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Always Reforming: Continuation of the Sixteenth Century Reformation

Level Member Price $11.01


Featuring over a dozen authors, Always Reforming demonstrates that the Spirit of Christ has carried on the reforming work of Christ in the sixteenth century in one particular branch of the church of the Reformation. A successor to The Sixteenth-Century Reformation of the Church, this book traces the continuing reformation in the Netherlands in the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries, and in the Protestant Reformed Churches in North America in the twentieth century.


  • 318 pages
  • paperback
  • ISBN 978-0-916206-99-4 
  • Edited by David Engelsma
  • Release date: June 6, 2016


eBook version available 


Other Books in the Rightly Dividing Series:

Common Grace Revisited

Reformed Worship

Sixteenth Century Reformation

Here We Stand Commemorating the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation (ebook)

Level Member Price $2.99


 Click to look inside

The great 16th-century church Reformation was so significant an event that virtually every church today is affected by that history and the 16th-century reforms in doctrine and life.

This book demonstrates the impact of that historic event by focusing on a few aspects of the Reformation, including the crucial issues of justification by faith alone, the authority of scripture, and proper worship. This book also covers two lesser-known yet significant aspects of the Reformation that began in 1517: the unique development of the Reformation in the Lowlands, and the reformers’ response to the “radical reformation.”


Read reviews by Kevin Huizinga and Julian Kennedy


The chapters included in this book are written by Ronald L. Cammenga (editor), David Torlach, Barrett L. Gritters, Martyn McGeown, Russell Dykstra, and Steven Key.


  • 208 pages
  • ISBN 978-1-944555-38-2

    Hardcover version available

    Believing and Confessing: 365 Meditations on the Belgic Confession

    Level Member Price $18.81


     Look inside the book

    The Belgic Confession of Faith is a beloved summary of the Christian faithfor the building up of the church of Christ and to the glory of the triune God. But the Belgic Confession is not only a statement of faith. The theological depths and the personal character of this beloved document make it a more-than-suitable resource to which the believer can turn for the daily practice of personal devotions. 

    The 365 meditations in this book will daily guide the reader toward a better understanding of those scriptural truths for which the author of the Belgic Confession, Guido de Brès, lived and died.


    Read review by Kathy VanderKolk (Grandville Gleaner).

    • 416 pages
    • softcover
    • ISBN 978-1-944555-69-6
    • Release date: August 2023


    eBook version available


    Table of Contents (click here for full TOC, or click Article 1 below for a sample):

    Introduction 3
    Article 1: There is One Only God, 4
    Article 2: By What Means God Is Made Known unto Us, 18
    Article 3: The Written Word of God, 26
    Article 4: Canonical Books of the Holy Scripture, 31
    Article 5: From Whence the Holy Scriptures Derive their Dignity and Authority, 35
    Article 6: The Difference Between the Canonical and Apocryphal Books, 35
    Article 7: The Sufficiency of the Holy Scriptures to be the Only Rule of Faith, 43
    Article 8: God is One in Essence, Yet Distinguished in Three Persons, 58
    Article 9: The Proof of the Foregoing Article of the Trinity of Persons in One God, 66
    Article 10: Jesus Christ Is True and Eternal God, 74
    Article 11: The Holy Ghost Is True and Eternal God, 82
    Article 12: Of the Creation, 90
    Article 13: Divine Providence, 105
    Article 14: The Creation and Fall of Man, and His Incapacity to Perform What Is Truly Good, 127
    Article 15: Original Sin, 142
    Article 16: Eternal Election, 157
    Article 17: The Recovery of Fallen Man, 172
    Article 18: The Incarnation of Jesus Christ, 180
    Article 19: The Union and Distinction of the Two Natures in the Person of Christ, 188
    Article 20: God Hath Manifested His Justice and Mercy in Christ, 196
    Article 21: The Satisfaction of Christ, Our Only High Priest, for Us, 204
    Article 22: Faith in Jesus Christ, 219
    Article 23: Justification, 228
    Article 24: Man's Sanctification and Good Works, 249
    Article 25: The Abolishing of the Ceremonial Law, 265
    Article 26: Christ's Intercession, 273
    Article 27: The Catholic Christian Church, 295
    Article 28: Every One Is Bound to Join Himself to the True Church, 303
    Article 29: The Marks of the True Church, and Wherein She Differs from the False Church, 311
    Article 30: The Government of and Offices in the Church, 319
    Article 31: The Ministers, Elders, and Deacons, 334
    Article 32: The Order and Discipline of the Church, 342
    Article 33: The Sacraments, 357
    Article 34: Holy Baptism, 370
    Article 35: The Holy Supper of Our Lord Jesus Christ, 379
    Article 36: The Magistrates, 388
    Article 37: The Last Judgment, 396

    Here We Stand Commemorating the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation

    Level Member Price $9.26


     Click to look inside

    The great 16th-century church Reformation was so significant an event that virtually every church today is affected by that history and the 16th-century reforms in doctrine and life.

    This book demonstrates the impact of that historic event by focusing on a few aspects of the Reformation, including the crucial issues of justification by faith alone, the authority of scripture, and proper worship. This book also covers two lesser-known yet significant aspects of the Reformation that began in 1517: the unique development of the Reformation in the Lowlands, and the reformers’ response to the “radical reformation.”


    Read reviews by Kevin Huizinga and Julian Kennedy


    The chapters included in this book are written by: Ronald L. Cammenga (editor), David Torlach, Barrett L. Gritters, Martyn McGeown, Russell Dykstra, and Steven Key.


    • 208 pages
    • softcover
    • ISBN 978-1-944555-37-5
    • Release date: April 19, 2018


    eBook version available

    Always Reforming, a continuation of the Sixteenth Century Reformation (ebook)

    Level Member Price $2.99


    Featuring over a dozen authors, Always Reforming demonstrates that the Spirit of Christ has carried on the reforming work of Christ in the sixteenth century in one particular branch of the church of the Reformation. A successor to The Sixteenth-Century Reformation of the Church, this book traces the continuing reformation in the Netherlands in the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries, and in the Protestant Reformed Churches in North America in the twentieth century.  


    • 318 pages
    • ISBN 978-1-944555-09-2
    • Edited by David Engelsma


    Paperback version available


    Other Books in the Rightly Dividing Series:

    Common Grace Revisited (eBook)

    Reformed Worship (eBook)

    Sixteenth-Century Reformation

    Translation missing: