One yearly payment of $192 or equal monthly payments (International Membership $186)
Choice of any four books per year – Automatic: The member will automatically receive four new "core" releases. These are the books that the RFPA judges to be the most valuable or of most interest to its core audience. – Customize*: The member will contact the office when they would like a new book. This includes all new releases and/or any hard copy books from the "All Books" section of the RFPA website.
Free eBook of any of the four books selected (upon request)
Standard Bearer subscription included
Standard Bearer eSubscription included (upon request)
35% off discount on all book purchases above and beyond the four books selected
*Please note: The Customize membership operates under a "use it or lose it" policy. If you do not contact the office with your book selections prior to the end of your membership year, any books not redeemed will not be rolled over into the next membership year.
Level 2
One yearly payment of $318 or equal monthly payments (International Membership $276)
Choice of any eight books per year – Automatic: The member will automatically receive all 8 new releases from the RFPA during his or her membership year. – Customize*: The member will contact the office when they would like a new book. This includes all new releases and/or any hard copy books from the "All Books" section of the RFPA website.
Free eBook of any of the eight books selected (upon request)
Standard Bearer subscription included
Standard Bearer eSubscription included (upon request)
Ignited by the Word (children’s magazine) subscription included
35% off discount on all book purchases above and beyond the eight books selected
*Please note: The Customize membership operates under a "use it or lose it" policy. If you do not contact the office with your book selections prior to the end of your membership year, any books not redeemed will not be rolled over into the next membership year.
Support the Mission
Books per Year
The Standard Bearer
Ignited by the Word
This pricing model only applies to Domestic Members. For International Members, pricing may vary. Contact the office for details.
Your contributions make it possible for us to reach Christians in more markets and more lands around the world than ever before.