Always Reforming (eBook)
Featuring over a dozen authors, Always Reforming demonstrates that the Spirit of Christ has carried on the reforming work of Christ in the sixteenth century in one particular branch of the church of the Reformation. A successor to The Sixteenth-Century Reformation of the Church, this book traces the continuing reformation in the Netherlands in the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries, and in the Protestant Reformed Churches in North America in the twentieth century.
- 318 pages
- ISBN 978-1-944555-09-2
- Edited by David Engelsma
Paperback version available
Other Books in the Rightly Dividing Series:
Common Grace Revisited (eBook)
Reformed Worship (eBook)
Always Reforming: Continuation of the Sixteenth Century Reformation
Featuring over a dozen authors, Always Reforming demonstrates that the Spirit of Christ has carried on the reforming work of Christ in the sixteenth century in one particular branch of the church of the Reformation. A successor to The Sixteenth-Century Reformation of the Church, this book traces the continuing reformation in the Netherlands in the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries, and in the Protestant Reformed Churches in North America in the twentieth century.
- 318 pages
- paperback
- ISBN 978-0-916206-99-4
- Edited by David Engelsma
- Release date: June 6, 2016
eBook version available
Other Books in the Rightly Dividing Series:
Battle for Sovereign Grace in the Covenant (eBook)
This book recounts much of the gripping history of the schism of 1953 within the Protestant Reformed Churches (PRC), the culmination of the hard fought battle for sovereign grace in the covenant. The book includes new, important details that have not been previously published and also provides the history of the controversial adoption by the PRCA of the Declaration of Principles, the document that in some ways occasioned the schism of 1953. In the appendices of the book, Engelsma gives a brief, valuable commentary on the Declaration, the first commentary to be written.
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 304 pages
- ISBN 978-1-936054-27-5
Battle for Sovereign Grace in the Covenant: The Declaration of Principles
This book recounts much of the gripping history of the schism of 1953 within the Protestant Reformed Churches (PRC), the culmination of the hard-fought battle for sovereign grace in the covenant. The book includes new, important details that have not been previously published and also provides the history of the controversial adoption by the PRCA of the Declaration of Principles, the document that in some ways occasioned the schism of 1953. In the appendices of the book, Engelsma gives a brief, valuable commentary on the Declaration, the first such commentary to be written.
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 304 pages
- Hardcover
- ISBN 978-1-936054-19-0
- Release date: June 16, 2013
Belgic Confession: A Commentary - volume 1
An orthodox commentary on the confession, that is, one that is in wholehearted accord with the teachings of the confession, and resolutely faithful to them, will be profitable to Reformed Christians and churches in the twenty-first century, not only for invaluable instruction in the Reformed faith, but also for the maintenance and defense of Reformed orthodoxy.
Founded on holy scripture, the Belgic Confession determines sound doctrine for Reformed churches and believers. This doctrine is rich, lovely, and powerful. The confession also authoritatively exposes contemporary heresies. As they read this commentary which proclaims the doctrine and authority of the confession, all believers who love the Reformed faith will be faithfully guided in the truth of the “old paths.”
Volume one covers Articles 1-21 of the Belgic Confession.
Read reviews by Ronald Cammenga (PRTJ Nov 2019), Herman Hanko, Nathan Langerak, and Dr. H. David Schuringa.
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 368 pages
- hardcover
- ISBN 978-1-944555-33-7
- Release date: June 1, 2018
Belgic Confession: A Commentary - volume 1 (eBook)
An orthodox commentary on the confession, that is, one that is in wholehearted accord with the teachings of the confession, and resolutely faithful to them, will be profitable to Reformed Christians and churches in the twenty-first century, not only for invaluable instruction in the Reformed faith, but also for the maintenance and defense of Reformed orthodoxy.
Founded on holy scripture, the Belgic Confession determines sound doctrine for Reformed churches and believers. This doctrine is rich, lovely, and powerful. The confession also authoritatively exposes contemporary heresies. As they read this commentary which proclaims the doctrine and authority of the confession, all believers who love the Reformed faith will be faithfully guided in the truth of the “old paths.”
Volume one covers Articles 1-21 of the Belgic Confession.
Read reviews by Ronald Cammenga (PRTJ Nov 2019), Herman Hanko, Nathan Langerak, and Dr. H. David Schuringa.
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 368 pages
- ISBN 978-1-944555-34-4
Hardcover version available
Other Books in the Belgic Confession Series:
Belgic Confession: A Commentary - volume 2 (eBook)Belgic Confession: A Commentary - volume 2
With the publication of this book is completed a Reformed, full-scale, commentary on the Belgic Confession, of which there are few in English today. This second volume is not a summary of the Confession, nor a compilation of sermons loosely based on the Confession, but a commentary. It explains the Confession, article by article, doctrine by doctrine.
Volume two begins with the Confession’s opening article on the doctrine of salvation, continues with the Confession’s lengthy treatment of the doctrine of the church, and concludes with the Confession’s explanation of the doctrine of the last things—eschatology.
Volume two covers Articles 22-37 of the Belgic Confession and includes indexes for both volume 1 and volume 2.
Read reviews by Allen Brummel, H. David Schuringa (Christian Renewal) and Ronald Cammenga (PRTJ Nov 2019).
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 400 pages
- hardcover
- ISBN 978-1-944555-35-1
- Release date: June 5, 2019
eBook version available
Other Books in the Belgic Confession Series:
Belgic Confession: A Commentary - volume 1
Belgic Confession: A Commentary - volume 2 (eBook)
With the publication of this book is completed a Reformed, full-scale, commentary on the Belgic Confession, of which there are few in English today. This second volume is not a summary of the Confession, nor a compilation of sermons loosely based on the Confession, but a commentary. It explains the Confession, article by article, doctrine by doctrine.
Volume two begins with the Confession’s opening article on the doctrine of salvation, continues with the Confession’s lengthy treatment of the doctrine of the church, and concludes with the Confession’s explanation of the doctrine of the last things—eschatology.
Volume two covers Articles 22-37 of the Belgic Confession and includes indexes for both volume 1 and volume 2.
Read reviews by Allen Brummel, H. David Schuringa (Christian Renewal) and Ronald Cammenga (PRTJ Nov 2019).
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 400 pages
- ISBN 978-1-944555-36-8
Better to Marry
2nd edition
Better to Marry provides straightforward, practical instruction for single and married believers alike, taken directly from the classic Bible passages on sex and marriage. Two appendices treat the remarriage and prohibition of the remarriage of the "innocent party."
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 128 pages
- paperback
- ISBN 978-1-936054-38-1
- Release date: 1993, 2014
eBook version available
Better to Marry (eBook)
2nd edition
Better to Marry provides straightforward, practical instruction for single and married believers alike, taken directly from the classic Bible passages on sex and marriage. Two appendices treat the remarriage and prohibition of the remarriage of the "innocent party."
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 128 pages
- ISBN 978-1-936054-39-8
Hardcover version available
Bound to Join (eBook)
Some professing Christians deny the necessity of church membership. Others join a church for unsubstantial reasons or leave a church for trivial, often selfish reasons. Many remain members of apostatizing churches because of family or traditional ties. Some Christians find themselves in areas or countries where no true church exists or can be formed. They ask, sometimes in anguish, "What must we do?"
Seemingly forgotten today is the truth that Jesus Christ institutes his catholic church in organized congregations that are clearly identified by objective marks. These are true churches, in distinction from false and apostatizing churches.
In the form of letters to an inquiring (though not always appreciative) European audience, this book addresses the issue of church membership in the twenty-first century. This instruction is applicable to all believers and is based on scripture, the Belgic Confession, and the important, but little known, controversy of John Calvin with the Nicodemites.
Read review by David Higgs (The Evangelical Presbyterian July 2011)
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 184 pages
- ISBN 978-1-936054-10-7
Hardcover version available
Bound to Join: Letters on Church Membership
Some professing Christians deny the necessity of church membership. Others join a church for unsubstantial reasons or leave a church for trivial, often selfish reasons. Many remain members of apostatizing churches because of family or traditional ties. Some Christians find themselves in areas or countries where no true church exists or can be formed. They ask, sometimes in anguish, "What must we do?"
Seemingly forgotten today is the truth that Jesus Christ institutes his catholic church in organized congregations that are clearly identified by objective marks. These are true churches, in distinction from false and apostatizing churches.
In the form of letters to an inquiring (though not always appreciative) European audience, this book addresses the issue of church membership in the twenty-first century. This instruction is applicable to all believers and is based on scripture, the Belgic Confession, and the important, but little known, controversy of John Calvin with the Nicodemites.
Read review by David Higgs (The Evangelical Presbyterian July 2011)
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 184 pages
- hardcover
- ISBN 978-1-936054-03-9
- Release date: 2010
Christianizing the World (eBook)
This book is a critique of Abraham Kuyper’s cultural theory of a common grace of God and of the grandiose mission of this grace, and of those who confess the theory and evidently intend to promote it so that it accomplishes the end Kuyper claimed. The book exposes Kuyper’s biblical basis for his theory and its practical mission.
The first and main part of the book is a much-expanded version of the public lecture given in Grand Rapids, Michigan in 2014 under the auspices of the evangelism society of Southwest Protestant Reformed Church in Wyoming, Michigan. The second part of the book consists of questions raised by the audience at the conclusion of the lecture and of the answers by the speaker at the lecture.
Read reviews by Robert Burford (Frankston South, Australia), Arie den Hartog (PRCA), William Gibson (the English Churchman), Dr. Julian Kennedy (CPRC), Craig Ferguson, and Gerry Wisz (Christian Renewal)
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 192 pages
- ISBN 978-1-944555-03-0
Hardcover version available
Christianizing the World: Reformed Calling or Ecclesiastical Suicide?
This book is a critique of Abraham Kuyper’s cultural theory of a common grace of God and of the grandiose mission of this grace, and of those who confess the theory and evidently intend to promote it so that it accomplishes the end Kuyper claimed. The book exposes Kuyper’s biblical basis for his theory and its practical mission.
The first and main part of the book is a much-expanded version of the public lecture given in Grand Rapids, Michigan in 2014 under the auspices of the evangelism society of Southwest Protestant Reformed Church in Wyoming, Michigan. The second part of the book consists of questions raised by the audience at the conclusion of the lecture and of the answers by the speaker at the lecture.
Read reviews by Robert Burford (Frankston South, Australia), Arie den Hartog (PRCA), William Gibson (the English Churchman), Dr. Julian Kennedy (CPRC), Craig Ferguson, and Gerry Wisz (Christian Renewal)
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 192 pages
- hardcover
- ISBN 978-1-944555-02-3
- Release date: May 9, 2016
eBook version available
Church's Hope: The Reformed Doctrine of the End - Vol. 1, The Millennium
The Christian’s hope is the visible, bodily, glorious return of the Lord Jesus Christ on the clouds of heaven with the resurrection of the Christian’s body, the public vindication of the Christian at the last judgment, and the enjoyment of the glories of the new creation. In the Reformed Doctrine of the End series, the author writes on eschatology in service of the church’s hope. As Engelsma demonstrates, the last things—centrally the coming of Christ—are the purpose and goal of all the revelation of God in scripture, from beginning to end. This book will encourage the Christian as he heeds Christ’s instruction regarding that coming: “Gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 1:13).
This 1st volume treats the magnificent subjects of the intermediate state and the millennium. The bulk of this book is devoted to a thorough analysis of the millennium, with a vigorous defense of Reformed amillennialism. Especially thorough is Engelsma’s critique of postmillennialism, which he sees as a threat to Reformed churches.
Both postmillennialism and dispensational premillennialism subvert the church’s hope. Postmillenialism fixes the believer’s hope on a golden age within history in which the church will be dominant—a carnal victory. Dispensational premillenialism fixes the believer’s hope on a fictitious rapture, which will snatch the church out of the world so that God can fulfill his program in history with the Jews. Both views leave the church unprepared for the future.
Read reviews by Jerome Julian, Justin Smidstra, and Martyn McGeown
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 350 pages
- Softcover
- ISBN 978-1-944555-67-2
- Release date: 2021
eBook version available
The Church's Hope: The Reformed Doctrine of the End - Vol. 2, The Coming of Christ
Church's Hope: The Reformed Doctrine of the End - Vol. 1, The Millennium (eBook)
The Christian’s hope is the visible, bodily, glorious return of the Lord Jesus Christ on the clouds of heaven with the resurrection of the Christian’s body, the public vindication of the Christian at the last judgment, and the enjoyment of the glories of the new creation. In the Reformed Doctrine of the End series, the author writes on eschatology in service of the church’s hope. As Engelsma demonstrates, the last things—centrally the coming of Christ—are the purpose and goal of all the revelation of God in scripture, from beginning to end. This book will encourage the Christian as he heeds Christ’s instruction regarding that coming: “Gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 1:13).
This 1st volume treats the magnificent subjects of the intermediate state and the millennium. The bulk of this book is devoted to a thorough analysis of the millennium, with a vigorous defense of Reformed amillennialism. Especially thorough is Engelsma’s critique of postmillennialism, which he sees as a threat to Reformed churches.
Both postmillennialism and dispensational premillennialism subvert the church’s hope. Postmillenialism fixes the believer’s hope on a golden age within history in which the church will be dominant—a carnal victory. Dispensational premillenialism fixes the believer’s hope on a fictitious rapture, which will snatch the church out of the world so that God can fulfill his program in history with the Jews. Both views leave the church unprepared for the future.
Read reviews by Jerome Julian, Justin Smidstra, and Martyn McGeown
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 350 pages
- ISBN 978-1-959515-15-9
Softcover version available
The Church's Hope: The Reformed Doctrine of the End - Vol. 2, The Coming of Christ (eBook)
Church's Hope: The Reformed Doctrine of the End - Vol. 2, The Coming of Christ
The Christian’s hope is the visible, bodily, glorious return of the Lord Jesus Christ on the clouds of heaven with the resurrection of the Christian’s body, the public vindication of the Christian at the last judgment, and the enjoyment of the glories of the new creation. In the Reformed Doctrine of the End series, the author writes on eschatology in service of the church’s hope. As Engelsma demonstrates, the last things—centrally the coming of Christ—are the purpose and goal of all the revelation of God in scripture, from beginning to end. This book will encourage the Christian as he heeds Christ’s instruction regarding that coming: “Gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 1:13).
In this 2nd volume, the reader learns that the truth central to all eschatology is the second coming of Jesus Christ itself - what the Greek of the New Testament promises as the parousia, literally the presence (of Jesus Christ). All other aspects of the biblical doctrine of the coming of Jesus are subordinate to this coming, either leading to it, accompanying it, or proceeding from it. Therefore, the proper subtitle of this second volume is The Coming of Christ.
The coming of Christ Jesus, with all that is related to it, will be the “end.” Such is Jesus’ own description of his coming in Matthew 24:14: “And then shall the end come,” which might be paraphrased, “And then shall the goal be reached.” The coming of Christ, with all that precedes and follows, is the goal of God, not only with the events of the last days but also of all history. All the events belonging strictly to the last things, all the history of the New Testament church, all the history of the world beginning with its creation, and all the doctrines of the Christian faith have the coming, or presence, of Jesus Christ as their goal.
This is the importance of the content of this volume. This is why the outstanding promise of the gospel is that uttered by Jesus himself: “I come quickly” (Rev. 22:12). And this is why the fundamental prayer of the church is, in response, “Even so, come, Lord Jesus” (Rev. 22:20).
Read reviews by Justin Smidstra (PRCA), Mitchell Dixon (Presbyterion, Covenant Theological Seminary).
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 192 pages
- softcover
- ISBN: 978-1-73681542-7
- Release date: 2022
eBook version available
The Church's Hope: The Reformed Doctrine of the End - Vol. 1, The Millennium
Church's Hope: The Reformed Doctrine of the End - Vol. 2, The Coming of Christ (eBook)
The Christian’s hope is the visible, bodily, glorious return of the Lord Jesus Christ on the clouds of heaven with the resurrection of the Christian’s body, the public vindication of the Christian at the last judgment, and the enjoyment of the glories of the new creation. In the Reformed Doctrine of the End series, the author writes on eschatology in service of the church’s hope. As Engelsma demonstrates, the last things—centrally the coming of Christ—are the purpose and goal of all the revelation of God in scripture, from beginning to end. This book will encourage the Christian as he heeds Christ’s instruction regarding that coming: “Gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 1:13).
In this 2nd volume, the reader learns that the truth central to all eschatology is the second coming of Jesus Christ itself - what the Greek of the New Testament promises as the parousia, literally the presence (of Jesus Christ). All other aspects of the biblical doctrine of the coming of Jesus are subordinate to this coming, either leading to it, accompanying it, or proceeding from it. Therefore, the proper subtitle of this second volume is The Coming of Christ.
The coming of Christ Jesus, with all that is related to it, will be the “end.” Such is Jesus’ own description of his coming in Matthew 24:14: “And then shall the end come,” which might be paraphrased, “And then shall the goal be reached.” The coming of Christ, with all that precedes and follows, is the goal of God, not only with the events of the last days but also of all history. All the events belonging strictly to the last things, all the history of the New Testament church, all the history of the world beginning with its creation, and all the doctrines of the Christian faith have the coming, or presence, of Jesus Christ as their goal.
This is the importance of the content of this volume. This is why the outstanding promise of the gospel is that uttered by Jesus himself: “I come quickly” (Rev. 22:12). And this is why the fundamental prayer of the church is, in response, “Even so, come, Lord Jesus” (Rev. 22:20).
Read reviews by Justin Smidstra (PRCA), Mitchell Dixon (Presbyterion, Covenant Theological Seminary).
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 192 pages
- ISBN 978-1-7368154-3-4
Softcover version available
The Church's Hope: The Reformed Doctrine of the End - Vol. 1, The Millennium (eBook)
Common Grace Revisited (eBook)
Written as a response to Dr. Richard J. Mouw's He Shines in All That's Fair: Culture and Common Grace, this book examines the theory of common grace in the light of scripture and the Reformed confessions, challenges Shines' claim to be part of the body of Reformed truth, and proposes an alternative to common grace.
What others are saying about the book:
"Worth the read...a small paperback that's extremely meaty and offers those who believe in common interesting and different perspective on the issue. It summarizes Dr. Engelsma's position in the wake of his 'debate' with Dr. Richard Mouw on the subject. I used to have at least a half-dozen copies, but I gave all but one away." —a reader
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 112 pages
- paperback
- ISBN 978-1-936054-43-5
Paperback version available
Other Books in the Rightly Dividing Series:
Reformed Worship (eBook)
Always Reforming (eBook)
Common Grace Revisited: A Response to Richard J. Mouw's He Shines in All That's Fair
Written as a response to Dr. Richard J. Mouw's He Shines in All That's Fair: Culture and Common Grace, this book examines the theory of common grace in the light of scripture and the Reformed confessions, challenges Shines' claim to be part of the body of Reformed truth, and proposes an alternative to common grace.
What others are saying about the book:
"Worth the read...a small paperback that's extremely meaty and offers those who believe in common interesting and different perspective on the issue. It summarizes Dr. Engelsma's position in the wake of his 'debate' with Dr. Richard Mouw on the subject. I used to have at least a half-dozen copies, but I gave all but one away." —a reader
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 112 pages
- paperback
- ISBN 978-0-916206-81-9
- Release date: June 24, 2014
eBook version available
Other Books in the Rightly Dividing Series:
Covenant and Election in the Reformed Tradition
Covenant and election are two of the most prominent and most important truths in Scripture. They run through the Bible like two grand, harmonious themes in symphony. These two doctrines and their relation are the twofold subject of this book.
The author illumines covenant and election from the controversial history of the confession of the teachings and their relation to the Reformed tradition—from John Calvin in the sixteenth-century through the fathers of the Secession churches in the nineteenth-century Netherlands to the twentieth-century theologians Herman Bavinck and Herman Hoeksema.
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 288 pages
- hardcover
- ISBN 978-1-936054-02-2
- Release date: 2011
Covenant and Election in the Reformed Tradition (eBook)
Covenant and election are two of the most prominent and most important truths in Scripture. They run through the Bible like two grand, harmonious themes in symphony. These two doctrines and their relation are the twofold subject of this book.
The author illumines covenant and election from the controversial history of the confession of the teachings and their relation to the Reformed tradition—from John Calvin in the sixteenth-century through the fathers of the Secession churches in the nineteenth-century Netherlands to the twentieth-century theologians Herman Bavinck and Herman Hoeksema.
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 288 pages
- ISBN 978-1-936054-09-1
Hardcover version available
Covenant of God and the Children of Believers, The
The Covenant of God and the Children of Believers defends the Reformed faith of the covenant of God by exposing the view of the covenant from which the attack of the "federal vision" arises. At the same time, the book sets forth the doctrine of the covenant that safeguards and promotes the gospel of sovereign grace, demonstrating that this covenant doctrine is biblical, confessional, and traditionally Reformed.
Since the controversy centers on the inclusion of the children of believers in the covenant, this book emphasizes the rightful place of children in the covenant of grace and the proper rearing of them. The author gives consideration to the views of the Protestant Reformed Churches, Baptists, the Netherlands Reformed congregations, and the Canadian Reformed Churches ("liberated") on this topic. Leading representatives of these churches and traditions join in the discussion.
What others are saying about the book:
"The Covenant of God and the Children of Believers strikes a death blow to the heart of heresy which is sweeping through Reformed churches." —English Churchman
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 250 pages
- hardcover
- ISBN 978-0-916206-91-8
- Release date: January 12, 2015
eBook version available
Covenant of God and the Children of Believers, The (eBook)
The Covenant of God and the Children of Believers defends the Reformed faith of the covenant of God by exposing the view of the covenant from which the attack of the "federal vision" arises. At the same time, the book sets forth the doctrine of the covenant that safeguards and promotes the gospel of sovereign grace, demonstrating that this covenant doctrine is biblical, confessional, and traditionally Reformed.
Since the controversy centers on the inclusion of the children of believers in the covenant, this book emphasizes the rightful place of children in the covenant of grace and the proper rearing of them. The author gives consideration to the views of the Protestant Reformed Churches, Baptists, the Netherlands Reformed Congregations, and the Canadian Reformed Churches ("liberated") on this topic. Leading representatives of these churches and traditions join in the discussion.
What others are saying about the book:
"The Covenant of God and the Children of Believers strikes a death blow to the heart of heresy which is sweeping through Reformed churches." —English Churchman
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 250 pages
- ISBN 978-1-936054-80-0
Hardcover version available
Defense of the Church Institute, A (eBook)
The statement in Article 28 of the Belgic Confession that all believers are “in duty bound to join and unite themselves with” an instituted church that has the three marks of the true church has proved to be controversial in North America and Europe. Engelsma’s recent book, Bound to Join, addresses the doctrine of church membership and has received criticism from both expected and unexpected critics.
This book answers those critics, defending the doctrine of church membership and demonstrating that love for the universal, invisible church invariably expresses itself by love for the manifestation of this church in the church institute. This book also examines the "house church" movement and the claim by such men as Harold Camping that the church age has ended.
This book is a must-read, especially for those who have read Bound to Join!
Read reviews on and
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 160 pages
- ISBN 978-1-936054-15-2
Hardcover version available
Defense of the Church Institute: Response to the Critics of Bound to Join
The statement in Article 28 of the Belgic Confession that all believers are “in duty bound to join and unite themselves with” an instituted church that has the three marks of the true church has proved to be controversial in North America and Europe. Engelsma’s recent book, Bound to Join, addresses the doctrine of church membership and has received criticism from both expected and unexpected critics.
This book answers those critics, defending the doctrine of church membership and demonstrating that love for the universal, invisible church invariably expresses itself by love for the manifestation of this church in the church institute. This book also examines the "house church" movement and the claim by such men as Harold Camping that the church age has ended.
This book is a must-read, especially for those who have read Bound to Join!
Read reviews on and
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 160 pages
- hardcover
- ISBN 978–1–936054–13–8
- Release date: 2012
Federal Vision (eBook)
The contemporary heresy of the federal vision is wreaking havoc on the Reformed and Presbyterian churches in North America. The author exposes the ugly root of the heresy (a conditional covenant) and sets forth the truth of the unconditional covenant, proclaiming the Reformation’s gospel of salvation by grace alone.
Read reviews by Ian A. Hewitson (Westminster Theological Seminary) and Douglas Douma (A Place for Thoughts).
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 252 pages
- ISBN 978-1-936054-08-4
Hardcover version available
Federal Vision: Heresy at the Root
The contemporary heresy of the federal vision is wreaking havoc on the Reformed and Presbyterian churches in North America. The author exposes the ugly root of the heresy (a conditional covenant) and sets forth the truth of the unconditional covenant, proclaiming the Reformation’s gospel of salvation by grace alone.
Read reviews by Ian A. Hewitson (Westminster Theological Seminary) and Douglas Douma (A Place for Thoughts).
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 252 pages
- hardcover
- ISBN 978-1-936054-07-7
- Release date: 2012
Click the video below to watch an author interview, or follow the two links to see Feb and Mar 2023 interviews on the book by Rev. Don Veitch on his YouTube channel!
Gospel Truth of Justification (eBook)
AD 2017 marked the five-hundredth anniversary of the Reformation of the church of Jesus Christ. In 1517 the Reformer Martin Luther affixed the ninety-five theses to the door of the church in Wittenberg, Germany, the act by which Jesus Christ began his reformation of his church. Essential to this Reformation was the gospel-truth of justification by faith alone. This book on justification is intended by the Reformed Free Publishing Association and the author to celebrate that glorious work of Christ.
But the purpose is more than a celebration of the beginning of the Reformation. It is to maintain, defend, and promote the Reformation in the perilous times for the church at present. The doctrine of justification by faith alone is so fundamental to the gospel of grace that an exposition and defense of this truth are in order always. The true church of Christ in the world simply cannot keep silent about this doctrine. To keep silent about justification by faith alone would be to silence the gospel.
Read reviews by Douglas Douma (A Place for Thoughts), John Marcus, Martin Vanderwal. and Aaron Cleveland (RFPA Blog)
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 528 pages
- ISBN 978-1-944555-19-1
Gospel Truth of Justification: Proclaimed, Defended, Developed
Click to look inside
AD 2017 marked the five-hundredth anniversary of the Reformation of the church of Jesus Christ. In 1517 the Reformer Martin Luther affixed the ninety-five theses to the door of the church in Wittenberg, Germany, the act by which Jesus Christ began his reformation of his church. Essential to this Reformation was the gospel-truth of justification by faith alone. This book on justification is intended by the Reformed Free Publishing Association and the author to celebrate that glorious work of Christ.
But the purpose is more than a celebration of the beginning of the Reformation. It is to maintain, defend, and promote the Reformation in the perilous times for the church at present. The doctrine of justification by faith alone is so fundamental to the gospel of grace that an exposition and defense of this truth are in order always. The true church of Christ in the world simply cannot keep silent about this doctrine. To keep silent about justification by faith alone would be to silence the gospel.
What others are saying:
"I strongly recommend this book. It will most certainly challenge even Reformed readers to more thoroughly work out their understanding of the doctrine of justification." - Douglas D.
Read reviews by Douglas Douma (A Place for Thoughts), John Marcus, Martin Vanderwal. and Aaron Cleveland (RFPA Blog)
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 528 pages
- hardcover
- ISBN 978-1-944555-18-4
- Release date: April 21, 2017
eBook version available
Hyper-Calvinism and the Call of the Gospel (eBook)
3rd edition
Is there a "well-meant offer" of salvation to all men? Or is the call of the gospel restricted to the elect only? Is there an alternative to these two extremes?
This book sets forth and defends the Reformed position of the gospel call to all mankind.
Read review by Dr, C. Matthew McMahon (
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 224 pages
- ISBN 978-1-936054-20-6
Paperback version available
Hyper-Calvinism and the Call of the Gospel: An Examination of the Well-Meant Offer
3rd edition
Is there a "well-meant offer" of salvation to all men? Or is the call of the gospel restricted to the elect only? Is there an alternative to these two extremes?
This book sets forth and defends the Reformed position of the gospel call to all mankind.
Read review by Dr, C. Matthew McMahon (
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 224 pages
- paperback
- ISBN 978-1-936054-35-0
- Release date: 1980, 1994, 2014
eBook version available
I Remember Herman Hoeksema
Published originally as a series of articles in Beacon Lights magazine, I Remember Herman Hoeksema consists of the recollections of David J. Engelsma, a student of Herman Hoeksema.
Written for young people, these articles show something of the man whom many know only as an author and theologian.
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
Herman Hoeksema (HH) (1886-1965) was ordained into the ministry in the Christian Reformed Churches in 1915. He is considered one of the founding "fathers" of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. He taught in the Seminary of the Protestant Reformed Churches from its founding and until his retirement in 1964.
- 112 pages
- softcover
- ISBN 978-1-944555-76-4
- Release date: January 21, 2021
eBook version available
I Remember Herman Hoeksema (eBook)
Published originally as a series of articles in Beacon Lights magazine, I Remember Herman Hoeksema consists of the recollections of David J. Engelsma, a student of Herman Hoeksema.
Written for young people, these articles show something of the man whom many know only as an author and theologian.
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
Herman Hoeksema (HH) (1886-1965) was ordained into the ministry in the Christian Reformed Churches in 1915. He is considered one of the founding "fathers" of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. He taught in the Seminary of the Protestant Reformed Churches from its founding and until his retirement in 1964.
- 112 pages
- ISBN 978-1-944555-77-1
Paperback version available
Marriage, the Mystery of Christ and the Church
3rd edition
Although this book’s controversial contention that marriage is an unbreakable bond for life gets the most attention today, the book is a mainly positive explanation and application of the Bible’s teaching about marriage in all of marriage’s aspects. Marriage is a Reformed pastor’s instruction and exhortation to married couples, especially young married couples, with the purpose that they glorify God in their marriages and enjoy the bliss of this blessed communion of life. The second section is a history of the church’s doctrine and practice of marriage from Augustine and the early church through Calvin and the Reformation to the contemporary chaos.
The timeliness of the book is evident simply from the rate of divorce, not alone in North America in the early twenty-first century, but also in Reformed churches throughout the world.
What others have said about this book:
“This is one of those books that you wish could be put into the hands of every married couple and those contemplating marriage…If the contents of this book were put into practice, society would become more stable and broken homes would be few and far between.” –The Gospel Witness
“…one of the finest among the flood of such books flowing off the presses…The book [has] a theological depth and seriousness often lacking in non-Reformed books on this subject.” –Reformed Herald
“A book that says many biblical things about sex, children, family, the mystery of marriage. Recommended for laypersons and preachers alike.” –The Reformed Journal
“This book does faithfully reflect the teachings of God’s Word on marriage.” –The Banner
“A pastor, husband, and father speaks of marriage and its relationships in terms that few want to hear today–even in the church.” –Moody
“…there is much to be learned from this book for it touches upon much where the rubber hits the road in marriage.” –Ray Hoekzema, Trowel and Sword
“If ever there is a book which is vital reading for the church in our day, it is this one….This book is essential reading…and particularly should it be part of the staple diet offered to young people contemplating marriage.” ALSO “…these books…challenged my views on the vexed subject of divorce and remarriage…they also caused me to re-examine my whole attitude to marriage in general and my own marriage in particular, and to re-appraise my role as husband, lover and head of the family.” –John Lowery, British Reformed Journal
“…Engelsma’s book is ideal for any who has an interest in the subject…Ministers, elders, deacons, husbands, wives, parents, young people, and engaged couples, especially engaged couples, should read it. They will do so with life-long profit.” –R.J. Hooper, The Tamar Reformed Witness
“…Engelsma…presents a rich, biblically based view of marriage.” –New Oxford Review
“…Engelsma…provides what may well be the clearest expression of God’s heart on the matter of marriage in print today. In simple, readable form, the author sets out the biblical view of marriage.”-Charles Crisimier III, Standard Bearer
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 256 pages
- paperback
- ISBN 978-1-936054-51-0
- Release date: 1975, 1998, 2014
eBook version available
Marriage, the Mystery of Christ and the Church (eBook)
3rd edition
Although this book’s controversial contention that marriage is an unbreakable bond for life gets the most attention today, the book is a mainly positive explanation and application of the Bible’s teaching about marriage in all of marriage’s aspects. Marriage is a Reformed pastor’s instruction and exhortation to married couples, especially young married couples, with the purpose that they glorify God in their marriages and enjoy the bliss of this blessed communion of life. The second section is a history of the church’s doctrine and practice of marriage from Augustine and the early church through Calvin and the Reformation to the contemporary chaos.
The timeliness of the book is evident simply from the rate of divorce, not alone in North America in the early twenty-first century, but also in Reformed churches throughout the world.
What others have said about this book:
“This is one of those books that you wish could be put into the hands of every married couple and those contemplating marriage…If the contents of this book were put into practice, society would become more stable and broken homes would be few and far between.” –The Gospel Witness
“…one of the finest among the flood of such books flowing off the presses…The book [has] a theological depth and seriousness often lacking in non-Reformed books on this subject.” –Reformed Herald
“A book that says many biblical things about sex, children, family, the mystery of marriage. Recommended for laypersons and preachers alike.” –The Reformed Journal
“This book does faithfully reflect the teachings of God’s Word on marriage.” –The Banner
“A pastor, husband, and father speaks of marriage and its relationships in terms that few want to hear today–even in the church.” –Moody
“…there is much to be learned from this book for it touches upon much where the rubber hits the road in marriage.” –Ray Hoekzema, Trowel and Sword
“If ever there is a book which is vital reading for the church in our day, it is this one….This book is essential reading…and particularly should it be part of the staple diet offered to young people contemplating marriage.” ALSO “…these books…challenged my views on the vexed subject of divorce and remarriage…they also caused me to re-examine my whole attitude to marriage in general and my own marriage in particular, and to re-appraise my role as husband, lover and head of the family.” –John Lowery, British Reformed Journal
“…Engelsma’s book is ideal for any who has an interest in the subject…Ministers, elders, deacons, husbands, wives, parents, young people, and engaged couples, especially engaged couples, should read it. They will do so with life-long profit.” –R.J. Hooper, The Tamar Reformed Witness
“…Engelsma…presents a rich, biblically based view of marriage.” –New Oxford Review
“…Engelsma…provides what may well be the clearest expression of God’s heart on the matter of marriage in print today. In simple, readable form, the author sets out the biblical view of marriage.”-Charles Crisimier III, Standard Bearer
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 256 pages
- paperback
- ISBN 978-1-936054-46-6
Paperback version available
Prosperous Wicked and Plagued Saints
Prosperous Wicked and Plagued Saints is a commentary on Psalm 73 that sets forth the truth of God’s goodness to his people in their trouble and of God’s curse on the wicked in their prosperity.
In light of the teaching of Psalm 73, the book takes issue with a theory about earthly prosperity and earthly woe that, for all its strange popularity with Reformed and evangelical Christians, only intensifies the believer’s temptation to doubt in the hour of trouble: the theory of common grace.
What others are saying about the book:
"This book arrived yesterday and I'll finish it today. Can't recommend it enough...The prosperity of the wicked is an illusion. What grace is it for a man to gain the whole world and yet lose his soul? The answer is none. While it's popular today to say things like, 'God is good all the time and all the time God is good' or 'Have a blessed day' or 'I am blessed,' let's not be deceived. God is good towards His elect alone. All things work together FOR GOOD to those who are CALLED, to those who are in Christ Jesus and ONLY those who are in Christ Jesus." - Tim, from Arkansas
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 120 pages
- paperback
- ISBN 978-0-916206-96-3
- Release date: July 25, 2014
eBook version available
Prosperous Wicked and Plagued Saints (eBook)
Prosperous Wicked and Plagued Saints is a commentary on Psalm 73 that sets forth the truth of God’s goodness to his people in their trouble and of God’s curse on the wicked in their prosperity.
In light of the teaching of Psalm 73, the book takes issue with a theory about earthly prosperity and earthly woe that, for all its strange popularity with Reformed and evangelical Christians, only intensifies the believer’s temptation to doubt in the hour of trouble: the theory of common grace.
What others are saying about the book:
"This book arrived yesterday and I'll finish it today. Can't recommend it enough...The prosperity of the wicked is an illusion. What grace is it for a man to gain the whole world and yet lose his soul? The answer is none. While it's popular today to say things like, 'God is good all the time and all the time God is good' or 'Have a blessed day' or 'I am blessed,' let's not be deceived. God is good towards His elect alone. All things work together FOR GOOD to those who are CALLED, to those who are in Christ Jesus and ONLY those who are in Christ Jesus." - Tim, from Arkansas
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 120 pages
- ISBN 978-1-936054-47-3
Softcover version available
Reformed Education (eBook)
Reformed Education is an explanation for the people of God of the fundamentals of Christian day-school education. The book demonstrates that the basis of the Christian school is God's covenant of grace with believers and their children. Treating such vital subjects as the place of Scripture and the creeds in the school, the biblical view of culture, the qualifications and calling of the Christian schoolteacher, and the goal of education, the author contends that the covenant of God controls and shapes all aspects of the Christian school.
In the course of this explanation, the book defends Christian schools against serious challenges—challenges as old as the claim that the state schools are adequate and challenges as new as the home-schooling movement.
This is the book to put in the hands of all believing parents. It will encourage those committed to Christian education. It will educate those who are doubtful. Christian schoolteachers will benefit from the book's description of their work: a divine calling to help in the rearing of the covenant child. Indeed, if the author is right in saying that all members of the church, whether parents or not, should support the Christian education of the children of believers as the church's own children, all can read the book with profit.
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 112 pages
- ISBN 978-1-936054-17-6
Reformed Education: The Christian School as Demand of the Covenant
Reformed Education is an explanation for the people of God of the fundamentals of Christian day-school education. The book demonstrates that the basis of the Christian school is God's covenant of grace with believers and their children. Treating such vital subjects as the place of Scripture and the creeds in the school, the biblical view of culture, the qualifications and calling of the Christian schoolteacher, and the goal of education, the author contends that the covenant of God controls and shapes all aspects of the Christian school.
In the course of this explanation, the book defends Christian schools against serious challenges—challenges as old as the claim that the state schools are adequate and challenges as new as the home-schooling movement.
This is the book to put in the hands of all believing parents. It will encourage those committed to Christian education. It will educate those who are doubtful. Christian schoolteachers will benefit from the book's description of their work: a divine calling to help in the rearing of the covenant child. Indeed, if the author is right in saying that all members of the church, whether parents or not, should support the Christian education of the children of believers as the church's own children, all can read the book with profit.
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 112 pages
- paperback
- ISBN 978-0-916206-63-5
- Release date: 1977, 1981, 2000
This book is also available in Spanish here via
eBook version available
Reformed Faith of John Calvin, The (eBook)
As the subtitle indicates, The Reformed Faith of John Calvin is a summary (not an abridgment) in one volume of John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion. In a succinct, systematic way, the book sets forth the essence of the great reformer's teachings in his Institutes on all the truths of the Christian religion.
Throughout, this sum of Calvin's explanation and defense of the truths of the Christian faith is either expressed or supported by quotations of Calvin. The book is replete with quotations from the Institutes (in the judgment of the author, the most important and vivid statements of Calvin), so that the reader hears Calvin himself.
One who reads this book will know the Institutes and its comprehensive, powerful instruction in the Reformed faith—the faith of the sixteenth-century Reformation of the church and the faith of true churches of Christ in the twenty-first century.
The book also gives a brief explanation of certain of Calvin's teachings, offers analysis of Calvin's doctrine, applies the reformer's teachings to contemporary doctrinal issues, and even, rarely, becomes so bold as to criticize Calvin's doctrine, for instance, Calvin's teaching that the magistrate is called to enforce the first table of the law of God.
Many seminarians, pastors, elders, and laity, perhaps even a theologian or two, although desirous of learning the content of the Institutes, are put off from reading it by the sheer size of the massive, two-volume work or are hindered by the demands of their calling. This summary will supply their want and, it is hoped, motivate them to read the Institutes itself.
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 472 pages
- ISBN 978-1-944555-05-4
Hardcover version available
Reformed Faith of John Calvin: The Institutes in Summary
As the subtitle indicates, The Reformed Faith of John Calvin is a summary (not an abridgment) in one volume of John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion. In a succinct, systematic way, the book sets forth the essence of the great reformer's teachings in his Institutes on all the truths of the Christian religion.
Throughout, this sum of Calvin's explanation and defense of the truths of the Christian faith is either expressed or supported by quotations of Calvin. The book is replete with quotations from the Institutes (in the judgment of the author, the most important and vivid statements of Calvin), so that the reader hears Calvin himself.
One who reads this book will know the Institutes and its comprehensive, powerful instruction in the Reformed faith—the faith of the sixteenth-century Reformation of the church and the faith of true churches of Christ in the twenty-first century.
The book also gives a brief explanation of certain of Calvin's teachings, offers analysis of Calvin's doctrine, applies the reformer's teachings to contemporary doctrinal issues, and even, rarely, becomes so bold as to criticize Calvin's doctrine, for instance, Calvin's teaching that the magistrate is called to enforce the first table of the law of God.
Many seminarians, pastors, elders, and laity, perhaps even a theologian or two, although desirous of learning the content of the Institutes, are put off from reading it by the sheer size of the massive, two-volume work or are hindered by the demands of their calling. This summary will supply their want and, it is hoped, motivate them to read the Institutes itself.
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 472 pages
- hardcover
- ISBN 978-1-936054-00-8
- Release date: February 4, 2016
eBook version available
Reformed Worship
What is and is not acceptable in a church service? Many churches today cater to the whims of their members when answering this question. This book, using the regulative principle and scripture as its guides, lays the groundwork for decision making regarding public worship.
Table of Contents
1 The Regulative Principle of Worship, David J. Engelsma 1
2 The Basis of the Regulative Principle of Worship, David J. Engelsma 6
3 The Regulative Principle of Worship Applied, David J. Engelsma 13
4 The Regulative Principle of Worship and Singing, David J. Engelsma 20
5 Contemporary Worship Practices, Barry Gritters 28
6 A Reformed Critique of Contemporary Worship, Barry Gritters 35
7 Proper Worship, Barry Gritters 39
8 The Active Participation of Believers, Charles Terpstra 44
9 A Conscious Involvement, Charles Terpstra 50
10 A Serious Preparation for Worship, Charles Terpstra 55
- 70 pages
- paperback
- ISBN 978-0-916206-83-3
- Release date: April 5, 2016
eBook version available
Other Books in the Rightly Dividing Series:
Reformed Worship (eBook)
What is and is not acceptable in a church service? Many churches today cater to the whims of their members when answering this question. This book, using the regulative principle and scripture as its guides, lays the groundwork for decision making regarding public worship.
- 70 pages
- ISBN 978-1-944555-08-5
Paperback version available
Other Books in the Rightly Dividing Series:
Common Grace Revisited (eBook)
Always Reforming (eBook)
Rock Whence We Are Hewn (eBook)
The Rock Whence We Are Hewn is comprised of various pamphlets and booklets written very early in the history of the Protestant Reformed Churches—between 1919 and 1940. The authors are two men whom God used in forming these churches, and these foundational writings were used to establish these churches in the beginning of their history.
The title of the book is taken from Isaiah 51:1, “Hearken to me, ye that follow after righteousness, ye that seek the Lord: look unto the rock whence ye are hewn, and to the hole of the pit whence ye are digged.” In this figurative way, the prophet Isaiah called the people of Israel to look to their origins. Likewise, this book's title calls members of the Protestant Reformed Churches to explore the doctrinal truths that are of fundamental importance to the Protestant Reformed Churches still today. By the work of the Spirit, the doctrines confessed, defended, and explained in the writings in this book are the rock whence they were hewn.
This book explains and defends the great doctrines of the Reformed faith that were fundamental to the founding of the Protestant Reformed Churches—that is, covenant; predestination; particular grace; and antithesis.
Read reviews by Herman Hanko and Martyn McGeown.
Henry Danhof and Herman Hoeksema are considered two of the founding "fathers" of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America.
- 544 pages
- hardcover
- ISBN 978-1-936054-96-1
- Edited by David J. Engelsma
Hardcover version available
Rock Whence We Are Hewn: God, Grace, and Covenant
The Rock Whence We Are Hewn is comprised of various pamphlets and booklets written very early in the history of the Protestant Reformed Churches—between 1919 and 1940. The authors are two men whom God used in forming these churches, and these foundational writings were used to establish these churches in the beginning of their history.
The title of the book is taken from Isaiah 51:1, “Hearken to me, ye that follow after righteousness, ye that seek the Lord: look unto the rock whence ye are hewn, and to the hole of the pit whence ye are digged.” In this figurative way, the prophet Isaiah called the people of Israel to look to their origins. Likewise, this book's title calls members of the Protestant Reformed Churches to explore the doctrinal truths that are of fundamental importance to the Protestant Reformed Churches still today. By the work of the Spirit, the doctrines confessed, defended, and explained in the writings in this book are the rock whence they were hewn.
This book explains and defends the great doctrines of the Reformed faith that were fundamental to the founding of the Protestant Reformed Churches—that is, covenant; predestination; particular grace; and antithesis.
Read reviews by Herman Hanko and Martyn McGeown.
Henry Danhof and Herman Hoeksema are considered two of the founding "fathers" of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America.
- 544 pages
- hardcover
- ISBN 978-1-936054-95-4
- Edited by David J. Engelsma
- Release date: February 1, 2016
eBook version available
Sixteenth-Century Reformation of the Church, The
From sketches of the lives of Martin Luther and John Calvin to an explanation of the reformers’ distinctive doctrine of the last things, this book ranges widely over the sixteenth-century Reformation of the church.
The Sixteenth-Century Reformation of the Church is divided into three parts: (fascinating) “Lives”; (significant) “History”; and (fundamental) “Doctrines and Issues.”
Written for believers and their children, rather than for scholars, the 23 short but meaty articles will serve to introduce the Reformation to the reader who is ignorant of that grand work of Christ; to remind the reader who is familiar with the Reformation of its glories and worth; and to ground the believing reader in the truth of the Reformation confessed, as well as to help him or her in the holy life the Reformation called for. Especially the young people of the covenant will benefit from this book.
The writers are ministers of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America and of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Australia.
What others are saying about this book:
"As Reformation Day gets closer, I would recommend this book to any teen or adult who would like to learn more about the Reformation and those who were involved in it." - Andrew Pastoor (Grandville Gleaner).
- 202 pages
- paperback
- ISBN 978-0-916206-95-6
- Release date: 2007
Other Books in the Rightly Dividing Series:
Trinity and Covenant (eBook)
Can believers and their children understand more about God’s covenant fellowship with his people with his people if they have a better understanding of the inner, triune life of God in himself? Does the life of Jesus Christ revealed in the Holy Scriptures help? What have Augustine, John Calvin, Karl Barth, Leonardo Boff and others offered on this topic?
Trinity and Covenant: God as Holy Family by Professor David Engelsma answers these questions and more.
In the light of profound insights of Augustine, following the lead of certain theologians in the Reformed tradition, and on the basis of the Holy Scripture, this book conceives the life of God in himself as fundamentally family fellowship. The fellowship of the Father and the Son in the Holy Spirit determines the nature of God’s works in the creating and redeeming humanity. The reader of this book will grow in the understanding of God’s covenant fellowship with his people.
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 158 pages
- ISBN 978-1-936054-44-2
Hardcover version available
Trinity and Covenant: God as Holy Family
Can believers and their children understand more about God’s covenant fellowship with his people with his people if they have a better understanding of the inner, triune life of God in himself? Does the life of Jesus Christ revealed in the Holy Scriptures help? What have Augustine, John Calvin, Karl Barth, Leonardo Boff and others offered on this topic?
Trinity and Covenant: God as Holy Family by Professor David Engelsma answers these questions and more.
In the light of profound insights of Augustine, following the lead of certain theologians in the Reformed tradition, and on the basis of the Holy Scripture, this book conceives the life of God in himself as fundamentally family fellowship. The fellowship of the Father and the Son in the Holy Spirit determines the nature of God’s works in the creating and redeeming humanity. The reader of this book will grow in the understanding of God’s covenant fellowship with his people.
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 158 pages
- hardcover
- ISBN 978-0-916206-93-2
- Release date: June 24, 2014
eBook version available
Unfolding Covenant History: Vol. 5, Judges and Ruth
Unfolding Covenant History is a series that includes Old Testament history syllabi written by the late Homer C. Hoeksema, with additional syllabi written by David J. Engelsma, his successor as Professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament at the Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary in Wyoming, Michigan. Recognizing the work's potential for the edification and comfort to all of God's people, the RFPA originally undertook the publication of this series of hardcover volumes under the editorship of Mark H. Hoeksema, son of Homer Hoeksema.
The unique feature of these volumes, which distinguishes them from other such writings, is their emphasis on the theme of God's covenant of grace as the unifying principle of Old Testament history and of the very gospel itself. The reader's appreciation for this truth will grow during the unfolding of the meaning of the covenant as this history progresses through the books of the Old Testament.
Judges and Ruth, the 5th volume in the Unfolding series, continues the exposition of Old Testament history from the viewpoint of God’s covenant faithfulness toward his people in the old dispensation. Professor David J. Engelsma now becomes the author, intending to finish in this and succeeding volumes what Professor Homer C. Hoeksema began.
Part 1 traces the dark history of the time of the judges with its recurring themes of Israel’s departure from Jehovah to serve heathen idols, God’s chastisement of his people by delivering them to the persecution and dominance of their enemies, their crying to him for help in their distress, and the Lord’s gracious deliverance of them by various judges. The conclusion of this downward line of the history of God’s people illustrates the necessity of a theocratic king in Israel, as expressed in the words of Judges 21:25: “In those days there was no king in Israel.”
Part 2 explains the familiar but amazing history of Ruth, which illustrates vividly the truth of God’s sovereign redemption in the salvation of the Gentiles and the inclusion of Ruth into the line of the covenant so that she becomes the grandmother of King David, the savior of Israel as the theocratic king and the type of Christ.
- 238 pages
- hardcover
- ISBN 978-0-916206-86-4
- Release date: December 8, 2015