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1834: Hendrik de Cock's Return to the True Church

Level Member Price $28.57


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The author’s narrative recounts the reformation of the church in 1834, when Hendrik de Cock witnessed against the false doctrines and unspiritual character of the state Reformed church of the Netherlands. After having been unceremoniously suspended and deposed from office, he led his congregation to return to the biblical worship of God in Christ Jesus as set forth in the Reformed creeds, which represents the faith of God’s saints throughout the ages. His witness has inspired the witness of hundreds of thousands of people throughout the world until this day.

This book therefore recounts one man’s struggle against the perversions of scripture by the vast majority of ordained pastors in the state Reformed church with its million or more spiritually sleeping members. Contra mundum was the character of this struggle for the truth. De Cock’s witness therefore was a trumpet blast in the night of spiritual darkness that awakened God’s people at the morn of a new day, while at the same time it angered and galvanized the unfaithful ecclesiastical administrators in opposition. De Cock gave witness to the sole authority of sacred scripture and to the binding authority of the Reformed creeds, which for Reformed believers is derived from the binding authority of the Bible. 

Read reviews by Dr. Wes BredenhofProf. David EngelsmaDr. Eugene HeidemanRev. E. T. KirklandRev. Cornelius PronkRev. Clayton SpronkRev. Pieter VanderMeyden, and Charles Terpstra (The Three R's blog).

Read reviews on here.

Find more reviews at the Covenant Protestant Reformed Church (NI) bookstore page here.

Marvin Kamps (1940-2014) was a minister of the word in the Protestant Reformed Churches from 1976-1993. He served congregations in Iowa, Washington, and West Michigan.

  • 512 pages
  • hardcover
  • ISBN 978-1-936054-32-9
  • Release date: March 21, 2014

eBook version available

1834: Hendrik de Cock's Return to the True Church

Level Member Price $2.99


Look inside the book

The author’s narrative recounts the reformation of the church in 1834, when Hendrik de Cock witnessed against the false doctrines and unspiritual character of the state Reformed church of the Netherlands. After having been unceremoniously suspended and deposed from office, he led his congregation to return to the biblical worship of God in Christ Jesus as set forth in the Reformed creeds, which represents the faith of God’s saints throughout the ages. His witness has inspired the witness of hundreds of thousands of people throughout the world until this day.

This book therefore recounts one man’s struggle against the perversions of scripture by the vast majority of ordained pastors in the state Reformed church with its million or more spiritually sleeping members. Contra mundum was the character of this struggle for the truth. De Cock’s witness therefore was a trumpet blast in the night of spiritual darkness that awakened God’s people at the morn of a new day, while at the same time it angered and galvanized the unfaithful ecclesiastical administrators in opposition. De Cock gave witness to the sole authority of sacred scripture and to the binding authority of the Reformed creeds, which for Reformed believers is derived from the binding authority of the Bible. 

Read reviews by Dr. Wes BredenhofProf. David EngelsmaDr. Eugene HeidemanE. T. KirklandCornelius PronkClayton SpronkPieter VanderMeyden, and Charles Terpstra (The Three R's blog).

Read reviews on here.

Marvin Kamps (1940-2014) was a minister of the word in the Protestant Reformed Churches from 1976-1993. He served congregations in Iowa, Washington, and West Michigan.

  • 512 pages
  • ISBN 978-1-936054-23-7

Hardcover version available

Gottschalk, Servant of God: A Story of Courage, Faith, and Love for the Truth (ebook)

Level Member Price $2.99


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These were the Dark Ages, the days of knights and castles and kings and queens, of monasteries, Vikings, and monks. But one monk stood out from all the rest. One monk stood firm for the truth he believed, though no one stood with him at all. This is the story of Gottschalk of Orbais, a light of truth in the darkness of his age—and a light of truth in ours.

For years, the RFPA has discussed publishing books for younger readers, and Gottschalk: Servant of God represents our first effort. This book is intended for junior high and high school ages. Because the story is intriguing and the history of Gottschalk is not well-known, adults will also enjoy this book and find it profitable.

Read reviews by Dr. Julian Kennedy (CPRC), Ryan SchipperTaylor Vink, and Lori Hooten (The Old Schoolhouse).

What others have said about this book:

"Gottschalk is my hero."—Herman Hanko

"Students, parents, elders, and ministers. This is a volume they could all read with profound benefit."—Marvin Kamps

"Honestly, it is a very, very good book."—7th grade student


Connie Meyer is a 1982 graduate of Calvin College with a BA in art education. She is a wife and the mother to five children. She has written multiple RFPA publications, including a 3-volume art curriculum called Behold the Beauty.

  • 160 pages
  • ISBN 978-1-936054-89-3

This book is currently only available as an eBook.

I Remember Herman Hoeksema

Level Member Price $6.47


Click for sample chapters

Published originally as a series of articles in Beacon Lights magazine, I Remember Herman Hoeksema consists of the recollections of David J. Engelsma, a student of Herman Hoeksema.

Written for young people, these articles show something of the man whom many know only as an author and theologian.


David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.

Herman Hoeksema (HH) (1886-1965) was ordained into the ministry in the Christian Reformed Churches in 1915. He is considered one of the founding "fathers" of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. He taught in the Seminary of the Protestant Reformed Churches from its founding and until his retirement in 1964.


  • 112 pages
  • ISBN 978-1-944555-76-4


eBook version available

I Remember Herman Hoeksema (eBook)

Level Member Price $2.99


Published originally as a series of articles in Beacon Lights magazine, I Remember Herman Hoeksema consists of the recollections of David J. Engelsma, a student of Herman Hoeksema.

Written for young people, these articles show something of the man whom many know only as an author and theologian.


David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.

Herman Hoeksema (HH) (1886-1965) was ordained into the ministry in the Christian Reformed Churches in 1915. He is considered one of the founding "fathers" of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. He taught in the Seminary of the Protestant Reformed Churches from its founding and until his retirement in 1964.


  • 112 pages
  • ISBN 978-1-944555-77-1

Paperback version available

Just Dad (eBook)

Level Member Price $2.99


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Many people are familiar with the public persona of Herman Hoeksema. As one of the leading theologians of the twentieth century, a seminary professor, the pastor of a large congregation, and a prolific writer, he was well-known in ecclesiastical circles, as well as in the world in general. But to his family he was “just Dad.” This anecdotal biography written by his youngest child records many stories about him - some perhaps familiar, but others never before told.

Included in the book are numerous pictures of Hoeksema and his family, as well as an appendix with several personal letters of Hoeksema written to his children when he took a trip to Europe in 1929. These will show you a side of Hoeksema not found elsewhere.


Read a review by Charles Terpstra (The Three R's blog), and Monica Koole


What others have said about the book:

“In so many ways I can relate to [Lois'] feelings and experiences...It is also good for us to see that [Hoeksema] was a husband and a father. A normal and fallible man, doing the work the Lord placed before him. I still think people today place their minister and family on a pedestal and forget they have feelings, likes and dislikes, and they like to spend time with their own family and have a good time too. I'm glad the RFPA printed this book.”—a Protestant Reformed minister’s wife

"[A] pleasing, if lightweight, little book. Many readers will enjoy it as the portrait of a kindly Christian man, of great integrity, of whatever doctrinal persuasion. The book's supplement of some of Hoeksema's correspondence only adds to its value!"—Gerald Parker


Lois E. (Hoeksema) Kregel is the youngest daughter of Herman Hoeksema, who was a founding figure of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. This memoir of her father is her first book.


  • 144 pages
  • ISBN 978-1-936054-55-8


Paperback version available

Just Dad: Stories of Herman Hoeksema

Level Member Price $6.47


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Many people are familiar with the public persona of Herman Hoeksema. As one of the leading theologians of the twentieth century, a seminary professor, the pastor of a large congregation, and a prolific writer, he was well-known in ecclesiastical circles, as well as in the world in general. But to his family he was “just Dad.” This anecdotal biography written by his youngest child records many stories about him - some perhaps familiar, but others never before told.

Included in the book are numerous pictures of Hoeksema and his family, as well as an appendix with several personal letters of Hoeksema written to his children when he took a trip to Europe in 1929. These will show you a side of Hoeksema not found elsewhere.


Read a review by Charles Terpstra (The Three R's blog), and Monica Koole


What others have said about the book:

“In so many ways I can relate to [Lois'] feelings and experiences...It is also good for us to see that [Hoeksema] was a husband and a father. A normal and fallible man, doing the work the Lord placed before him. I still think people today place their minister and family on a pedestal and forget they have feelings, likes and dislikes, and they like to spend time with their own family and have a good time too. I'm glad the RFPA printed this book.”—a Protestant Reformed minister’s wife

"[A] pleasing, if lightweight, little book. Many readers will enjoy it as the portrait of a kindly Christian man, of great integrity, of whatever doctrinal persuasion. The book's supplement of some of Hoeksema's correspondence only adds to its value!"—Gerald Parker


Lois E. (Hoeksema) Kregel is the youngest daughter of Herman Hoeksema, who was a founding figure of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. This memoir of her father is her first book.


  • 144 pages
  • paperback
  • ISBN 978-1-936054-54-1
  • Release date: November 24, 2014


eBook version available

Less Than the Least (eBook)

Level Member Price $2.99


2nd edition

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Less Than the Least is the memoirs of Rev. Cornelius Hanko’s long, fruitful life of nearly a century (1907–2005). He lived through two world wars, the Great Depression, the Korean and Vietnam Wars, the rise and fall of communism, and the advent of the space age, and spanned the terms of eighteen US presidents, from Theodore Roosevelt to George W. Bush.

Son of Dutch immigrants to America, Hanko served six pastorates in five states, most notably in First Protestant Reformed Church, Grand Rapids, Michigan (1948–1964), along with Rev. Herman Hoeksema and Rev. Hubert De Wolf. Hanko poignantly describes the grief caused in the PRC by De Wolf’s heresy and schism (1953).

More than this, Less Than the Least follows Hanko from his childhood, school days, and seminary training, all the way to his retirement (1977) and beyond.

This delightful book comes complete with photos and appendices.


Read review by Tang Jee Fung (Salt Shakers).


  • 348 pages
  • ISBN 978-1-944555-21-4


Paperback version available

Less Than the Least: Memoirs of Cornelius Hanko

Level Member Price $16.22


2nd edition

 Click to look inside

Less Than the Least is the memoirs of Rev. Cornelius Hanko’s long, fruitful life of nearly a century (1907–2005). He lived through two world wars, the Great Depression, the Korean and Vietnam Wars, the rise and fall of communism, and the advent of the space age, and spanned the terms of eighteen US presidents, from Theodore Roosevelt to George W. Bush.

Son of Dutch immigrants to America, Hanko served six pastorates in five states, most notably in First Protestant Reformed Church, Grand Rapids, Michigan (1948–1964), along with Rev. Herman Hoeksema and Rev. Hubert De Wolf. Hanko poignantly describes the grief caused in the PRC by De Wolf’s heresy and schism (1953).

More than this, Less Than the Least follows Hanko from his childhood, school days, and seminary training, all the way to his retirement (1977) and beyond.

This delightful book comes complete with photos and appendices.


Read review by Tang Jee Fung (Salt Shakers).


  • 348 pages
  • hardcover
  • ISBN 978-1-944555-20-7
  • Release date: June 20, 2017


eBook version available

Letters from Katie Luther (eBook)

Level Member Price $2.99


 Click to read sample

Ave and her best friend Katie lived for many years as nuns in a convent in Nimbschen. But one day the two women and several other nuns decided they must flee the convent for the city of Wittenberg so that they could worship the Lord in a way pleasing to him.

After their respective marriages, Ave moved away from Wittenberg, while Katie remained in the city with her new husband, Dr. Martin Luther. Over the years, the women wrote each other many letters and remained close friends and “sisters in the Lord.”

Now, in a novel set almost three decades later, Ave has received news that Katie has died. Determined to share her friend’s story, Ave begins to relay her memories of Katie and share the letters she has kept for all these years. Her desire is only that we learn what her friend Katie came to learn over fifty-three years on this earth: trust in the Lord, who strengthens the hearts of all who hope in him (Psalm 31:24).


What others are saying about this book:

"It was well written and a good blend of history and action. it was nice to see Martin Luther through his wife and best friend's eyes instead of only through himself/pastors/reformers. I felt as though I was right there with her in some of the parts. I like the part about them escaping out of the convent!" – Ellie (Iowa, USA)


Read reviews by Kristin DykstraSarah Mowery (Perspectives), Eva and Mina Boekestein (The Outlook)Ronald Cammenga (Standard Bearer), and Dr. Jason Van Vliet (Clarion).


  • 208 pages
  • ISBN 978-1-944555-54-2


Paperback version available

Letters from Katie Luther: A Novel

Level Member Price $12.71


Click to read sample

Ave and her best friend Katie lived for many years as nuns in a convent in Nimbschen. But one day the two women and several other nuns decided they must flee the convent for the city of Wittenberg so that they could worship the Lord in a way pleasing to him.

After their respective marriages, Ave moved away from Wittenberg, while Katie remained in the city with her new husband, Dr. Martin Luther. Over the years, the women wrote each other many letters and remained close friends and “sisters in the Lord.”

Now, in a novel set almost three decades later, Ave has received news that Katie has died. Determined to share her friend’s story, Ave begins to relay her memories of Katie and share the letters she has kept for all these years. Her desire is only that we learn what her friend Katie came to learn over fifty-three years on this earth: trust in the Lord, who strengthens the hearts of all who hope in him (Psalm 31:24).


What others are saying about this book:

"It was well written and a good blend of history and action. it was nice to see Martin Luther through his wife and best friend's eyes instead of only through himself/pastors/reformers. I felt as though I was right there with her in some of the parts. I like the part about them escaping out of the convent!" – Ellie (Iowa, USA)


Read reviews by Kristin DykstraSarah MoweryEva and Mina Boekestein (The Outlook)Ronald Cammenga (Standard Bearer), and Jason Van Vliet (Clarion).


  • 208 pages
  • softcover
  • ISBN 978-1-944555-53-5
  • Release date: April 1, 2020


eBook version available

Portraits of Faithful Saints

Level Member Price $21.42


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This collection of short biographies details the lives of fifty-two professing believers who lived and died for Christ. Read about old favorites, such as Augustine and Luther, and learn about the obscure, though equally influential Christians, such as Cocceius and Olevianus. Not sentimental or fictionalized, these accounts tell what Christians actually said and did during difficult times, and they prepare the reader to face opposition today.


What others are saying about the book:

"While Portraits of Faithful Saints may not make the official textbook lists in some seminaries, students are going to latch on to Hanko's latest as an indispensable cheatsheet on the biography of theologians—the Halley's Handbook of its field."—Christian Observer


Herman Hanko (1930-2024) served as a minister in the Protestant Reformed Churches from 1955 to 1965, when he was appointed to serve as professor in the Protestant Reformed Seminary in Grandville, MI. He served in that capacity until his retirement in 2001. Until his passing in April 2024, he continued to lecture widely in the USA, the United Kingdom, and other countries, including Singapore and the Philippines. He is the author of several RFPA books.


  • 464 pages
  • hardcover 
  • ISBN 978-1-944555-24-5
  • Release date: 1999, 2018


eBook version available


Portraits of Faithful Saints (eBook)

Level Member Price $2.99


Read about old favorites, such as Augustine and Luther, and learn about the obscure, though equally influential Christians, such as Cocceius and Olevianus. This collection of short biographies details the lives of fifty-two professing believers who lived and died for Christ. Not sentimental or fictionalized, these accounts tell what Christians actually said and did during difficult times, and they prepare the reader to face opposition today.


What others are saying about the book:

"While Portraits of Faithful Saints may not make the official textbook lists in some seminaries, students are going to latch on to Hanko's latest as an indispensable cheatsheet on the biography of theologians—the Halley's Handbook of its field."—Christian Observer


Herman Hanko (1930-2024) served as a minister in the Protestant Reformed Churches from 1955 to 1965, when he was appointed to serve as professor in the Protestant Reformed Seminary in Grandville, MI. He served in that capacity until his retirement in 2001. Until his passing in April 2024, he continued to lecture widely in the USA, the United Kingdom, and other countries, including Singapore and the Philippines. He is the author of several RFPA books.


  • 464 pages 
  • ISBN 978-1-944555-31-3 



Contending for the Faith 


Hardcover version available 

Say Among the Heathen the Lord Reigns (eBook)

Level Member Price $2.99


Rev. Jason Kortering (1936–2020) was a minister in the Protestant Reformed Churches. From 1992–2006, he and his wife, Jean, were called to missionary labors in Singapore, India, and Myanmar. Say Among the Heathen the Lord Reigns is Jean’s account of those years. The recollections and stories in this book will direct your heart to the Son of God who gathers, defends, and preserves to himself an elect church out of all nations, kindreds, peoples, and tongues.

Our living in Singapore and other foreign countries for 10+ years was a great blessing for the whole family. Though children and grandchildren gave up their parents and grandparents for the Lord’s work, and we were separated from each other for a while, God remained our constant. He reigns. He reigns over the whole earth and we rejoice. He reigns over the multitude of isles and they are glad (Ps. 97). He rules in America and he rules across the globe. We were separated by many, many miles but we were so close because we worshiped and served the same God. He is supremely sovereign and yet gentle and caring in his love for his people. It was our privilege many years ago to share that truth in a heathen culture.” — Jean Kortering, July 2022


Read reviews by Ellen Kamps and Daniel Holstege (PRCA).


  • 368 pages
  • ISBN 978-1-7368154-5-8


Paperback version available

Say Among the Heathen the Lord Reigns: Evidences in Southeast Asia

Level Member Price $16.22


Rev. Jason Kortering (1936–2020) was a minister in the Protestant Reformed Churches. From 1992–2006, he and his wife, Jean, were called to missionary labors in Singapore, India, and Myanmar. Say Among the Heathen the Lord Reigns is Jean’s account of those years. The recollections and stories in this book will direct your heart to the Son of God who gathers, defends, and preserves to himself an elect church out of all nations, kindreds, peoples, and tongues.

“Our living in Singapore and other foreign countries for 10+ years was a great blessing for the whole family. Though children and grandchildren gave up their parents and grandparents for the Lord’s work, and we were separated from each other for a while, God remained our constant. He reigns. He reigns over the whole earth and we rejoice. He reigns over the multitude of isles and they are glad (Ps. 97). He rules in America and he rules across the globe. We were separated by many, many miles but we were so close because we worshiped and served the same God. He is supremely sovereign and yet gentle and caring in his love for his people. It was our privilege many years ago to share that truth in a heathen culture.”Jean Kortering, July 2022


Read reviews by Ellen Kamps and Daniel Holstege (PRCA).


  • 368 pages
  • paperback
  • ISBN 978-1-7368154-41
  • Release date: 2022


eBook version available

Watchman on the Walls of Zion (eBook)

Level Member Price $2.99


 Click for preview

Simon van Velzen was a powerful preacher of the gospel. He was a reformer of the church of Christ in the Netherlands in the Secession of 1834. He was a seminary professor who influenced hundreds of future Reformed ministers. He was a faithful husband and devoted father.

In his own day, he was held in high regard by such notable figures as Abraham Kuyper and Herman Bavinck, and was respected as a spiritual father and John Calvin-like figure by Reformed believers both in the Netherlands and America. Sadly, many Reformed Christians in the twenty-first century have little, if any, idea who he is. Where he is remembered, he is often branded as being “unyielding, obstinate, and domineering,” and he is dismissed as being of little significance in the history of the church. This biography corrects such ignorance and misconceptions by setting forth the fascinating life of an influential figure in the history of Christ’s church.


What others are saying about this book:

"This readable story of the Afscheiding leader who most impacted orthodox Dutch Calvinists in North America should be in every church library." - Robert P. Swierenga


Read reviews by Robert P. Swierenga (Protestant Reformed Theological Journal), Stephan Regnerus (PRCA), and Jerome Julien (The Outlook)

Joshua Engelsma is a minister in the Protestant Reformed Churches of America. He is also the author of Dating Differently: A Guide to Reformed Dating.


  • 240 pages
  • ISBN 978-1-959515-16-6


Hardcover version available

Watchman on the Walls of Zion: The Life and Influence of Simon van Velzen Watchman on the Walls of Zion: The Life and Influence of Simon van Velzen

Level Member Price $17.23


 Click for preview

Simon van Velzen was a powerful preacher of the gospel. He was a reformer of the church of Christ in the Netherlands in the Secession of 1834. He was a seminary professor who influenced hundreds of future Reformed ministers. He was a faithful husband and devoted father.

In his own day, he was held in high regard by such notable figures as Abraham Kuyper and Herman Bavinck, and was respected as a spiritual father and John Calvin-like figure by Reformed believers both in the Netherlands and America. Sadly, many Reformed Christians in the twenty-first century have little, if any, idea who he is. Where he is remembered, he is often branded as being “unyielding, obstinate, and domineering,” and he is dismissed as being of little significance in the history of the church. This biography corrects such ignorance and misconceptions by setting forth the fascinating life of an influential figure in the history of Christ’s church.


What others are saying about this book:

"This readable story of the Afscheiding leader who most impacted orthodox Dutch Calvinists in North America should be in every church library." - Robert P. Swierenga


Read reviews by Robert P. Swierenga (Protestant Reformed Theological Journal), Stephan Regnerus (PRCA), and Jerome Julien (The Outlook)

Joshua Engelsma is a minister in the Protestant Reformed Churches of America. He is also the author of Dating Differently: A Guide to Reformed Dating.


  • 240 pages
  • hardcover
  • ISBN 978-1-944555-73-3
  • Release date: February 24, 2021


eBook version available

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