All Glory to the Only Good God
The third book in the Reformed Spirituality series, this book again consists of meditations by Protestant Reformed minister and theologian, Herman Hoeksema. The meditations in this volume have in common their living, breathing zeal for the glory of the good God. God is only good—good in himself; good in creation; good in salvation; good in Christ; good to his elect people.
This set of beautiful meditations demonstrates that genuine spirituality rises from and ends in the glory of God, for the zeal of the soul for God's glory is the most profound spirituality. And because the Spirit works spirituality by sound doctrine, spirituality exists and flourishes by means of sound instruction in biblical, Reformed doctrine.
All Glory to the Only Good God is part of the Reformed Spirituality series comprised of meditations written by Herman Hoeksema.
Herman Hoeksema (HH) (1886-1965) was ordained into the ministry in the Christian Reformed Churches in 1915. He is considered one of the founding "fathers" of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. He taught in the Seminary of the Protestant Reformed Churches from its founding and until his retirement in 1964.
- 336 pages
- hardcover
- ISBN 978-1-936054-28-2
- Release date: September 3, 2013
eBook version available
Other Books in the Reformed Spirituality Series:
Peace for the Troubled Heart
Communion with God
All Glory to the Only Good God (eBook)
The third book in the Reformed Spirituality series, this book again consists of meditations by Protestant Reformed minister and theologian, Herman Hoeksema. The meditations in this volume have in common their living, breathing zeal for the glory of the good God. God is only good—good in himself; good in creation; good in salvation; good in Christ; good to his elect people.
This set of beautiful meditations demonstrates that genuine spirituality rises from and ends in the glory of God, for the zeal of the soul for God's glory is the most profound spirituality. And because the Spirit works spirituality by sound doctrine, spirituality exists and flourishes by means of sound instruction in biblical, Reformed doctrine.
All Glory to the Only Good God is part of the Reformed Spirituality series comprised of meditations written by Herman Hoeksema.
Herman Hoeksema (HH) (1886-1965) was ordained into the ministry in the Christian Reformed Churches in 1915. He is considered one of the founding "fathers" of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. He taught in the Seminary of the Protestant Reformed Churches from its founding and until his retirement in 1964.
- 336 pages
- ISBN 978-1-936054-29-9
Hardcover version available
Other Books in the Reformed Spirituality Series:
Believing and Confessing: 365 Meditations on the Belgic Confession
The Belgic Confession of Faith is a beloved summary of the Christian faith—for the building up of the church of Christ and to the glory of the triune God. But the Belgic Confession is not only a statement of faith. The theological depths and the personal character of this beloved document make it a more-than-suitable resource to which the believer can turn for the daily practice of personal devotions.
The 365 meditations in this book will daily guide the reader toward a better understanding of those scriptural truths for which the author of the Belgic Confession, Guido de Brès, lived and died.
Read review by Kathy VanderKolk (Grandville Gleaner).
- 416 pages
- softcover
- ISBN 978-1-944555-69-6
- Release date: August 2023
eBook version available
Table of Contents (click here for full TOC, or click Article 1 below for a sample):
Introduction 3
Article 1: There is One Only God, 4
Article 2: By What Means God Is Made Known unto Us, 18
Article 3: The Written Word of God, 26
Article 4: Canonical Books of the Holy Scripture, 31
Article 5: From Whence the Holy Scriptures Derive their Dignity and Authority, 35
Article 6: The Difference Between the Canonical and Apocryphal Books, 35
Article 7: The Sufficiency of the Holy Scriptures to be the Only Rule of Faith, 43
Article 8: God is One in Essence, Yet Distinguished in Three Persons, 58
Article 9: The Proof of the Foregoing Article of the Trinity of Persons in One God, 66
Article 10: Jesus Christ Is True and Eternal God, 74
Article 11: The Holy Ghost Is True and Eternal God, 82
Article 12: Of the Creation, 90
Article 13: Divine Providence, 105
Article 14: The Creation and Fall of Man, and His Incapacity to Perform What Is Truly Good, 127
Article 15: Original Sin, 142
Article 16: Eternal Election, 157
Article 17: The Recovery of Fallen Man, 172
Article 18: The Incarnation of Jesus Christ, 180
Article 19: The Union and Distinction of the Two Natures in the Person of Christ, 188
Article 20: God Hath Manifested His Justice and Mercy in Christ, 196
Article 21: The Satisfaction of Christ, Our Only High Priest, for Us, 204
Article 22: Faith in Jesus Christ, 219
Article 23: Justification, 228
Article 24: Man's Sanctification and Good Works, 249
Article 25: The Abolishing of the Ceremonial Law, 265
Article 26: Christ's Intercession, 273
Article 27: The Catholic Christian Church, 295
Article 28: Every One Is Bound to Join Himself to the True Church, 303
Article 29: The Marks of the True Church, and Wherein She Differs from the False Church, 311
Article 30: The Government of and Offices in the Church, 319
Article 31: The Ministers, Elders, and Deacons, 334
Article 32: The Order and Discipline of the Church, 342
Article 33: The Sacraments, 357
Article 34: Holy Baptism, 370
Article 35: The Holy Supper of Our Lord Jesus Christ, 379
Article 36: The Magistrates, 388
Article 37: The Last Judgment, 396
Communion with God
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A biblical, doctrinal, and Christ-centered devotional, this book addresses the theme of the believer’s communion with God. Each meditation expresses the knowing, desiring, feeling, and acting of the faith of the heart that is near to God and in fellowship with him in Christ by the Holy Spirit.
Communion with God is the second part of the Reformed Spirituality series comprised of meditations written by Herman Hoeksema.
Read a review by Emma Nienhuis (the Grandville Gleaner).
Herman Hoeksema (HH) (1886-1965) was ordained into the ministry in the Christian Reformed Churches in 1915. He is considered one of the founding "fathers" of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. He taught in the Seminary of the Protestant Reformed Churches from its founding and until his retirement in 1964.
- 368 pages
- hardcover
- ISBN 978-1-936054-06-0
- Release date: 2011
eBook version available
Other Books in the Reformed Spirituality Series:
Communion with God (eBook)
A biblical, doctrinal, and Christ-centered devotional, this book addresses the theme of the believer’s communion with God. Each meditation expresses the knowing, desiring, feeling, and acting of the faith of the heart that is near to God and in fellowship with him in Christ by the Holy Spirit.
Communion with God is the second part of the Reformed Spirituality series comprised of meditations written by Herman Hoeksema.
Read a review by Emma Nienhuis (the Grandville Gleaner).
Herman Hoeksema (HH) (1886-1965) was ordained into the ministry in the Christian Reformed Churches in 1915. He is considered one of the founding "fathers" of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. He taught in the Seminary of the Protestant Reformed Churches from its founding and until his retirement in 1964.
- 368 pages
- ISBN 978-1-936054-12-1
Hardcover version available
Other Books in the Reformed Spirituality Series:
All Glory to the Only Good God
Humble Servant: Devotions on the Gospel of John for Teens, Book 2
Click to look inside
As the Son of God, Jesus had it all—perfect communion with both the Father and the Holy Spirit and the glories of heaven. But Jesus left it all behind to humble himself, taking on our human flesh and suffering his whole life long and especially at the cross.
In life Jesus faced humiliation through outright rejection. Even as he preached the gospel and performed mighty miracles, his enemies falsely accused him and even took up stones to kill him (John 5–9).
So, why would the Son of God become a humble, suffering servant?
Because Jesus cares deeply for you and all his people—those who know themselves to be spiritually blind, lame, and hungry. Read from the gospel of John and meditate on how he gave himself so that you might be made whole and be nourished unto eternal life.
Click here to review or buy the first book in this series, Who is Jesus?
Read a review by Sarah De Boer (Grandville Gleaner).
What others are saying about this book:
"The book encourages us to walk with Christ daily and always trust in him...This devotional is a good way to remind yourself to follow Jesus and trust in him because he showed us how to be humble and loving. Whether you're a teen or an adult this is a great book to help you grow in your spiritual journey." – Sarah De Boer (Grandville, MI)
Abby Van Solkema has been writing devotionals for young people since 2018. She is a graduate of Grand Valley State University and lives with her husband, Tedd, and their four children in Byron Center, Michigan. Follow Abby on Instagram @the.left.fork.
- 106 pages
- paperback
- ISBN 978-1-959515-18-0
- Release date: April 26, 2024
eBook version available
Other books in the Devotions on the Gospel of John series: COMING SOON! Subscribe to our email list to stay informed of new teen book releases and sales!
Humble Servant: Devotions, Book 2 (eBook)
Click to look inside
As the Son of God, Jesus had it all—perfect communion with both the Father and the Holy Spirit and the glories of heaven. But Jesus left it all behind to humble himself, taking on our human flesh and suffering his whole life long and especially at the cross.
In life Jesus faced humiliation through outright rejection. Even as he preached the gospel and performed mighty miracles, his enemies falsely accused him and even took up stones to kill him (John 5–9).
So, why would the Son of God become a humble, suffering servant?
Because Jesus cares deeply for you and all his people—those who know themselves to be spiritually blind, lame, and hungry. Read from the gospel of John and meditate on how he gave himself so that you might be made whole and be nourished unto eternal life.
Click here to review or buy the first book in this series, Who is Jesus?
Read a review by Sarah De Boer (Grandville Gleaner).
What others are saying about this book:
"The book encourages us to walk with Christ daily and always trust in him...This devotional is a good way to remind yourself to follow Jesus and trust in him because he showed us how to be humble and loving. Whether you're a teen or an adult this is a great book to help you grow in your spiritual journey." – Sarah De Boer (Grandville, MI)
Abby Van Solkema has been writing devotionals for young people since 2018. She is a graduate of Grand Valley State University and lives with her husband, Tedd, and their four children in Byron Center, Michigan. Follow Abby on Instagram @the.left.fork.
- 106 pages
- paperback
- ISBN 978-1-959515-18-0
- Release date: April 26, 2024
eBook version available
Other books in the Devotions on the Gospel of John series: COMING SOON! Subscribe to our email list to stay informed of new teen book releases and sales!
I Belong (eBook)
What is your only comfort in life and death?
That I with body and soul, both in life and death, am not my own, but belong unto my faithful Savior Jesus Christ.
I Belong is a picture book (ages 4-7) that explains each comforting phrase of Heidelberg Catechism Question and Answer 1 to young children, in language that they understand. Colorful illustrations of a diverse group of children will capture readers’ imaginations as they learn what it means to belong to their faithful Savior.
This book can be used as a short book of devotions for families with younger children or can be read by older children on their own.
It’s comforting to belong to God because you know he will care for you. The Bible tells you that when you pass through the deep waters and when you walk through the fire, God will be with you.
Read reviews by Annemarieke Ryskamp (The Outlook), Amanda DeBoer (Clarion), and Kristin Stiles (Books at a Glance)! Also, learn more about the book by checking out our post on!
Joyce Holstege has taught kindergarten at Heritage Christian School, located in her hometown of Hudsonville, Michigan, since 1995. Joyce holds a BA in English: Education from Grand Valley State University. She enjoys reading, gardening, and all things arts and crafts.
Meagan Krosschell lives in Randolph, Wisconsin. She studies graphic design at Madison College and enjoys drawing, camping, and ice hockey.
- 50 pages
- ISBN 978-1-944555-87-0
Click below for a speech given by the I Belong author at the annual Reformed Free Publishing Association meeting on September 22, 2022.
Hardcover version available
I Belong: Heidelberg Catechism Question and Answer One for Children
What is your only comfort in life and death?
That I with body and soul, both in life and death, am not my own, but belong unto my faithful Savior Jesus Christ.
I Belong is a picture book (ages 4-7) that explains each comforting phrase of Heidelberg Catechism Question and Answer 1 to young children, in language that they understand. Colorful illustrations of a diverse group of children will capture readers’ imaginations as they learn what it means to belong to their faithful Savior.
This book can be used as a short book of devotions for families with younger children or can be read by older children on their own.
It’s comforting to belong to God because you know he will care for you. The Bible tells you that when you pass through the deep waters and when you walk through the fire, God will be with you.
Read reviews by Annemarieke Ryskamp (The Outlook), Amanda DeBoer (Clarion), and Kristin Stiles (Books at a Glance)! Also, learn more about the book by checking out our post on!
Joyce Holstege has taught kindergarten at Heritage Christian School, located in her hometown of Hudsonville, Michigan, since 1995. Joyce holds a BA in English: Education from Grand Valley State University. She enjoys reading, gardening, and all things arts and crafts.
Meagan Krosschell lives in Randolph, Wisconsin. She studies graphic design at Madison College and enjoys drawing, camping, and ice hockey.
- 50 pages
- Hardcover
- ISBN 978-1-7368154-1-0
- Release date: 2022
This book is available in Spanish here via
Click below for a speech given by the I Belong author at the annual Reformed Free Publishing Association meeting on September 22, 2022.
Journey Through the Psalms (eBook)
Click for a sample
In this devotional for ages 9–13, you will travel through several time periods, starting with Israel in the wilderness, then through the life of David, the captivity of Judah, and finally Christ’s work on earth. You will tour many important sites like caves, palaces, and even a national park. We’ll also make some stops along the way to consider spiritual topics from the psalms that are still relevant for young Christians today.
What others are saying about this book:
Mike Velthouse is an avid reader. In 2020 he began writing articles for his church’s newsletter about people and places from Bible history. Since then he has published many articles for children in the magazine Ignited by the Word. Mike lives in West Michigan near his three adult daughters and granddaughter. Journey Through the Psalms is his first book.
Erinn Kuiper is a wife and a mom to four children. She enjoys working with watercolors and especially likes to paint greeting cards. Erinn lives in West Michigan.
- 98 pages
- ISBN 978-1-959515-23-4
Paperback version available
Journey Through the Psalms: A Thirty-Day Devotional
Click for a sample
In this devotional for ages 9–13, you will travel through several time periods, starting with Israel in the wilderness, then through the life of David, the captivity of Judah, and finally Christ’s work on earth. You will tour many important sites like caves, palaces, and even a national park. We’ll also make some stops along the way to consider spiritual topics from the psalms that are still relevant for young Christians today.
What others are saying about this book:
"I called my grandson Liam and asked how the book was going. He said it is one of his favorite books!" —Lori (Escanaba, MI)
"I met Mike at the #SpeakUpConference last year. I was thrilled when I heard that he was releasing his first book on the Psalms. I started adding it to my morning routine (if there is such a thing with three young kids). It's a devotional, so it's a quick read and it's beautifully illustrated! I've been looking for a resource that could provide some biblical insight in an easy-to-understand way, and since it's written for a younger audience (9-13 years) this book delivers! It's been a great resource to have, and because of the pictures it has also sparked some great conversations with my six-year-old about the Bible!" —Stephanie (Franklin, TN, USA)
"It was well written and I enjoyed it. l liked how it had Bible references in the devotional part but also to read first. There were a couple of things I didn't quite understand at first but I looked at the reference verses and understood them!" —Ellie (Iowa, USA)
"This is a great devotional for the entire family. We read every night after dinner and the devotions were not too short or too long and led to nice discussions with the children, who are high school age and younger. Looking forward to the next devotional from this author." —a reader via (Indiana, USA)
"My favorite chapter is chapter 27, The Crimson Worm, because it is interesting how the life cycle of the worm points to Jesus’ death. I like this book because it teaches me a new thing about nature every time I read it. One thing I learned from this book is that God shows himself in all creation." —a young reader (Michigan, USA)
Mike Velthouse is an avid reader. In 2020 he began writing articles for his church’s newsletter about people and places from Bible history. Since then he has published many articles for children in the magazine Ignited by the Word. Mike lives in West Michigan near his three adult daughters and granddaughter. Journey Through the Psalms is his first book.
Erinn Kuiper is a wife and a mom to four children. She enjoys working with watercolors and especially likes to paint greeting cards. Erinn lives in West Michigan.
- 98 pages
- paperback
- ISBN 978-1-959515-22-7
- Release date: June 14, 2024
eBook version available
Knowing God and Man
The key to understanding Reformed doctrine is found in the title of the first chapter in this book: "God is God." This truth sets the tone for all thirteen chapters—six on God and seven on man. Each chapter on God directs the reader’s attention to a different biblical aspect of the sovereign of the universe: God as God, as creator, as Lord, as good, as the living God, and as love.
The seven chapters about man open the biblical teaching about a subject often misinterpreted today. Clear explanation is given concerning man’s covenantal relationship to God, his creation in the image of God, his fall, and his totally depraved nature. Like the chapters in part one, these also emphasize that God is God.
Herman Hoeksema (HH) (1886-1965) was ordained into the ministry in the Christian Reformed Churches in 1915. He is considered one of the founding "fathers" of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. He taught in the Seminary of the Protestant Reformed Churches from its founding and until his retirement in 1964.
- 152 pages
- paperback
- ISBN 978-0-916206-87-1
- Release date: March 25, 2016
eBook version available
Knowing God and Man (eBook)
The key to understanding Reformed doctrine is found in the title of the first chapter in this book: "God is God." This truth sets the tone for all thirteen chapters—six on God and seven on man. Each chapter on God directs the reader’s attention to a different biblical aspect of the sovereign of the universe: God as God, as creator, as Lord, as good, as the living God, and as love.
The seven chapters about man open the biblical teaching about a subject often misinterpreted today. Clear explanation is given concerning man’s covenantal relationship to God, his creation in the image of God, his fall, and his totally depraved nature. Like the chapters in part one, these also emphasize that God is God.
Herman Hoeksema (HH) (1886-1965) was ordained into the ministry in the Christian Reformed Churches in 1915. He is considered one of the founding "fathers" of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. He taught in the Seminary of the Protestant Reformed Churches from its founding and until his retirement in 1964.
- 152 pages
- paperback
- ISBN 978-1-944555-07-8
Paperback version available
Mystery of Bethlehem, The
Marvelously free of worldly Christmas sentiments, this meditation focuses on the great wonder of Christ's birth as a fulfillment of God's promise to save his people. In this beautiful devotional, the reader is led through the mysterious circumstances and events surrounding Jesus' birth to contemplate God's faithfulness.
What others are saying about this book:
"Though the themes are old, the manner in which Rev. H. Hoeksema treats them is original. This worth reading. It is excellent in every respect." —Wm. Hendriksen (The Banner)
Read a review by Joshua Vink.
Herman Hoeksema (HH) (1886-1965) was ordained into the ministry in the Christian Reformed Churches in 1915. He is considered one of the founding "fathers" of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. He taught in the Seminary of the Protestant Reformed Churches from its founding and until his retirement in 1964.
- 206 pages
- paperback
- ISBN 978-0-916206-31-4
- Release date: 1944, 1986
Peace for the Troubled Heart
Click to look inside
Peace for the Troubled Heart is a genuinely Reformed devotional, breathing the rich experience of the believing child of God.
Comprised of 37 meditations written by Herman Hoeksema, this book addresses the theme of struggle and suffering in this life of every believer as a pilgrim of this world. Hoeksema, in his warm, personal, often poetic style, masterfully exercises the spiritual gift of devotional writing.
Read a review by Joe Holstege (Young Calvinists).
Herman Hoeksema (HH) (1886-1965) was ordained into the ministry in the Christian Reformed Churches in 1915. He is considered one of the founding "fathers" of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. He taught in the Seminary of the Protestant Reformed Churches from its founding and until his retirement in 1964.
- 304 pages
- hardcover
- ISBN 978-1-936054-05-3
- Release date: 2010
eBook version available
Other Books in the Reformed Spirituality Series:
Peace for the Troubled Heart (eBook)
Peace for the Troubled Heart is a genuinely Reformed devotional, breathing the rich experience of the believing child of God.
Comprised of 37 meditations written by Herman Hoeksema, this book addresses the theme of struggle and suffering in this life of every believer as a pilgrim of this world. Hoeksema, in his warm, personal, often poetic style, masterfully exercises the spiritual gift of devotional writing.
Read a review by Joe Holstege (Young Calvinists).
Herman Hoeksema (HH) (1886-1965) was ordained into the ministry in the Christian Reformed Churches in 1915. He is considered one of the founding "fathers" of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. He taught in the Seminary of the Protestant Reformed Churches from its founding and until his retirement in 1964.
- 304 pages
- ISBN 978-1-936054-11-4
Hardcover version available
Other Books in the Reformed Spirituality Series:
All Glory to the Only Good God
Preparing for Dating and Marriage (eBook)
Click for sample
Convinced that instruction on marriage is for God’s youth early on, Pastor Cory Griess has provided a distinctive devotional aid for family worship. Parents, do not delay! Before our children enter the dating scene, where feelings tend to inhibit clear Christian thought, we must ground them now in scriptural principles. The youth of the church will soon make pivotal decisions in their dating years that will permanently affect their married lives. Here is a biblical, insightful, and practical guide for Christian parents, many of whom have vowed at baptism to train their children in the doctrines of scripture to the utmost of their power. —Pastor Jonathan Mahtani
Read reviews by Joshua Engelsma (author of Dating Differently), Don E. Galardi, Sacha Walicord, and Grant Van Leuven.
Cory Griess is a pastor and seminary professor in the Protestant Reformed Churches of America. He and his wife, Lael, live in Grand Rapids, MI, where he currently serves as Professor of Practical Theology and New Testament Studies at the Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Lael, have six children, all born in Northwest Iowa where he pastored for nine years before moving to Michigan in 2018.
- 112 pages
- ISBN 978-1-944555-72-6
Softcover version available
Preparing for Dating and Marriage: A 31-Day Family Devotional
Click for sample
Convinced that instruction on marriage is for God’s youth early on, Pastor Cory Griess has provided a distinctive devotional aid for family worship. Parents, do not delay! Before our children enter the dating scene, where feelings tend to inhibit clear Christian thought, we must ground them now in scriptural principles. The youth of the church will soon make pivotal decisions in their dating years that will permanently affect their married lives. Here is a biblical, insightful, and practical guide for Christian parents, many of whom have vowed at baptism to train their children in the doctrines of scripture to the utmost of their power. —Pastor Jonathan Mahtani
Read reviews by Joshua Engelsma (author of Dating Differently), Don E. Galardi, Sacha Walicord, and Grant Van Leuven.
Cory Griess is a pastor and seminary professor in the Protestant Reformed Churches of America. He and his wife, Lael, live in Grand Rapids, MI, where he currently serves as Professor of Practical Theology and New Testament Studies at the Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Lael, have six children, all born in Northwest Iowa where he pastored for nine years before moving to Michigan in 2018.
- 112 pages
- softcover
- ISBN 978-1-944555-71-9
- Release date: August 4, 2020
This book is available in Spanish here via
eBook version available
Reformed Spirituality (3-volume set)
This set contains the three books in the Reformed Spirituality devotional series. Buy the books individually here: Peace for the Troubled Heart, Communion with God, and All Glory to the Only Good God.
PEACE FOR THE TROUBLED HEART Comprised of 37 meditations written by Herman Hoeksema, this book addresses the theme of struggle and suffering in this life of every believer as a pilgrim of this world. Hoeksema, in his warm, personal, often poetic style, masterfully exercises the spiritual gift of devotional writing.
COMMUNION WITH GOD A biblical, doctrinal, and Christ-centered devotional, this book addresses the theme of the believer’s communion with God. Each meditation expresses the knowing, desiring, feeling, and acting of the faith of the heart that is near to God and in fellowship with him in Christ by the Holy Spirit.
ALL GLORY TO THE ONLY GOOD GOD The third book in the Reformed Spirituality series, this book again consists of meditations by Protestant Reformed minister and theologian, Herman Hoeksema. The meditations in this volume have in common their living, breathing zeal for the glory of the good God. God is only good—good in himself; good in creation; good in salvation; good in Christ; good to his elect people.
This set of beautiful meditations demonstrates that genuine spirituality rises from and ends in the glory of God, for the zeal of the soul for God's glory is the most profound spirituality. And because the Spirit works spirituality by sound doctrine, spirituality exists and flourishes by means of sound instruction in biblical, Reformed doctrine.
Righteous by Faith Alone (eBook)
This exposition on what the author calls "one of the richest and most beautiful parts of the word of God" is clear in language, simple and warm in teaching, rich in practical application, and faithful to Scripture. This exposition is addressed not to the scholars, but to the very same audience for whom the apostle wrote the epistle: the "beloved of God, called to be saints."
What others are saying about the book:
"...the best combination of theology and devotional reading that I have come across in a long time." —Evangelical Times
"...the personal benefits from this exposition are as fine gold." —New Focus
Herman Hoeksema (HH) (1886-1965) was ordained into the ministry in the Christian Reformed Churches in 1915. He is considered one of the founding "fathers" of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. He taught in the Seminary of the Protestant Reformed Churches from its founding and until his retirement in 1964.
- 728 pages
- ISBN 978-1-936054-40-4
Hardcover version available
Righteous by Faith Alone: A Devotional Commentary on Romans
This exposition on what the author calls "one of the richest and most beautiful parts of the word of God" is clear in language, simple and warm in teaching, rich in practical application, and faithful to Scripture. This exposition is addressed not to the scholars, but to the very same audience for whom the apostle wrote the epistle: the "beloved of God, called to be saints."
What others are saying about the book:
"...the best combination of theology and devotional reading that I have come across in a long time." —Evangelical Times
"...the personal benefits from this exposition are as fine gold." —New Focus
Herman Hoeksema (HH) (1886-1965) was ordained into the ministry in the Christian Reformed Churches in 1915. He is considered one of the founding "fathers" of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. He taught in the Seminary of the Protestant Reformed Churches from its founding and until his retirement in 1964.
- 728 pages
- hardcover
- ISBN 978-0-616206-71-0
- Release date: May 16, 2014
eBook version available
Songs of Our Pilgrimage (eBook)
Click for a sample
In the hustle and bustle of modern life, finding moments for peace and reflection can be a challenge. Yet, within the psalms, we discover a treasure trove of heartfelt prayers, honest expressions of emotion, and profound insights into the experience of every believer—that is, of a pilgrim and stranger in this world.
Through daily readings, thoughtful meditations, and heartfelt singing, you'll find in this book the comfort and guidance you need as you weave your pilgrim way through the sacred songbook.
Whether you're seeking solace in times of trouble, longing for a deeper connection with God, or simply craving a moment of stillness in your day, this devotional will nourish and strengthen you with the riches of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. May you, in the reading of this devotional, come to see yourself as a child of God on your pilgrimage to God’s house, singing praises all the way.
John A. Heys (1910–1998) served in the ministry of the Protestant Reformed Churches from 1941–1980. In those years, he pastored congregations in Michigan, Iowa, and Illinois. Heys was also a musician with a great love for singing and the psalms, composing multiple tunes for The Psalter (1912). After retiring from active ministry in 1980, he penned a series of devotional pamphlets called Daily Devotions from the Psalms, which have been published in this book under the title Songs of Our Pilgrimage. Heys, who is remembered for his profound yet humble and gentle preaching and catechism instruction, deeply loved the psalms. Each devotional in Songs evidences that love of the sacred songbook and all the profound, timeless truths therein.
- 400 pages
- ISBN 978-1-959515-21-0
Hardcover version available
Songs of Our Pilgrimage: 365 Daily Devotions on the Psalms
Click for a sample
In the hustle and bustle of modern life, finding moments for peace and reflection can be a challenge. Yet, within the psalms, we discover a treasure trove of heartfelt prayers, honest expressions of emotion, and profound insights into the experience of every believer—that is, of a pilgrim and stranger in this world.
Through daily readings, thoughtful meditations, and heartfelt singing, you'll find in this book the comfort and guidance you need as you weave your pilgrim way through the sacred songbook.
Whether you're seeking solace in times of trouble, longing for a deeper connection with God, or simply craving a moment of stillness in your day, this devotional will nourish and strengthen you with the riches of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. May you, in the reading of this devotional, come to see yourself as a child of God on your pilgrimage to God’s house, singing praises all the way.
Read a review by Marc Daniel Rivera (KristiyaKnow).
What others are saying about this book:
"These short meditations contain the riches of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and great encouragement for the saints in their pilgrim journey. Although short in length, Rev. Heys exhibits a gift of compressing profound truths of the sacred song book into each day’s meditation. The reader will also appreciate the continued references to the versification of the psalm of the day from the Psalter." –a reader
John A. Heys (1910–1998) served in the ministry of the Protestant Reformed Churches from 1941–1980. In those years, he pastored congregations in Michigan, Iowa, and Illinois. Heys was also a musician with a great love for singing and the psalms, composing multiple tunes for The Psalter (1912). After retiring from active ministry in 1980, he penned a series of devotional pamphlets called Daily Devotions from the Psalms, which have been published in this book under the title Songs of Our Pilgrimage. Heys, who is remembered for his profound yet humble and gentle preaching and catechism instruction, deeply loved the psalms. Each devotional in Songs evidences that love of the sacred songbook and all the profound, timeless truths therein.
- 400 pages
- hardcover
- ISBN 978-1-959515-20-3
- Release date: June 21, 2024
eBook version available
Ten Commandments for Children (eBook)
This book teaches children...
- what God’s law is: his ten words to his people
- how we obey God's law: by loving him and our neighbor
- why we keep God's law: to thank him for delivering us from our sin, to be assured that he has made us his children, and more
This book explains and applies each commandment in two to three chapters, covering both what God forbids and requires. Chapters include discussion questions, a Bible memory verse, and a related psalm to be sung.
Read reviews by Amanda DeBoer (Clarion), Judy Joyce (Embracing a Healthy Family), Abby VanSolkema (The Left Fork), Dawn Peluso (Schoolin' Swag), Vanessa Le (The Outlook), and Todd and Nicole Kooienga (The Grandville Gleaner)! Also, check out our feature on here!
Ronald L. Cammenga is professor of dogmatics and Old Testament studies at the Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary in Wyoming, Michigan. Ten Commandments is his first children's book.
Ana Sebastián is a digital illustrator and visual development artist based in Madrid, Spain.
Find other Reformed children's books here.
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Other books in the Doctrine for Children series: COMING SOON!
Hardcover version available
Ten Commandments for Children, The
This book teaches children...
- what God’s law is: his ten words to his people
- how we obey God's law: by loving him and our neighbor
- why we keep God's law: to thank him for delivering us from our sin, to be assured that he has made us his children, and more
This book explains and applies each commandment in two to three chapters, covering both what God forbids and requires. Chapters include discussion questions, a Bible memory verse, and a related psalm to be sung.
Read reviews by Amanda DeBoer (Clarion), Judy Joyce (Embracing a Healthy Family), Abby VanSolkema (The Left Fork), Dawn Peluso (Schoolin' Swag), Vanessa Le (The Outlook), and Todd and Nicole Kooienga (The Grandville Gleaner)! Also, check out our feature on here!
Ronald L. Cammenga is professor of dogmatics and Old Testament studies at the Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary in Wyoming, Michigan. Ten Commandments is his first children's book.
Ana Sebastián is a digital illustrator and visual development artist based in Madrid, Spain.
- 63 pages
- Hardcover
- ISBN 978-0-916206-30-7
- Release date: May 2023
Find other Reformed children's books here.
Find other New Releases here.
Other books in the Doctrine for Children series: COMING SOON!
eBook version available
The Way, the Truth, and the Life: Devotions on the Gospel of John for Teens, Book 3
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If you live in a godly home, you have probably known from a very young age what it looks like to be a Christian.
But simply knowing about God and acting like a Christian isn’t enough. And trusting in your own ability to live a life that looks good to others is not the way to friendship and fellowship with God. The only way to the Father is Jesus. He makes the way through his death and resurrection and leads us in this way by his Spirit.
As you read through John 10–15, pray that Jesus will lead you in this way—the way of repentance, belief, and trust in him—because it is the only way to true peace and eternal life.
What others are saying about the books in this series:
"This devotional is intended for teens, but like most good books, other ages would be blessed by reading it. I read several of the devotions aloud to all of my children at breakfast; now I’m passing it along to the teens in our home to read in its entirety. And I’m looking forward to the next three installments in the series. In my busy season of life and as Christmas approaches, I’m grateful for the opportunities this little book granted me to consider, Who is Jesus? After all, there is no other question in all the world that is more important or more urgent." – Sarah Mowery (Loveland, CO) on Who is Jesus?, book 1
"The book encourages us to walk with Christ daily and always trust in him...This devotional is a good way to remind yourself to follow Jesus and trust in him because he showed us how to be humble and loving. Whether you're a teen or an adult this is a great book to help you grow in your spiritual journey." – Sarah De Boer (Grandville, MI) on Humble Servant, book 2
Abby Van Solkema has been writing devotionals for young people since 2018. She is a graduate of Grand Valley State University and lives with her husband, Tedd, and their four children in Byron Center, Michigan. Follow Abby on Instagram @the.left.fork.
- 103 pages
- paperback
- ISBN 978-1-959515-36-4
- Release date: November 22, 2024
eBook version available
Other books in the Devotions on the Gospel of John series: COMING SOON! Subscribe to our email list to stay informed of new teen book releases and sales!
The Way, the Truth, and the Life: Devotions, Book 3 (eBook)
Click to look inside
If you live in a godly home, you have probably known from a very young age what it looks like to be a Christian.
But simply knowing about God and acting like a Christian isn’t enough. And trusting in your own ability to live a life that looks good to others is not the way to friendship and fellowship with God. The only way to the Father is Jesus. He makes the way through his death and resurrection and leads us in this way by his Spirit.
As you read through John 10–15, pray that Jesus will lead you in this way—the way of repentance, belief, and trust in him—because it is the only way to true peace and eternal life.
Click here to review or buy the first book in this series, Who is Jesus?
What others are saying about the books in this series:
"This devotional is intended for teens, but like most good books, other ages would be blessed by reading it. I read several of the devotions aloud to all of my children at breakfast; now I’m passing it along to the teens in our home to read in its entirety. And I’m looking forward to the next three installments in the series. In my busy season of life and as Christmas approaches, I’m grateful for the opportunities this little book granted me to consider, Who is Jesus? After all, there is no other question in all the world that is more important or more urgent." – Sarah Mowery (Loveland, CO) on Who is Jesus?, book 1
"The book encourages us to walk with Christ daily and always trust in him...This devotional is a good way to remind yourself to follow Jesus and trust in him because he showed us how to be humble and loving. Whether you're a teen or an adult this is a great book to help you grow in your spiritual journey." – Sarah De Boer (Grandville, MI) on Humble Servant, book 2
Abby Van Solkema has been writing devotionals for young people since 2018. She is a graduate of Grand Valley State University and lives with her husband, Tedd, and their four children in Byron Center, Michigan. Follow Abby on Instagram @the.left.fork.
- 103 pages
- ISBN 978-1-959515-37-1
- Release date: November 22, 2024
Paperback version available
Other books in the Devotions on the Gospel of John series: COMING SOON! Subscribe to our email list to stay informed of new teen book releases and sales!
Who is Jesus? Devotions on the Gospel of John for Teens, Book 1
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Contrary to what many believe today, neither the truth that Jesus is both really God and really man nor the way that he views the people on this earth are ideas that you can simply form your own opinion on. These truths are clearly taught in the pages of Scripture and are “profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (2 Tim. 3:16).
So who is Jesus? John’s inspired gospel account of our Savior’s ministry will help you answer this question biblically, and it will also help you understand just how important the answer to your question is. When you fall into sin or are tempted to sin or when you suffer hardship and loss, there is great comfort in knowing who Jesus is—the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
Read reviews by Luke Potjer, Sarah Mowery, Michelle Drnek, and Elizabeth Machiele!
Abby Van Solkema has been writing devotionals for young people since 2018. She is a graduate of Grand Valley State University and lives with her husband, Tedd, and their four children in Byron Center, Michigan. Follow Abby on Instagram @the.left.fork.
- 89 pages
- paperback
- ISBN 978-1-944555-92-4
- Release date: December 2023
eBook version available
Other books in the Devotions on the Gospel of John series: COMING SOON! Subscribe to our email list to stay informed of new teen book releases and sales!
Who is Jesus? Devotions, Book 1 (eBook)
Click to look inside
Contrary to what many believe today, neither the truth that Jesus is both really God and really man nor the way that he views the people on this earth are ideas that you can simply form your own opinion on. These truths are clearly taught in the pages of Scripture and are “profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (2 Tim. 3:16).
So who is Jesus? John’s inspired gospel account of our Savior’s ministry will help you answer this question biblically, and it will also help you understand just how important the answer to your question is. When you fall into sin or are tempted to sin or when you suffer hardship and loss, there is great comfort in knowing who Jesus is—the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
Abby Van Solkema has been writing devotionals for young people since 2018. She is a graduate of Grand Valley State University and lives with her husband, Tedd, and their four children in Byron Center, Michigan. Follow Abby on Instagram @the.left.fork.
- 89 pages
- ISBN 978-1-959515-05-0
Paperback version available
Other books in the Devotions on the Gospel of John series: COMING SOON! Subscribe to our email list to stay informed of new teen book releases and sales!
Wonder of Grace, The
NEW in 2024! Click here for a study guide to The Wonder of Grace.
This guide was written by Kyle Bruinooge, who teaches New Testament and Worldviews at Covenant Christian High School.
"The questions in this study guide are of varying forms. Some questions are simply designed as an aid to give organization and structure to the chapters. Other questions are crafted to foster and promote profitable and lively discussion on the topics raised in the book. Finally, my overall aim was that a number of questions would be personal and real for the child of God. For these questions, each individual who studies the book can respond uniquely and personally to how God has used the precious truths of grace in his or her life." -Kyle Bruinooge, 2023
2nd edition
Click for a sample
Originally a series of radio sermons broadcast on the Reformed Witness Hour program, The Wonder of Grace was first published as a book in 1944. In Wonder, the author develops the concept of salvation by grace. Each of the fifteen chapters is devoted to one aspect of the grace that God bestows on the believer in the process of salvation. The reader of this work will grow in the knowledge and confidence that salvation is by grace alone and that God is worthy of all praise and glory.
This edition of The Wonder of Grace is a reprint of the 1982 edition of Herman Hoeksema’s little classic on God’s sovereign grace. In order to remain faithful to the words and ideas of the author, changes made to this edition were stylistic in nature.
Chapter 1: The Idea of Salvation by Grace
Chapter 2: Chosen by Grace
Chapter 3: Reconciled by Grace
Chapter 4: United with Christ by Grace
Chapter 5: Regenerated by Grace
Chapter 6: Called by Grace
Chapter 7: Believing Through Grace
Chapter 8: Justified by Grace
Chapter 9: Converted by Grace
Chapter 10: Working Out Our Salvation by Grace
Chapter 11: Good Works Through Grace
Chapter 12: Suffering Through Grace
Chapter 13: Victory Through Grace
Chapter 14: Assurance of Grace
Chapter 15: Glorified Through Grace
Herman Hoeksema (HH) (1886-1965) was ordained into the ministry in the Christian Reformed Churches in 1915. He is considered one of the founding "fathers" of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. He taught in the Seminary of the Protestant Reformed Churches from its founding and until his retirement in 1964.
- 120 pages
- paperback
- ISBN 978-1-944555-97-9
- Release date: January 5, 2017