curriculum this year in one of our classes during the Bible lesson. I was so thrilled to discover that [the RFPA] carried exactly what I was looking for!" - Jenny Watts, The Friday Program

                • 54 pages
                • paperback 
                • ISBN 978-0-916206-21-1
                • Release date: 1979, 1991, 1996


                  RELATED PRODUCTS
                  Saved by Grace: A Study of the Five Points of Calvinism Saved by Grace: A Study of the Five Points of Calvinism
                  0 STOCK

                  Level Member Price $11.66


                  The five points of Calvinism (TULIP) are clearly explained and defended in this wonderful teaching tool. Typical objections to the "doctrines of grace" are answered using Scripture and the Reformed creeds as the authors present their arguments in an easy-to-follow format.


                  Ronald Hanko was ordained and installed in 1979 as minister at Covenant Protestant Reformed Church in Wyckoff, New Jersey. Throughout his time as a minister of the Word, he also served congregations in Houston, TX; Lynden, WA; and as a missionary in Northern Ireland. He has authored multiple RFPA books.

                  Ronald L. Cammenga is professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament Studies at the Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary in Wyoming, Michigan. He is a former pastor, and he and his wife, Rhonda, have eleven children and many grandchildren living in four states.


                  • 264 pages
                  • hardcover
                  • ISBN 978-0-916206-74-1 
                  • Release date: 2002


                  This book is available in Spanish here via

                  Federal Vision: Heresy at the Root

                  Level Member Price $11.67


                   Click to look inside

                  The contemporary heresy of the federal vision is wreaking havoc on the Reformed and Presbyterian churches in North America. The author exposes the ugly root of the heresy (a conditional covenant) and sets forth the truth of the unconditional covenant, proclaiming the Reformation’s gospel of salvation by grace alone.


                  Read reviews by Ian A. Hewitson (Westminster Theological Seminary) and Douglas Douma (A Place for Thoughts).


                  David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.


                  • 252 pages
                  • hardcover
                  • ISBN 978-1-936054-07-7
                  • Release date: 2012


                  Click the video below to watch an author interview, or follow the two links to see Feb and Mar 2023 interviews on the book by Rev. Don Veitch on his YouTube channel!

                  Federal Vision interview with Don Veitch, part one 

                  Federal Vision interview with Don Veitch, part two

                  Ten Commandments for Children, The Ten Commandments for Children, The

                  Level Member Price $16.96



                  This book teaches children...

                  • what God’s law is: his ten words to his people
                  • how we obey God's law: by loving him and our neighbor
                  • why we keep God's law: to thank him for delivering us from our sin, to be assured that he has made us his children, and more

                  This book explains and applies each commandment in two to three chapters, covering both what God forbids and requires. Chapters include discussion questions, a Bible memory verse, and a related psalm to be sung.


                  Read reviews by Amanda DeBoer (Clarion), Judy Joyce (Embracing a Healthy Family), Abby VanSolkema (The Left Fork), Dawn Peluso (Schoolin' Swag), Vanessa Le (The Outlook), and Todd and Nicole Kooienga (The Grandville Gleaner)! Also, check out our feature on here!


                  Ronald L. Cammenga is professor of dogmatics and Old Testament studies at the Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary in Wyoming, Michigan. Ten Commandments is his first children's book.

                  Ana Sebastián is a digital illustrator and visual development artist based in Madrid, Spain. 


                  • 63 pages
                  • Hardcover
                  • ISBN 978-0-916206-30-7
                  • Release date: May 2023


                  Find other Reformed children's books here.

                  Find other New Releases here.

                  Other books in the Doctrine for Children series: COMING SOON!


                  eBook version available

                  Particular Grace: A Defense of God's Sovereignty in Salvation Particular Grace: A Defense of God's Sovereignty in Salvation

                  Level Member Price $19.47


                   Click to look inside

                  "The book is controversial. It was controversial when it was written. It is still controversial in Reformed churches..."

                  Originally published in Dutch (De Gemeene Gratis) at the end of the nineteenth century, Particular Grace's explanation and development of the gospel of salvation by the grace of God in Jesus Christ was controversial then and continues to be so today. But by no means is the book controversy alone. Within is the lively, warm writing of a Reformed theologian who influenced much of the Reformed church world in his time. Kuyper is fresh. Kuyper is fervent. Kuyper storms the heart of the believer.


                  What others are saying about the book:

                  "The Reformed Free Publishing Association has accomplished a breakthrough. For the first time, with the possible exception of Kuyper's work on the Holy Spirit, the Kuyper of sound Reformed doctrine and church reformation is presented to the English reading public...The book is biblical, deliberately and pervasively so...Reformed believers will surely be impressed with the power of the author's language and argument, the breadth of this acquaintance with past and contemporary discussion, and the cumulative weight of his case. They will also find Kuyper surprisingly fresh and pointed. Many contemporary denials of particular grace are anticipated by his arguments."Mid-America Journal of Theology

                  "All in all, these forty short chapters—none is longer than ten pages, most are shorter—should help clear our minds again so that we return to a Biblical view of grace. This is as sorely needed today as it was in Kuyper’s day. Will the reader agree with every idea Kuyper writes? Probably not. Only God’s Word is to be agreed with in toto. However, Kuyper is attempting here to open up for his readers the wonderful truth of Scripture...A word must be said about the appearance of the volume. It is clearly printed on nice stock. The binding is handsome. Take it up and read it, and your heart will be blessed." - Jerome Julien (The Outlook)


                  Read reviews by Jerome Julien (The Outlook) and David Engelsma.


                  • 376 pages
                  • hardcover 
                  • ISBN 978-0-916206-66-1
                  • Release date: May 16, 2014


                  eBook version available

                  His Mercy Endureth Forever: Psalm 136 His Mercy Endureth Forever: Psalm 136

                  Level Member Price $11.86


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                  O give thanks to the Lord of lords: for his mercy endureth for ever. To him who alone doeth great wonders: for his mercy endureth for ever. To him that by wisdom made the heavens: for his mercy endureth for ever. —Psalm 136:3–5 (KJV)

                  God’s mercy endures forever. And the same mercy he displayed in the creation of the world and to his people Israel, he also reveals to his children in Jesus Christ. The words of this psalm and illustrator Kathleen DeJong’s beautiful acrylics and line drawings will inspire covenant children and their parents to thank God each day for his unending mercies.

                  Read reviews by Mary Beth Lubbers, Sarah Mowery (Perspectives), Kelly (Hope in the Chaos), and Amy Butler (The Write Balance).


                  What others have said about this book:

                  "Not all illustrations of Scripture are lawful or tasteful. However, Kathleen’s book of pictures carefully captures the beauty of God’s mercy described in Psalm 136. Each sketch has the imprint not only of a skilled artist but also of one who has meditated on God’s Word. Both children and adults will grow in gratitude to God by pondering the inspired text as it is illuminated by insightful art."  — Jon Mahtani, Pastor of Hope Protestant Reformed Church

                  "Kathleen DeJong has beautifully illustrated Psalm 136 in this book. Some of these detailed, vibrant pictures portray actual historical events from scripture; others portray the spiritual reality behind biblical events. I especially appreciate that the book begins and ends with illustrations that remind us that the psalms were meant to be sung by God’s people—people who always rejoice in the goodness and mercy of their God." — Karen Van Baren, Reformed Christian school teacher


                  Kathleen DeJong is a freelance artist from the greater Chicago area. She has done art projects for various businesses, including book illustration, murals, portraits, pet paintings, and assorted ceramics.

                  • 36 pages
                  • hardcover
                  • ISBN 978-1-944555-43-6
                  • Release date: 2018


                  Edit: This book description has been updated to remove links to the Deputie Tribe blog and Our Everyday Harvest blog, which links no longer exist.


                  eBook version available

                  When You Pray (audiobook)
                  0 STOCK

                  Level Member Price $5.00


                  All RFPA audiobooks are temporarily unavailable for purchase. Please contact with any questions. Thanks for your patience!


                   Listen to a sample

                  How many Christians can confidently say that they have “mastered” the art of prayer? Probably no one. Hanko’s work, When You Pray, is blessedly refreshing in his admission that none of us is good at prayer—including himself. Yet, over the years of one’s life, the author assures us, a person can make progress in praying. 

                  Hanko shares with his readers homely yet highly meaningful lessons he learned from growing up in a covenant family and covenantal church community. He also details the specific benefits of praying to the sovereign God of the universe, who knows our sins and weaknesses but loves us still. Valuable is this clear explanation of how God can be likened to the father of an earthly family, loving and caring for his own dear children. Eye-opening and helpful too is the author’s pinpointing of misconceptions people have about God and prayer that bar them from praying in a God-honoring way. 

                  If you have found your devotional life to be frequently barren, reading what the author has learned the hard way over fifty years in ministry will give you a renewed desire to fellowship with your Father in prayer.


                  Herman Hanko (1930-2024) served as a minister in the Protestant Reformed Churches from 1955 to 1965, when he was appointed to serve as professor in the Protestant Reformed Seminary in Grandville, MI. He served in that capacity until his retirement in 2001. Until his passing in April 2024, he continued to lecture widely in the USA, the United Kingdom, and other countries, including Singapore and the Philippines. He is the author of several RFPA books.

                  • Length: 7 hrs and 54 mins
                  • Narrated by: Christopher Boucher
                  • ISBN 978-1-944555-52-8 (audiobook)


                  hardcover version available

                  eBook version available

                  Reformed Dogmatics (volumes 1 and 2 set) (eBook)

                  Level Member Price $5.98


                  This set contains volumes 1 and 2 of the Reformed Dogmatics series by Herman Hoeksema. Buy the books individually here: Volume 1 (eBook) and Volume 2 (eBook).


                  2nd edition

                  One of Christianity Today's Best Books of the Year in 1968!


                  This is a two-volume series titled Reformed Dogmatics by Herman Hoeksema. A clear, systematic study and exposition of Reformed theology written by a man who held the Chair of Dogmatics for some forty years at the Protestant Reformed seminary, the book is divided into the six generally-accepted branches of theology (theology, anthropology, Christology, soteriology, ecclesiology, and eschatology). This scholarly work is logical, Scripturally sound, and faithful to the Reformed creeds and traditions.


                  What others are saying about these books:

                  "This is Herman Hoeksema’s greatest book, and he did not live to see it published. Reformed Dogmatics is the deposit of the mature thinking of an authentic theologian; it displays a breadth of thought and a richness of insight and originality little known to those who knew the author only in terms of that theological controversy which created his public image but overshadowed his theological stature." - James Daane (Reformed Journal)

                  "We should not leave the narrower sphere of dogmatics without a reference to this very substantial attempt at a comprehensive theological statement. At a time when flighty faddism threatens to destroy true theology, it is good to have some more solid works. Persevering and judicious reading of this work will probably contribute more to genuine theological education than skimming through the latest Pseudo doctrinal "thrillers." - Geoffrey W. Bromiley (Christianity Today)

                  "Hoeksema's summa, a modern statement of Reformed theology (with its insistence on total depravity and amillennialism), attempts to synthesize truth exegeted from Scripture into a systematic whole." - Robert L. Cleath (Christianity Today)


                  Read a review by M. Eugene Osterhaven (Christianity Today).

                  Herman Hoeksema (HH) (1886-1965) was ordained into the ministry in the Christian Reformed Churches in 1915. He is considered one of the founding "fathers" of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. He taught in the Seminary of the Protestant Reformed Churches from its founding and until his retirement in 1964.


                  Hardcover version of the set available here.

                  Trinity and Covenant: God as Holy Family

                  Level Member Price $12.97


                  Can believers and their children understand more about God’s covenant fellowship with his people with his people if they have a better understanding of the inner, triune life of God in himself? Does the life of Jesus Christ revealed in the Holy Scriptures help? What have Augustine, John Calvin, Karl Barth, Leonardo Boff and others offered on this topic?

                  Trinity and Covenant: God as Holy Family by Professor David Engelsma answers these questions and more.

                  In the light of profound insights of Augustine, following the lead of certain theologians in the Reformed tradition, and on the basis of the Holy Scripture, this book conceives the life of God in himself as fundamentally family fellowship. The fellowship of the Father and the Son in the Holy Spirit determines the nature of God’s works in the creating and redeeming humanity. The reader of this book will grow in the understanding of God’s covenant fellowship with his people.


                  David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.


                  • 158 pages
                  • hardcover
                  • ISBN 978-0-916206-93-2
                  • Release date: June 24, 2014


                  eBook version available

                  Sin and Grace Sin and Grace

                  Level Member Price $11.02


                  Written by two young ministers embroiled in conflict, this book was originally published in Dutch in 1923. Dead aim is taken at the doctrine of common grace, and great care is taken to prove its errors using Scripture and the Reformed creeds. The doctrine of the antithesis and the organic idea of the covenant are also developed. This is a logical refutation of a common error, as well as a lesson in twentieth-century Reformed church history.


                  Henry Danhof and Herman Hoeksema are considered two of the founding "fathers" of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. 


                  • 288 pages
                  • hardcover
                  • ISBN 978-0-916206-73-4
                  • Release date: 1923 (Dutch), 2003


                  eBook version available

                  Reformed Faith of John Calvin: The Institutes in Summary Reformed Faith of John Calvin: The Institutes in Summary

                  Level Member Price $22.72



                  As the subtitle indicates, The Reformed Faith of John Calvin is a summary (not an abridgment) in one volume of John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion. In a succinct, systematic way, the book sets forth the essence of the great reformer's teachings in his Institutes on all the truths of the Christian religion.

                  Throughout, this sum of Calvin's explanation and defense of the truths of the Christian faith is either expressed or supported by quotations of Calvin. The book is replete with quotations from the Institutes (in the judgment of the author, the most important and vivid statements of Calvin), so that the reader hears Calvin himself.

                  One who reads this book will know the Institutes and its comprehensive, powerful instruction in the Reformed faith—the faith of the sixteenth-century Reformation of the church and the faith of true churches of Christ in the twenty-first century.

                  The book also gives a brief explanation of certain of Calvin's teachings, offers analysis of Calvin's doctrine, applies the reformer's teachings to contemporary doctrinal issues, and even, rarely, becomes so bold as to criticize Calvin's doctrine, for instance, Calvin's teaching that the magistrate is called to enforce the first table of the law of God.

                  Many seminarians, pastors, elders, and laity, perhaps even a theologian or two, although desirous of learning the content of the Institutes, are put off from reading it by the sheer size of the massive, two-volume work or are hindered by the demands of their calling. This summary will supply their want and, it is hoped, motivate them to read the Institutes itself.


                  David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.


                  • 472 pages
                  • hardcover
                  • ISBN 978-1-936054-00-8 
                  • Release date: February 4, 2016


                  eBook version available

                  Translation missing: