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Studies in Hebrews study guide

Level Member Price $5.16


Click for sample lesson

The epistle to the Hebrews is one of the more difficult books of the Bible to interpret. Yet it is important to study, primarily because it helps us to understand the relation between the Old and New Testaments. Those who sometimes struggle with the interpretation but who nevertheless persevere will find in Hebrews the rich fruit of learning and edification.

This publication explores the main theme of Hebrews, the relation between the Old Testament and the New Testament, as well as two sub-themes. One is the concept better, a term used twelve times in the epistle to help define the relation between the testaments. The other is the emphasis on faith as contrasted with sight.

This guide is split into 6 "parts." Each part is made up of 3-10 sections that can be used as "lessons" for personal or group study.


Mark Homer Hoeksema (1949-2021) was the son of a Protestant Reformed minister. He had a great love for church history, facilitating and recording many dozens of interviews and profiles with men and women in the Reformed church tradition. Many of these can be found in the archives of the Standard Bearer and the Beacon Lights, a publication for Reformed young people of which he was editor-in-chief for some years. He also wrote numerous Bible study guides for the RFPA. 


  • 96 pages
  • paperback
  • ISBN 978-1-944555-28-3
  • Release date: 2017


Find all Bible study guides here.

Here We Stand Commemorating the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation (ebook)

Level Member Price $2.99


 Click to look inside

The great 16th-century church Reformation was so significant an event that virtually every church today is affected by that history and the 16th-century reforms in doctrine and life.

This book demonstrates the impact of that historic event by focusing on a few aspects of the Reformation, including the crucial issues of justification by faith alone, the authority of scripture, and proper worship. This book also covers two lesser-known yet significant aspects of the Reformation that began in 1517: the unique development of the Reformation in the Lowlands, and the reformers’ response to the “radical reformation.”


Read reviews by Kevin Huizinga and Julian Kennedy.


The chapters included in this book are written by Ronald L. Cammenga (editor), David Torlach, Barrett L. Gritters, Martyn McGeown, Russell Dykstra, and Steven Key.


  • 208 pages
  • ISBN 978-1-944555-38-2

    Hardcover version available

    Here We Stand: Commemorating the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation Here We Stand: Commemorating the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation

    Level Member Price $9.26


     Click to look inside

    The great 16th-century church Reformation was so significant an event that virtually every church today is affected by that history and the 16th-century reforms in doctrine and life.

    This book demonstrates the impact of that historic event by focusing on a few aspects of the Reformation, including the crucial issues of justification by faith alone, the authority of scripture, and proper worship. This book also covers two lesser-known yet significant aspects of the Reformation that began in 1517: the unique development of the Reformation in the Lowlands, and the reformers’ response to the “radical reformation.”


    Read reviews by Kevin Huizinga and Julian Kennedy.


    The chapters included in this book are written by: Ronald L. Cammenga (editor), David Torlach, Barrett L. Gritters, Martyn McGeown, Russell Dykstra, and Steven Key.


    • 208 pages
    • softcover
    • ISBN 978-1-944555-37-5
    • Release date: April 19, 2018


    eBook version available

    His Mercy Endureth Forever (eBook)

    Level Member Price $2.99


    O give thanks to the Lord of lords: for his mercy endureth for ever. To him who alone doeth great wonders: for his mercy endureth for ever. To him that by wisdom made the heavens: for his mercy endureth for ever. —Psalm 136:3–5 (KJV)

    God’s mercy endures forever. And the same mercy he displayed in the creation of the world and to his people Israel, he also reveals to his children in Jesus Christ. The words of this psalm and illustrator Kathleen DeJong’s beautiful acrylics and line drawings will inspire covenant children and their parents to thank God each day for his unending mercies.

    Read reviews by Mary Beth Lubbers, Sarah Mowery (Perspectives), Kelly (Hope in the Chaos), and Amy Butler (The Write Balance).


    What others have said about this book:

    "Not all illustrations of Scripture are lawful or tasteful. However, Kathleen’s book of pictures carefully captures the beauty of God’s mercy described in Psalm 136. Each sketch has the imprint not only of a skilled artist but also of one who has meditated on God’s Word. Both children and adults will grow in gratitude to God by pondering the inspired text as it is illuminated by insightful art."  — Jon Mahtani, Pastor of Hope Protestant Reformed Church

    "Kathleen DeJong has beautifully illustrated Psalm 136 in this book. Some of these detailed, vibrant pictures portray actual historical events from scripture; others portray the spiritual reality behind biblical events. I especially appreciate that the book begins and ends with illustrations that remind us that the psalms were meant to be sung by God’s people—people who always rejoice in the goodness and mercy of their God." — Karen Van Baren, Reformed Christian school teacher


    Kathleen DeJong is a freelance artist from the greater Chicago area. She has done art projects for various businesses, including book illustration, murals, portraits, pet paintings, and assorted ceramics.


    • 36 pages
    • ISBN 978-1-944555-98-6


    Edit: This book description has been updated to remove links to the Deputie Tribe blog and Our Everyday Harvest blog, which links no longer exist.


      Hardcover version available

      His Mercy Endureth Forever: Psalm 136 His Mercy Endureth Forever: Psalm 136

      Level Member Price $11.85


       Click to look inside

      O give thanks to the Lord of lords: for his mercy endureth for ever. To him who alone doeth great wonders: for his mercy endureth for ever. To him that by wisdom made the heavens: for his mercy endureth for ever. —Psalm 136:3–5 (KJV)

      God’s mercy endures forever. And the same mercy he displayed in the creation of the world and to his people Israel, he also reveals to his children in Jesus Christ. The words of this psalm and illustrator Kathleen DeJong’s beautiful acrylics and line drawings will inspire covenant children and their parents to thank God each day for his unending mercies.

      Read reviews by Mary Beth Lubbers, Sarah Mowery (Perspectives), Kelly (Hope in the Chaos), and Amy Butler (The Write Balance).


      What others have said about this book:

      "Not all illustrations of Scripture are lawful or tasteful. However, Kathleen’s book of pictures carefully captures the beauty of God’s mercy described in Psalm 136. Each sketch has the imprint not only of a skilled artist but also of one who has meditated on God’s Word. Both children and adults will grow in gratitude to God by pondering the inspired text as it is illuminated by insightful art."  — Jon Mahtani, Pastor of Hope Protestant Reformed Church

      "Kathleen DeJong has beautifully illustrated Psalm 136 in this book. Some of these detailed, vibrant pictures portray actual historical events from scripture; others portray the spiritual reality behind biblical events. I especially appreciate that the book begins and ends with illustrations that remind us that the psalms were meant to be sung by God’s people—people who always rejoice in the goodness and mercy of their God." — Karen Van Baren, Reformed Christian school teacher


      Kathleen DeJong is a freelance artist from the greater Chicago area. She has done art projects for various businesses, including book illustration, murals, portraits, pet paintings, and assorted ceramics.

      • 36 pages
      • hardcover
      • ISBN 978-1-944555-43-6
      • Release date: 2018


      Edit: This book description has been updated to remove links to the Deputie Tribe blog and Our Everyday Harvest blog, which links no longer exist.


      eBook version available

      Humble Servant: Devotions on the Gospel of John for Teens, Book 2 Humble Servant: Devotions on the Gospel of John for Teens, Book 2

      Level Member Price $11.85


       Click to look inside

      As the Son of God, Jesus had it all—perfect communion with both the Father and the Holy Spirit and the glories of heaven. But Jesus left it all behind to humble himself, taking on our human flesh and suffering his whole life long and especially at the cross.

      In life Jesus faced humiliation through outright rejection. Even as he preached the gospel and performed mighty miracles, his enemies falsely accused him and even took up stones to kill him (John 5–9).

      So, why would the Son of God become a humble, suffering servant?

      Because Jesus cares deeply for you and all his people—those who know themselves to be spiritually blind, lame, and hungry. Read from the gospel of John and meditate on how he gave himself so that you might be made whole and be nourished unto eternal life.

      Click here to review or buy the first book in this series, Who is Jesus?


      Read a review by Sarah De Boer (Grandville Gleaner).


      What others are saying about this book:

      "The book encourages us to walk with Christ daily and always trust in him...This devotional is a good way to remind yourself to follow Jesus and trust in him because he showed us how to be humble and loving. Whether you're a teen or an adult this is a great book to help you grow in your spiritual journey." Sarah De Boer (Grandville, MI)

      Abby Van Solkema has been writing devotionals for young people since 2018. She is a graduate of Grand Valley State University and lives with her husband, Tedd, and their four children in Byron Center, Michigan. Follow Abby on Instagram @the.left.fork.


      • 106 pages
      • paperback
      • ISBN 978-1-959515-18-0
      • Release date: April 26, 2024


      eBook version available


      Other books in the Devotions on the Gospel of John seriesCOMING SOON! Subscribe to our email list to stay informed of new teen book releases and sales!

      Humble Servant: Devotions, Book 2 (eBook)

      Level Member Price $2.99


       Click to look inside

      As the Son of God, Jesus had it all—perfect communion with both the Father and the Holy Spirit and the glories of heaven. But Jesus left it all behind to humble himself, taking on our human flesh and suffering his whole life long and especially at the cross.

      In life Jesus faced humiliation through outright rejection. Even as he preached the gospel and performed mighty miracles, his enemies falsely accused him and even took up stones to kill him (John 5–9).

      So, why would the Son of God become a humble, suffering servant?

      Because Jesus cares deeply for you and all his people—those who know themselves to be spiritually blind, lame, and hungry. Read from the gospel of John and meditate on how he gave himself so that you might be made whole and be nourished unto eternal life.

      Click here to review or buy the first book in this series, Who is Jesus?


      Read a review by Sarah De Boer (Grandville Gleaner).


      What others are saying about this book:

      "The book encourages us to walk with Christ daily and always trust in him...This devotional is a good way to remind yourself to follow Jesus and trust in him because he showed us how to be humble and loving. Whether you're a teen or an adult this is a great book to help you grow in your spiritual journey." Sarah De Boer (Grandville, MI)


      Abby Van Solkema has been writing devotionals for young people since 2018. She is a graduate of Grand Valley State University and lives with her husband, Tedd, and their four children in Byron Center, Michigan. Follow Abby on Instagram @the.left.fork.


      • 106 pages
      • paperback
      • ISBN 978-1-959515-18-0
      • Release date: April 26, 2024


      eBook version available


      Other books in the Devotions on the Gospel of John seriesCOMING SOON! Subscribe to our email list to stay informed of new teen book releases and sales!

      Hyper-Calvinism and the Call of the Gospel: An Examination of the Well-meant offer of the gospel (ebook)

      Level Member Price $2.99


       3rd edition

       Click to look inside

      Is there a "well-meant offer" of salvation to all men? Or is the call of the gospel restricted to the elect only? Is there an alternative to these two extremes?

      This book sets forth and defends the Reformed position of the gospel call to all mankind.


      Read review by Dr, C. Matthew McMahon (


      David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.


      • 224 pages
      • ISBN 978-1-936054-20-6


      Paperback version available

      Hyper-Calvinism and the Call of the Gospel: An Examination of the Well-meant offer of the gospel

      Level Member Price $9.71


       3rd edition

       Click to look inside

      Is there a "well-meant offer" of salvation to all men? Or is the call of the gospel restricted to the elect only? Is there an alternative to these two extremes?

      This book sets forth and defends the Reformed position of the gospel call to all mankind.


      Read review by Dr, C. Matthew McMahon (


      David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.


      • 224 pages
      • paperback
      • ISBN 978-1-936054-35-0
      • Release date: 1980, 1994, 2014


      eBook version available

      I Believe: Sermons on the Apostle's Creed (eBook)

      Level Member Price $2.99


      The Apostles' Creed declares truths that transcend time and space, uniting all of Christ’s saints from past, present, and future.

      In the early- to mid-1950s, Herman Hoeksema delivered a series of radio sermons on each of the articles of the Apostles’ Creed, thereby presenting and explaining all of the foundational doctrines of the Christian faith. This collection of those sermons is therefore an excellent introduction to a Reformed understanding of the fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith.

      But the sermons in this book are more than theological expositions of the doctrines of the Apostles’ Creed. Hoeksema offers insightful, practical applications that flow from the truths of the Creed. Both the Creed’s doctrines and practical implications are crucially important—not only to the individual Christian—but also to the church as a whole. By expounding the Apostles’ Creed, Hoeksema demonstrates that its truths are not empty propositions but living declarations pointing to the Christian’s only hope and comfort in life and death—the triune God and the Lord Jesus Christ.


      Read reviews by Mitchell Dick (URC), Marc Daniel Rivera (KristiyaKnow) and Ben House (The Heavy-Laden Bookshelf).


      What others are saying about the book:

      "As God’s people we embrace the teachings of the Apostles’ Creed. We embrace these teachings because we believe them. However, we believers can easily fall into the practice of treating the Creed as only a simple statement, a statement which we do not think about too deeply. We do not seek to understand the depths of its riches. Consequently, we do not grow in our faith. This fine volume on the Apostles’ Creed, replete with many Scripture references, will cause our faith and understanding of biblical truth to grow." Jerome Julien, emeritus minister in the United Reformed Churches in North America

      "Straight-forward, doctrinally tight, unwavering Reformed emphasis." Ben House (The Heavy-Laden Bookshelf)

      "Hoeksema’s robust defense of Reformed doctrines, particularly the sovereignty of God and salvation by grace alone, is strongly evident throughout the book. He challenges modern theological trends that he views as diverging from orthodox Reformed faith, such as Arminianism and liberalism, and reaffirms the authority of Scripture and the centrality of Christ in God’s eternal plan. This commitment to doctrinal purity is balanced by a pastoral concern, encouraging faithfulness and godliness. I Believe is a treasure trove of doctrinal, biblical, and practical wisdom. Herman Hoeksema’s sermons not only provide a clear exposition of the Creed but also offer practical applications relevant to contemporary Christian life." —Marc Daniel Rivera (KristiyaKnow)



      HERMAN HOEKSEMA (1886–1965) was a prolific writer who pastored churches in western Michigan. He also served as a professor at the Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan from its founding until his retirement in 1964.


      • 336 pages
      • ISBN 978-1-936054-67-1
      • Edited by Dr. Marco Barone


      Hardcover version available

      I Believe: Sermons on the Apostles' Creed

      Level Member Price $20.76


       Look inside the book

      The Apostles' Creed declares truths that transcend time and space, uniting all of Christ’s saints from past, present, and future.

      In the early- to mid-1950s, Herman Hoeksema delivered a series of radio sermons on each of the articles of the Apostles’ Creed, thereby presenting and explaining all of the foundational doctrines of the Christian faith. This collection of those sermons is therefore an excellent introduction to a Reformed understanding of the fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith.

      But the sermons in this book are more than theological expositions of the doctrines of the Apostles’ Creed. Hoeksema offers insightful, practical applications that flow from the truths of the Creed. Both the Creed’s doctrines and practical implications are crucially important—not only to the individual Christian—but also to the church as a whole. By expounding the Apostles’ Creed, Hoeksema demonstrates that its truths are not empty propositions but living declarations pointing to the Christian’s only hope and comfort in life and death—the triune God and the Lord Jesus Christ. 

      Read reviews by Mitchell Dick (URC), Marc Daniel Rivera (KristiyaKnow), and Ben House (The Heavy-Laden Bookshelf).


      What others are saying about the book:

      "As God’s people we embrace the teachings of the Apostles’ Creed. We embrace these teachings because we believe them. However, we believers can easily fall into the practice of treating the Creed as only a simple statement, a statement which we do not think about too deeply. We do not seek to understand the depths of its riches. Consequently, we do not grow in our faith. This fine volume on the Apostles’ Creed, replete with many Scripture references, will cause our faith and understanding of biblical truth to grow." Jerome Julien, emeritus minister in the United Reformed Churches in North America

      "Straight-forward, doctrinally tight, unwavering Reformed emphasis." Ben House (The Heavy-Laden Bookshelf)

      "Hoeksema’s robust defense of Reformed doctrines, particularly the sovereignty of God and salvation by grace alone, is strongly evident throughout the book. He challenges modern theological trends that he views as diverging from orthodox Reformed faith, such as Arminianism and liberalism, and reaffirms the authority of Scripture and the centrality of Christ in God’s eternal plan. This commitment to doctrinal purity is balanced by a pastoral concern, encouraging faithfulness and godliness. I Believe is a treasure trove of doctrinal, biblical, and practical wisdom. Herman Hoeksema’s sermons not only provide a clear exposition of the Creed but also offer practical applications relevant to contemporary Christian life." —Marc Daniel Rivera (KristiyaKnow)


      HERMAN HOEKSEMA (1886–1965) was a prolific writer who pastored churches in western Michigan. He also served as a professor at the Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan from its founding until his retirement in 1964.

      • 336 pages
      • Hardcover
      • ISBN 978-1-936054-63-3
      • Edited by Dr. Marco Barone
      • Release date: June 2023


      eBook version available

      I Belong (eBook)

      Level Member Price $2.99


       Look inside the book! 

      What is your only comfort in life and death?

      That I with body and soul, both in life and death, am not my own, but belong unto my faithful Savior Jesus Christ.

      I Belong is a picture book (ages 4-7) that explains each comforting phrase of Heidelberg Catechism Question and Answer 1 to young children, in language that they understand. Colorful illustrations of a diverse group of children will capture readers’ imaginations as they learn what it means to belong to their faithful Savior.

      This book can be used as a short book of devotions for families with younger children or can be read by older children on their own.

      It’s comforting to belong to God because you know he will care for you. The Bible tells you that when you pass through the deep waters and when you walk through the fire, God will be with you.


      Read reviews by Annemarieke Ryskamp (The Outlook), Amanda DeBoer (Clarion), and Kristin Stiles (Books at a Glance)! Also, learn more about the book by checking out our post on!


      Joyce Holstege has taught kindergarten at Heritage Christian School, located in her hometown of Hudsonville, Michigan, since 1995. Joyce holds a BA in English: Education from Grand Valley State University. She enjoys reading, gardening, and all things arts and crafts.

      Meagan Krosschell lives in Randolph, Wisconsin. She studies graphic design at Madison College and enjoys drawing, camping, and ice hockey.


      • 50 pages
      • ISBN 978-1-944555-87-0

      Click below for a speech given by the I Belong author at the annual Reformed Free Publishing Association meeting on September 22, 2022.

      Hardcover version available

      I Belong: Heidelberg Catechism Question and Answer One for Children I Belong: Heidelberg Catechism Question and Answer One for Children

      Level Member Price $16.10


       Look inside the book! 

      What is your only comfort in life and death?

      That I with body and soul, both in life and death, am not my own, but belong unto my faithful Savior Jesus Christ.

      I Belong is a picture book (ages 4-7) that explains each comforting phrase of Heidelberg Catechism Question and Answer 1 to young children, in language that they understand. Colorful illustrations of a diverse group of children will capture readers’ imaginations as they learn what it means to belong to their faithful Savior.

      This book can be used as a short book of devotions for families with younger children or can be read by older children on their own.

      It’s comforting to belong to God because you know he will care for you. The Bible tells you that when you pass through the deep waters and when you walk through the fire, God will be with you.


      Read reviews by Annemarieke Ryskamp (The Outlook), Amanda DeBoer (Clarion), and Kristin Stiles (Books at a Glance)! Also, learn more about the book by checking out our post on!


      Joyce Holstege has taught kindergarten at Heritage Christian School, located in her hometown of Hudsonville, Michigan, since 1995. Joyce holds a BA in English: Education from Grand Valley State University. She enjoys reading, gardening, and all things arts and crafts.

      Meagan Krosschell lives in Randolph, Wisconsin. She studies graphic design at Madison College and enjoys drawing, camping, and ice hockey.


      • 50 pages
      • Hardcover
      • ISBN 978-1-7368154-1-0
      • Release date: 2022

      This book is available in Spanish here  via


      Click below for a speech given by the I Belong author at the annual Reformed Free Publishing Association meeting on September 22, 2022.

      I Remember Herman Hoeksema

      Level Member Price $6.46


      Published originally as a series of articles in Beacon Lights magazine, I Remember Herman Hoeksema consists of the recollections of David J. Engelsma, a student of Herman Hoeksema.

      Written for young people, these articles show something of the man whom many know only as an author and theologian.


      David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.

      Herman Hoeksema (HH) (1886-1965) was ordained into the ministry in the Christian Reformed Churches in 1915. He is considered one of the founding "fathers" of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. He taught in the Seminary of the Protestant Reformed Churches from its founding and until his retirement in 1964.


      • 112 pages
      • softcover
      • ISBN 978-1-944555-76-4
      • Release date: January 21, 2021


      eBook version available

      I Remember Herman Hoeksema (eBook)

      Level Member Price $2.99


      Published originally as a series of articles in Beacon Lights magazine, I Remember Herman Hoeksema consists of the recollections of David J. Engelsma, a student of Herman Hoeksema.

      Written for young people, these articles show something of the man whom many know only as an author and theologian.


      David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.

      Herman Hoeksema (HH) (1886-1965) was ordained into the ministry in the Christian Reformed Churches in 1915. He is considered one of the founding "fathers" of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. He taught in the Seminary of the Protestant Reformed Churches from its founding and until his retirement in 1964.


      • 112 pages
      • ISBN 978-1-944555-77-1

      Paperback version available

      In the Beginning God In the Beginning God

      Level Member Price $6.46


      2nd edition

       Click to look inside

      The 1960s were years of challenges to the infallibility and inspiration of scripture. These attacks were precipitated by the increasingly popular theory of evolution, which was making inroads into Reformed churches and schools. In contradiction to this creeping heresy and in unequivocal defense of the doctrine of scripture, the Reformed Free Publishing Association published In the Beginning God.

      Since then the conflict between creation and evolution as the explanation of the origin of the world has intensified, and the doctrine of scripture is increasingly compromised, even in historically Reformed churches and schools.

      God’s people must be knowledgeable regarding the doctrines of scripture and of creation so that they are able staunchly to defend these truths. To this end the Reformed Free Publishing Association is pleased to republish this explanation and defense of these timeless truths.


      Read a review by Fred G. Zaspel (Books at a Glance).


      Homer C. Hoeksema (1923-1989) was the second son of Herman Hoeksema, born during the turmoil of the Common Grace controversy which led to the formation of the Protestant Reformed Churches. He served charges in Iowa and Illinois before being called to serve as professor in the Protestant Reformed Seminary, where he taught Dogmatics and New Testament studies. He also served for years as the editor of The Standard Bearer and wrote many books for the RFPA.


      • 144 pages
      • paperback
      • ISBN 978-1-936054-76-3
      • Release date: February 25, 2015


      eBook version available

      In the Beginning God (ebook)

      Level Member Price $2.99


      2nd edition

       Click to look inside

      The 1960s were years of challenges to the infallibility and inspiration of scripture. These attacks were precipitated by the increasingly popular theory of evolution, which was making inroads into Reformed churches and schools. In contradiction to this creeping heresy and in unequivocal defense of the doctrine of scripture, the Reformed Free Publishing Association published In the Beginning God.

      Since then the conflict between creation and evolution as the explanation of the origin of the world has intensified, and the doctrine of scripture is increasingly compromised, even in historically Reformed churches and schools.

      God’s people must be knowledgeable regarding the doctrines of scripture and of creation so that they are able staunchly to defend these truths. To this end the Reformed Free Publishing Association is pleased to republish this explanation and defense of these timeless truths.


      Read review by Dr. Fred G. Zaspel (Books at a Glance).


      Homer C. Hoeksema (1923-1989) was the second son of Herman Hoeksema, born during the turmoil of the Common Grace controversy which led to the formation of the Protestant Reformed Churches. He served charges in Iowa and Illinois before being called to serve as professor in the Protestant Reformed Seminary, where he taught Dogmatics and New Testament studies. He also served for years as the editor of The Standard Bearer and wrote many books for the RFPA.


      • 144 pages
      • ISBN 978-1-936054-77-0


      Paperback version available

      James, Studies in

      Level Member Price $4.51


       Click for sample lesson

      In this first of the general or catholic epistles, James, the half brother of Jesus, writes to the Jewish converts to the Christian church scattered throughout the known world. His primary purpose is to define the relation between justification and the law. While teaching justification by faith, he also instructs that the works of the law are the fruit of a living faith.

      This study guide is written in question form, which is intended to help God’s people define James’ concepts and their relation to each other. Answering these questions will lead to an understanding of this important book of the Bible.

      This guide is not split directly into lessons, but instead into 35 "sections," with each section corresponding to a series of verses in James. Each section can be used as a "lesson" for personal or group study.


      Mark Homer Hoeksema (1949-2021) was the son of a Protestant Reformed minister. He had a great love for church history, facilitating and recording many dozens of interviews and profiles with men and women in the Reformed church tradition. Many of these can be found in the archives of the Standard Bearer and the Beacon Lights, a publication for Reformed young people of which he was editor-in-chief for some years. He also wrote numerous Bible study guides for the RFPA. 


      • 72 pages
      • paperback
      • ISBN 978-1-936054-94-7
      • Release date: 2015


      Find all Bible study guides here.

      Job: God's Sovereignty in Suffering Job: God's Sovereignty in Suffering

      Level Member Price $13.29


        Click to look inside

      The book of Job is God’s commentary on the suffering and trials of his people. The book describes suffering on a scale seldom seen but shows our weaknesses and the temptations we face when under the hand of God or when called to bring comfort to others who are suffering. For that reason it is instructive and corrective but is also of great comfort, for it points those who are suffering to God’s sovereignty in trials and to his faithfulness and saving grace to his own.

      God speaks to our trials from the viewpoint, first, of his own interactions with Satan, then from the viewpoint of Job’s interactions with his friends, and finally as the one who appears to Job and his friends in a tornado.

      This work is not meant to be an exhaustive, verse-by-verse explanation of the book of Job but is an attempt to show how the book fits together and leads up to its grand climax in the appearance of God. It also attempts to show that Job has often been misunderstood and maligned, and though guilty of sin, as we all are in suffering, is nevertheless one whose faith and hope in God are sure. May it be of help to all who love God as Job did, especially when the God they love chastises and corrects them as he does all of his children.


      Read reviews by Jerome Julian (The Outlook), Joseph Holstege (The Standard Bearer), Martyn McGeown (PRTJ), Matthew DeBoer (PRCA), and Randall C. Bailey (JETS).


      Ronald Hanko was ordained and installed in 1979 as minister at Covenant Protestant Reformed Church in Wyckoff, New Jersey. Throughout 38 years as a minister of the Word, he also served congregations in Houston, TX; Lynden, WA; and as a missionary in Northern Ireland. He has authored multiple RFPA books, including Doctrine According to Godliness: A Primer of Reformed Doctrine and The Coming of Zion’s Redeemer: The Prophecies of Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi.


      • 160 pages
      • hardcover
      • ISBN: 978-1-944555-82-5
      • Release date: 2021

      eBook version available

      Job: God's Sovereignty in Suffering (eBook)

      Level Member Price $2.99


        Click to look inside


      The book of Job is God’s commentary on the suffering and trials of his people. The book describes suffering on a scale seldom seen but shows our weaknesses and the temptations we face when under the hand of God or when called to bring comfort to others who are suffering. For that reason it is instructive and corrective but is also of great comfort, for it points those who are suffering to God’s sovereignty in trials and to his faithfulness and saving grace to his own.

      God speaks to our trials from the viewpoint, first, of his own interactions with Satan, then from the viewpoint of Job’s interactions with his friends, and finally as the one who appears to Job and his friends in a tornado.

      This work is not meant to be an exhaustive, verse-by-verse explanation of the book of Job but is an attempt to show how the book fits together and leads up to its grand climax in the appearance of God. It also attempts to show that Job has often been misunderstood and maligned, and though guilty of sin, as we all are in suffering, is nevertheless one whose faith and hope in God are sure. May it be of help to all who love God as Job did, especially when the God they love chastises and corrects them as he does all of his children.


      Read reviews by Jerome Julian (The Outlook), Joseph Holstege (The Standard Bearer), Martyn McGeown (PRTJ), Matthew DeBoer (PRCA), and Randall C. Bailey (JETS).


      Ronald Hanko was ordained and installed in 1979 as minister at Covenant Protestant Reformed Church in Wyckoff, New Jersey. Throughout 38 years as a minister of the Word, he also served congregations in Houston, TX; Lynden, WA; and as a missionary in Northern Ireland. He has authored multiple RFPA books, including Doctrine According to Godliness: A Primer of Reformed Doctrine and The Coming of Zion’s Redeemer: The Prophecies of Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi.


      • 160 pages
      • ISBN 978-1-944555-83-2

      Hardcover version available

      Journey Through the Psalms (eBook) Journey Through the Psalms (eBook)

      Level Member Price $2.99


      Click for a sample 

      In this devotional for ages 913, you will travel through several time periods, starting with Israel in the wilderness, then through the life of David, the captivity of Judah, and finally Christ’s work on earth. You will tour many important sites like caves, palaces, and even a national park. We’ll also make some stops along the way to consider spiritual topics from the psalms that are still relevant for young Christians today.


      What others are saying about this book:

      "I called my grandson Liam and asked how the book was going. He said it is one of his favorite books!" Lori (Escanaba, MI)

      "I met Mike at the #SpeakUpConference last year. I was thrilled when I heard that he was releasing his first book on the Psalms. I started adding it to my morning routine (if there is such a thing with three young kids). It's a devotional, so it's a quick read and it's beautifully illustrated! I've been looking for a resource that could provide some biblical insight in an easy-to-understand way, and since it's written for a younger audience (9-13 years) this book delivers! It's been a great resource to have, and because of the pictures it has also sparked some great conversations with my six-year-old about the Bible!" Stephanie (Franklin, TN, USA)

      "This is a great devotional for the entire family. We read every night after dinner and the devotions were not too short or too long and led to nice discussions with the children, who are high school age and younger. Looking forward to the next devotional from this author." a reader via (Indiana, USA)


      Mike Velthouse is an avid reader. In 2020 he began writing articles for his church’s newsletter about people and places from Bible history. Since then he has published many articles for children in the magazine Ignited by the Word. Mike lives in West Michigan near his three adult daughters and granddaughter. Journey Through the Psalms is his first book.

      Erinn Kuiper is a wife and a mom to four children. She enjoys working with watercolors and especially likes to paint greeting cards. Erinn lives in West Michigan.


      • 98 pages
      • ISBN 978-1-959515-23-4


      Paperback version available

      Journey Through the Psalms: A Thirty-Day Devotional Journey Through the Psalms: A Thirty-Day Devotional

      Level Member Price $16.10


      Click for a sample 

      In this devotional for ages 913, you will travel through several time periods, starting with Israel in the wilderness, then through the life of David, the captivity of Judah, and finally Christ’s work on earth. You will tour many important sites like caves, palaces, and even a national park. We’ll also make some stops along the way to consider spiritual topics from the psalms that are still relevant for young Christians today.

      What others are saying about this book:

      "I called my grandson Liam and asked how the book was going. He said it is one of his favorite books!" Lori (Escanaba, MI)

      "I met Mike at the #SpeakUpConference last year. I was thrilled when I heard that he was releasing his first book on the Psalms. I started adding it to my morning routine (if there is such a thing with three young kids). It's a devotional, so it's a quick read and it's beautifully illustrated! I've been looking for a resource that could provide some biblical insight in an easy-to-understand way, and since it's written for a younger audience (9-13 years) this book delivers! It's been a great resource to have, and because of the pictures it has also sparked some great conversations with my six-year-old about the Bible!" Stephanie (Franklin, TN, USA) 

      "This is a great devotional for the entire family. We read every night after dinner and the devotions were not too short or too long and led to nice discussions with the children, who are high school age and younger. Looking forward to the next devotional from this author." a reader via (Indiana, USA)


      Mike Velthouse is an avid reader. In 2020 he began writing articles for his church’s newsletter about people and places from Bible history. Since then he has published many articles for children in the magazine Ignited by the Word. Mike lives in West Michigan near his three adult daughters and granddaughter. Journey Through the Psalms is his first book.

      Erinn Kuiper is a wife and a mom to four children. She enjoys working with watercolors and especially likes to paint greeting cards. Erinn lives in West Michigan.


      • 98 pages
      • paperback
      • ISBN 978-1-959515-22-7
      • Release date: June 14, 2024


      eBook version available

      Just Dad (eBook)

      Level Member Price $2.99


       Click to look inside

      Many people are familiar with the public persona of Herman Hoeksema. As one of the leading theologians of the twentieth century, a seminary professor, the pastor of a large congregation, and a prolific writer, he was well-known in ecclesiastical circles, as well as in the world in general. But to his family he was “just Dad.” This anecdotal biography written by his youngest child records many stories about him - some perhaps familiar, but others never before told.

      Included in the book are numerous pictures of Hoeksema and his family, as well as an appendix with several personal letters of Hoeksema written to his children when he took a trip to Europe in 1929. These will show you a side of Hoeksema not found elsewhere.


      Read a review by Charles Terpstra (The Three R's blog), and Monica Koole


      What others have said about the book:

      “In so many ways I can relate to [Lois'] feelings and experiences...It is also good for us to see that [Hoeksema] was a husband and a father. A normal and fallible man, doing the work the Lord placed before him. I still think people today place their minister and family on a pedestal and forget they have feelings, likes and dislikes, and they like to spend time with their own family and have a good time too. I'm glad the RFPA printed this book.”—a Protestant Reformed minister’s wife

      "[A] pleasing, if lightweight, little book. Many readers will enjoy it as the portrait of a kindly Christian man, of great integrity, of whatever doctrinal persuasion. The book's supplement of some of Hoeksema's correspondence only adds to its value!"—Gerald Parker


      Lois E. (Hoeksema) Kregel is the youngest daughter of Herman Hoeksema, who was a founding figure of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. This memoir of her father is her first book.


      • 144 pages
      • ISBN 978-1-936054-55-8


      Paperback version available

      Just Dad: Stories of Herman Hoeksema

      Level Member Price $6.46


       Click to look inside

      Many people are familiar with the public persona of Herman Hoeksema. As one of the leading theologians of the twentieth century, a seminary professor, the pastor of a large congregation, and a prolific writer, he was well-known in ecclesiastical circles, as well as in the world in general. But to his family he was “just Dad.” This anecdotal biography written by his youngest child records many stories about him - some perhaps familiar, but others never before told.

      Included in the book are numerous pictures of Hoeksema and his family, as well as an appendix with several personal letters of Hoeksema written to his children when he took a trip to Europe in 1929. These will show you a side of Hoeksema not found elsewhere.


      Read a review by Charles Terpstra (The Three R's blog), and Monica Koole


      What others have said about the book:

      “In so many ways I can relate to [Lois'] feelings and experiences...It is also good for us to see that [Hoeksema] was a husband and a father. A normal and fallible man, doing the work the Lord placed before him. I still think people today place their minister and family on a pedestal and forget they have feelings, likes and dislikes, and they like to spend time with their own family and have a good time too. I'm glad the RFPA printed this book.”—a Protestant Reformed minister’s wife

      "[A] pleasing, if lightweight, little book. Many readers will enjoy it as the portrait of a kindly Christian man, of great integrity, of whatever doctrinal persuasion. The book's supplement of some of Hoeksema's correspondence only adds to its value!"—Gerald Parker


      Lois E. (Hoeksema) Kregel is the youngest daughter of Herman Hoeksema, who was a founding figure of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. This memoir of her father is her first book.


      • 144 pages
      • paperback
      • ISBN 978-1-936054-54-1
      • Release date: November 24, 2014


      eBook version available

      Justified unto Liberty (eBook)

      Level Member Price $2.99


      Today the central doctrine of the Reformation—justification by faith alone—is under attack, even by many in historically Reformed and Presbyterian denominations. Under the guise of a “new perspective on Paul,” revisionist theologians are resurrecting the old heresy of justification by faith and works. They give this a new name—the federal vision. But it is nothing else than the error of the Judaizers that Paul condemns in the Epistle to the Galatians.

      In direct contradiction of the federal vision heresy, the author stands squarely in the tradition of Luther and Calvin. From an uncompromisingly Reformed perspective, he clearly and positively expounds the epistle, emphasizing the truth of justification by faith alone, as well as the liberty this truth gives to God’s people.


      Herman Hanko (1930-2024) served as a minister in the Protestant Reformed Churches from 1955 to 1965, when he was appointed to serve as professor in the Protestant Reformed Seminary in Grandville, MI. He served in that capacity until his retirement in 2001. Until his passing in April 2024, he continued to lecture widely in the USA, the United Kingdom, and other countries, including Singapore and the Philippines. He is the author of several RFPA books.


      • 448 pages
      • ISBN 978-1-936054-37-4

        Hardcover version available

        Justified unto Liberty: Commentary on Galatians

        Level Member Price $24.66


        Today the central doctrine of the Reformation—justification by faith alone—is under attack, even by many in historically Reformed and Presbyterian denominations. Under the guise of a “new perspective on Paul,” revisionist theologians are resurrecting the old heresy of justification by faith and works. They give this a new name—the federal vision. But it is nothing else than the error of the Judaizers that Paul condemns in the Epistle to the Galatians.

        In direct contradiction of the federal vision heresy, the author stands squarely in the tradition of Luther and Calvin. From an uncompromisingly Reformed perspective, he clearly and positively expounds the epistle, emphasizing the truth of justification by faith alone, as well as the liberty this truth gives to God’s people.


        Herman Hanko (1930-2024) served as a minister in the Protestant Reformed Churches from 1955 to 1965, when he was appointed to serve as professor in the Protestant Reformed Seminary in Grandville, MI. He served in that capacity until his retirement in 2001. Until his passing in April 2024, he continued to lecture widely in the USA, the United Kingdom, and other countries, including Singapore and the Philippines. He is the author of several RFPA books.


        • 448 pages
        • hardcover
        • ISBN 978-1-936054-04-6
        • Release date: January 1, 2014

          eBook version available 

          Knowing God and Man

          Level Member Price $7.76


           Click to look inside

          The key to understanding Reformed doctrine is found in the title of the first chapter in this book: "God is God." This truth sets the tone for all thirteen chapters—six on God and seven on man. Each chapter on God directs the reader’s attention to a different biblical aspect of the sovereign of the universe: God as God, as creator, as Lord, as good, as the living God, and as love. 

          The seven chapters about man open the biblical teaching about a subject often misinterpreted today. Clear explanation is given concerning man’s covenantal relationship to God, his creation in the image of God, his fall, and his totally depraved nature. Like the chapters in part one, these also emphasize that God is God.


          Herman Hoeksema (HH) (1886-1965) was ordained into the ministry in the Christian Reformed Churches in 1915. He is considered one of the founding "fathers" of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. He taught in the Seminary of the Protestant Reformed Churches from its founding and until his retirement in 1964.


          • 152 pages
          • paperback
          • ISBN 978-0-916206-87-1
          • Release date: March 25, 2016


          eBook version available

          Knowing God and Man (eBook)

          Level Member Price $2.99


           Click to look inside

          The key to understanding Reformed doctrine is found in the title of the first chapter in this book: "God is God." This truth sets the tone for all thirteen chapters—six on God and seven on man. Each chapter on God directs the reader’s attention to a different biblical aspect of the sovereign of the universe: God as God, as creator, as Lord, as good, as the living God, and as love. 

          The seven chapters about man open the biblical teaching about a subject often misinterpreted today. Clear explanation is given concerning man’s covenantal relationship to God, his creation in the image of God, his fall, and his totally depraved nature. Like the chapters in part one, these also emphasize that God is God.


          Herman Hoeksema (HH) (1886-1965) was ordained into the ministry in the Christian Reformed Churches in 1915. He is considered one of the founding "fathers" of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. He taught in the Seminary of the Protestant Reformed Churches from its founding and until his retirement in 1964.


          • 152 pages
          • paperback
          • ISBN 978-1-944555-07-8

          Paperback version available

          Knowing God in the Last Days (eBook)

          Level Member Price $2.99


           Click to look inside

          Knowing God in the Last Days is an explanation of the general epistle of Peter to the early New Testament church. The primary theme of the letter is the knowledge of God, a concept that occurs many times and in various contexts throughout the book. This short epistle contains a wealth of instruction for the church today.

          The secondary theme of 2 Peter is the application of the knowledge of God to the last days in which we live. Especially in his third chapter, Peter reveals to the church the knowledge of God as it relates to the end times.

          Based on exegesis of the Greek text, this commentary gives clarity of explanation to God’s people regarding necessary and important aspects of today’s Christian life. May all who read be edified.


          Read reviews by Dr. Julian Kennedy (CPRC), Martyn McGeown (PRCA), and Heath Bleyenberg (PRC)


          Mark Homer Hoeksema (1949-2021) was the son of a Protestant Reformed minister. He had a great love for church history, facilitating and recording many dozens of interviews and profiles with men and women in the Reformed church tradition. Many of these can be found in the archives of the Standard Bearer and the Beacon Lights, a publication for Reformed young people of which he was editor-in-chief for some years. He also wrote numerous Bible study guides for the RFPA. 


          • 96 pages
          • ISBN 978-1-944555-23-8

          Hardcover version available


          Knowing God in the Last Days: Commentary on 2 Peter

          Level Member Price $9.42


           Click to look inside

          Knowing God in the Last Days is an explanation of the general epistle of Peter to the early New Testament church. The primary theme of the letter is the knowledge of God, a concept that occurs many times and in various contexts throughout the book. This short epistle contains a wealth of instruction for the church today.

          The secondary theme of 2 Peter is the application of the knowledge of God to the last days in which we live. Especially in his third chapter, Peter reveals to the church the knowledge of God as it relates to the end times.

          Based on exegesis of the Greek text, this commentary gives clarity of explanation to God’s people regarding necessary and important aspects of today’s Christian life. May all who read be edified.


          Read reviews by Dr. Julian Kennedy (CPRC), Martyn McGeown (PRCA), and Heath Bleyenberg (PRC)


          Mark Homer Hoeksema (1949-2021) was the son of a Protestant Reformed minister. He had a great love for church history, facilitating and recording many dozens of interviews and profiles with men and women in the Reformed church tradition. Many of these can be found in the archives of the Standard Bearer and the Beacon Lights, a publication for Reformed young people of which he was editor-in-chief for some years. He also wrote numerous Bible study guides for the RFPA. 


          • 96 pages
          • hardcover
          • ISBN 978-1-944555-22-1
          • Release date: August 9, 2017


          eBook version available


          Leaving Father and Mother: Biblical Courtship and Marriage

          Level Member Price $3.86


          In this book, a reader will find practical instruction on finding a godly marriage partner and maintaining a godly marriage. The author, a pastor for many years, is keenly attuned to the obstacles and problems facing many marriage-seeking Christians today, and he shares spiritual wisdom pertaining to relationships that lead to marriage.


          • 62 pages
          • paperback
          • ISBN 978-0-916206-68-0
          • Release date: 2001
          Less Than the Least (eBook)

          Level Member Price $2.99


          2nd edition

           Click to look inside

          Less Than the Least is the memoirs of Rev. Cornelius Hanko’s long, fruitful life of nearly a century (1907–2005). He lived through two world wars, the Great Depression, the Korean and Vietnam Wars, the rise and fall of communism, and the advent of the space age, and spanned the terms of eighteen US presidents, from Theodore Roosevelt to George W. Bush.

          Son of Dutch immigrants to America, Hanko served six pastorates in five states, most notably in First Protestant Reformed Church, Grand Rapids, Michigan (1948–1964), along with Rev. Herman Hoeksema and Rev. Hubert De Wolf. Hanko poignantly describes the grief caused in the PRC by De Wolf’s heresy and schism (1953).

          More than this, Less Than the Least follows Hanko from his childhood, school days, and seminary training, all the way to his retirement (1977) and beyond.

          This delightful book comes complete with photos and appendices.


          Read review by Tang Jee Fung (Salt Shakers).


          • 348 pages
          • ISBN 978-1-944555-21-4


          Paperback version available

          Less Than the Least: Memoirs of Cornelius Hanko

          Level Member Price $16.21


          2nd edition

           Click to look inside

          Less Than the Least is the memoirs of Rev. Cornelius Hanko’s long, fruitful life of nearly a century (1907–2005). He lived through two world wars, the Great Depression, the Korean and Vietnam Wars, the rise and fall of communism, and the advent of the space age, and spanned the terms of eighteen US presidents, from Theodore Roosevelt to George W. Bush.

          Son of Dutch immigrants to America, Hanko served six pastorates in five states, most notably in First Protestant Reformed Church, Grand Rapids, Michigan (1948–1964), along with Rev. Herman Hoeksema and Rev. Hubert De Wolf. Hanko poignantly describes the grief caused in the PRC by De Wolf’s heresy and schism (1953).

          More than this, Less Than the Least follows Hanko from his childhood, school days, and seminary training, all the way to his retirement (1977) and beyond.

          This delightful book comes complete with photos and appendices.


          Read review by Tang Jee Fung (Salt Shakers).


          • 348 pages
          • hardcover
          • ISBN 978-1-944555-20-7
          • Release date: June 20, 2017


          eBook version available

          Lessons in Forgiveness: An Exposition of Philemon Lessons in Forgiveness: An Exposition of Philemon

          Level Member Price $15.56


          Pre-Order Now! This book will shipped to you shortly before its release of 20 Sep 2024. 

          Paul writes a letter to Philemon, his friend and fellow believer. It is delivered by a special carrier: Onesimus, Philemon’s runaway slave. But Onesimus is not the same man who fled from his master: he is now a Christian. As such, Onesimus desires reconciliation with Philemon. Sharing Onesimus’ desire, Paul uses his letter to instruct Philemon, Onesimus, and every Christian about true repentance and what it means to have a forgiving and reconciling heart.

          It seems that everywhere we look today, we see conflict: in the world, which, because of its rebellion against God, is doomed never to enjoy peace; in marriages, even Christian marriages; in homes, even in Christian homes; and in churches. The little letter to Philemon contains principles of peace which we would be wise to follow—especially since, as the children of God, we are called to be peacemakers.

          Based on a series of sermons preached in the summer of 2012 to the Limerick Reformed Fellowship, Lessons in Forgiveness details the author's study of an overlooked chapter in the New Testament. In this book about Paul’s often neglected epistle, Martyn McGeown expounds truths that are vital for the lives of all Christians—truths that flow out of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, who has forgiven us and reconciled us to the Father.


          Martyn McGeown is a pastor in the Protestant Reformed Churches. He is also the editor of the RFPA blog and the author of multiple RFPA publications.


          • 144 pages
          • hardcover
          • ISBN 978-1-959515-32-6
          • Release date: September 2024


          eBook version will be available in September 2024

          Letters from Katie Luther (eBook)

          Level Member Price $2.99


           Click to read sample

          Ave and her best friend Katie lived for many years as nuns in a convent in Nimbschen. But one day the two women and several other nuns decided they must flee the convent for the city of Wittenberg so that they could worship the Lord in a way pleasing to him.

          After their respective marriages, Ave moved away from Wittenberg, while Katie remained in the city with her new husband, Dr. Martin Luther. Over the years, the women wrote each other many letters and remained close friends and “sisters in the Lord.”

          Now, in a novel set almost three decades later, Ave has received news that Katie has died. Determined to share her friend’s story, Ave begins to relay her memories of Katie and share the letters she has kept for all these years. Her desire is only that we learn what her friend Katie came to learn over fifty-three years on this earth: trust in the Lord, who strengthens the hearts of all who hope in him (Psalm 31:24).


          Read reviews by Kristin DykstraSarah Mowery (Perspectives), Eva and Mina Boekestein (The Outlook)Ronald Cammenga (Standard Bearer), and Dr. Jason Van Vliet (Clarion).


          • 208 pages
          • ISBN 978-1-944555-54-2


          Paperback version available

          Letters from Katie Luther: A Novel

          Level Member Price $12.70


          Click to read sample

          Ave and her best friend Katie lived for many years as nuns in a convent in Nimbschen. But one day the two women and several other nuns decided they must flee the convent for the city of Wittenberg so that they could worship the Lord in a way pleasing to him.

          After their respective marriages, Ave moved away from Wittenberg, while Katie remained in the city with her new husband, Dr. Martin Luther. Over the years, the women wrote each other many letters and remained close friends and “sisters in the Lord.”

          Now, in a novel set almost three decades later, Ave has received news that Katie has died. Determined to share her friend’s story, Ave begins to relay her memories of Katie and share the letters she has kept for all these years. Her desire is only that we learn what her friend Katie came to learn over fifty-three years on this earth: trust in the Lord, who strengthens the hearts of all who hope in him (Psalm 31:24).


          Read reviews by Kristin DykstraSarah MoweryEva and Mina Boekestein (The Outlook)Ronald Cammenga (Standard Bearer), and Jason Van Vliet (Clarion).


          • 208 pages
          • softcover
          • ISBN 978-1-944555-53-5
          • Release date: April 1, 2020


          eBook version available

          Life in the Covenant (eBook)

          Level Member Price $2.99



          God said to Abraham, “I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee” (Gen. 17:7; cf. Lev. 26:12, Ezek. 37:27, Jer. 30:22). This covenant is the intimate relationship of fellowship he has chosen to share with his people in Jesus Christ. God has blessed his Old and New Testament church by way of the truth of the covenant even as he blessed Abraham.

          The truth of the covenant comforts us in distress, encourages us in our battle against our enemies, and gives strength when we are weak. We as believers must embrace the truth of God’s covenant by developing and nurturing a worldview that is rooted in the blessed relationship which our heavenly Father has made with us in Christ.

          With the heart of a pastor and the passion of a preacher, the author has written this book to help believers combat the threatening influences of both the world and our own sin upon the Christian home and church. As a practical exposition of the doctrine of God’s covenant, this volume will aid children of the covenant in directing their lives unto the triune God— in the family, among other saints, and as they live in the midst of an unbelieving world.


          Read reviews by Arend Haveman (PRCA) and Geoff Veldman (Grandville Gleaner). 


          Wilbur Bruinsma is a minister in the Protestant Reformed Churches. He has pastored four congregations, and he has also served as a domestic missionary in the United States and as a missionary to Jamaica. Rev. Bruinsma and his wife have been blessed with five children and many grandchildren.


          • 189 pages
          • ISBN: 978-0-916206-46-8
          Life in the Covenant: in Family, Church, and World

          Level Member Price $19.46



          God said to Abraham, “I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee” (Gen. 17:7; cf. Lev. 26:12, Ezek. 37:27, Jer. 30:22). This covenant is the intimate relationship of fellowship he has chosen to share with his people in Jesus Christ. God has blessed his Old and New Testament church by way of the truth of the covenant even as he blessed Abraham.

          The truth of the covenant comforts us in distress, encourages us in our battle against our enemies, and gives strength when we are weak. We as believers must embrace the truth of God’s covenant by developing and nurturing a worldview that is rooted in the blessed relationship which our heavenly Father has made with us in Christ.

          With the heart of a pastor and the passion of a preacher, the author has written this book to help believers combat the threatening influences of both the world and our own sin upon the Christian home and church. As a practical exposition of the doctrine of God’s covenant, this volume will aid children of the covenant in directing their lives unto the triune God— in the family, among other saints, and as they live in the midst of an unbelieving world.


          Read reviews by Arend Haveman (PRCA) and Geoff Veldman (Grandville Gleaner). 


          Wilbur Bruinsma is a minister in the Protestant Reformed Churches. He has pastored four congregations, and he has also served as a domestic missionary in the United States and as a missionary to Jamaica. Rev. Bruinsma and his wife have been blessed with five children and many grandchildren.


          • 189 pages
          • Hardcover
          • ISBN: 978-0-916206-46-8
          • Release date: February 2023
          Living Joyfully in Marriage (eBook)

          Level Member Price $2.99


          Look inside the book

          What we are told about the relationship of Christ and his church applies to the calling of every one of us. Do you believe? Are you a child of God? Christ is your husband. According to Romans 7:4, we are married to him. To live in that consciousness is the heart of the Christian life, essential also to living joyfully in marriage.

          Every Christian’s relationship to Jesus Christ is pictured in the institution of marriage. Using the biblical principles behind this institution, the author provides sound instruction to each one of us on the relationship we have with Christ, our head, and with other members of Christ’s church, the body. Practical instruction on topics such as right communication within marriage and in the church, the biblical roles of husband and of wife, and the calling to walk in the Spirit, will encourage Christians of every station and calling to live joyfully as members of Christ’s body.


          Read a review by Rev. John Marcus (PRCA).


          Steven Key has been a minister of the gospel for over thirty-five years. This book is based on a series of sermons which he preached in the Protestant Reformed Church in Loveland, Colorado in 2015. Rev. Key married his wife Nancy in 1976, and they have four married daughters and sixteen grandchildren.


          • 240 pages
          • Hardcover
          • ISBN: 978-1-944555-96-2


          Hardcover version available

          Living Joyfully in Marriage: Reflecting the Relationship of Christ and the Church

          Level Member Price $18.16


          Look inside the book

          What we are told about the relationship of Christ and his church applies to the calling of every one of us. Do you believe? Are you a child of God? Christ is your husband. According to Romans 7:4, we are married to him. To live in that consciousness is the heart of the Christian life, essential also to living joyfully in marriage.

          Every Christian’s relationship to Jesus Christ is pictured in the institution of marriage. Using the biblical principles behind this institution, the author provides sound instruction to each one of us on the relationship we have with Christ, our head, and with other members of Christ’s church, the body. Practical instruction on topics such as right communication within marriage and in the church, the biblical roles of husband and of wife, and the calling to walk in the Spirit, will encourage Christians of every station and calling to live joyfully as members of Christ’s body.


          Read a review by Rev. John Marcus (PRCA).


          Steven Key has been a minister of the gospel for over thirty-five years. This book is based on a series of sermons which he preached in the Protestant Reformed Church in Loveland, Colorado in 2015. Rev. Key married his wife Nancy in 1976, and they have four married daughters and sixteen grandchildren.


          • 240 pages
          • Hardcover
          • ISBN 978-1-944555-95-5
          • Release date: 2022


          eBook version available

          Malachi, Studies in

          Level Member Price $4.51


          2nd edition

           Click for sample lesson

          Mere formalism in worship is a danger that the church of Christ has had to fight in every age. It is so easy for church members to become accustomed to the practice of worship such that it becomes a mere habit.

          Malachi was used in a mighty way to warn the church of his day about the evil of worshiping God outwardly rather than from the heart.

          In nine lessons, the author presents this study as a means to open the minds and hearts of believers to the treasures of wisdom in the prophecy of Malachi, which has special significance in being the last book of the Old Testament.

          This guide is split into 9 lessons for personal or group study.


          • 72 pages
          • paperback
          • ISBN 978-1-936054-50-3
          • Release date: 1993, 2014


          Find all Bible study guides here.

          Marriage, the Mystery of Christ and the Church

          Level Member Price $11.66


          3rd edition

           Click to look inside

          Although this book’s controversial contention that marriage is an unbreakable bond for life gets the most attention today, the book is a mainly positive explanation and application of the Bible’s teaching about marriage in all of marriage’s aspects. Marriage is a Reformed pastor’s instruction and exhortation to married couples, especially young married couples, with the purpose that they glorify God in their marriages and enjoy the bliss of this blessed communion of life. The second section is a history of the church’s doctrine and practice of marriage from Augustine and the early church through Calvin and the Reformation to the contemporary chaos.

          The timeliness of the book is evident simply from the rate of divorce, not alone in North America in the early twenty-first century, but also in Reformed churches throughout the world.


          What others have said about this book:

          “This is one of those books that you wish could be put into the hands of every married couple and those contemplating marriage…If the contents of this book were put into practice, society would become more stable and broken homes would be few and far between.” –The Gospel Witness

          “…one of the finest among the flood of such books flowing off the presses…The book [has] a theological depth and seriousness often lacking in non-Reformed books on this subject.” –Reformed Herald

          “A book that says many biblical things about sex, children, family, the mystery of marriage. Recommended for laypersons and preachers alike.” –The Reformed Journal

          “This book does faithfully reflect the teachings of God’s Word on marriage.” –The Banner

          “A pastor, husband, and father speaks of marriage and its relationships in terms that few want to hear today–even in the church.” –Moody

          “…there is much to be learned from this book for it touches upon much where the rubber hits the road in marriage.” –Ray Hoekzema, Trowel and Sword

          “If ever there is a book which is vital reading for the church in our day, it is this one….This book is essential reading…and particularly should it be part of the staple diet offered to young people contemplating marriage.”  ALSO “…these books…challenged my views on the vexed subject of divorce and remarriage…they also caused me to re-examine my whole attitude to marriage in general and my own marriage in particular, and to re-appraise my role as husband, lover and head of the family.” –John Lowery, British Reformed Journal

          “…Engelsma’s book is ideal for any who has an interest in the subject…Ministers, elders, deacons, husbands, wives, parents, young people, and engaged couples, especially engaged couples, should read it. They will do so with life-long profit.” –R.J. Hooper, The Tamar Reformed Witness

          “…Engelsma…presents a rich, biblically based view of marriage.” –New Oxford Review

          “…Engelsma…provides what may well be the clearest expression of God’s heart on the matter of marriage in print today. In simple, readable form, the author sets out the biblical view of marriage.”-Charles Crisimier III, Standard Bearer


          David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books. 


          • 256 pages
          • paperback 
          • ISBN 978-1-936054-51-0
          • Release date: 1975, 1998, 2014


          eBook version available

          Marriage, the Mystery of Christ and the Church (eBook)

          Level Member Price $2.99


          3rd edition

           Click to look inside

          Although this book’s controversial contention that marriage is an unbreakable bond for life gets the most attention today, the book is a mainly positive explanation and application of the Bible’s teaching about marriage in all of marriage’s aspects. Marriage is a Reformed pastor’s instruction and exhortation to married couples, especially young married couples, with the purpose that they glorify God in their marriages and enjoy the bliss of this blessed communion of life. The second section is a history of the church’s doctrine and practice of marriage from Augustine and the early church through Calvin and the Reformation to the contemporary chaos.

          The timeliness of the book is evident simply from the rate of divorce, not alone in North America in the early twenty-first century, but also in Reformed churches throughout the world.


          What others have said about this book:

          “This is one of those books that you wish could be put into the hands of every married couple and those contemplating marriage…If the contents of this book were put into practice, society would become more stable and broken homes would be few and far between.” –The Gospel Witness

          “…one of the finest among the flood of such books flowing off the presses…The book [has] a theological depth and seriousness often lacking in non-Reformed books on this subject.” –Reformed Herald

          “A book that says many biblical things about sex, children, family, the mystery of marriage. Recommended for laypersons and preachers alike.” –The Reformed Journal

          “This book does faithfully reflect the teachings of God’s Word on marriage.” –The Banner

          “A pastor, husband, and father speaks of marriage and its relationships in terms that few want to hear today–even in the church.” –Moody

          “…there is much to be learned from this book for it touches upon much where the rubber hits the road in marriage.” –Ray Hoekzema, Trowel and Sword

          “If ever there is a book which is vital reading for the church in our day, it is this one….This book is essential reading…and particularly should it be part of the staple diet offered to young people contemplating marriage.”  ALSO “…these books…challenged my views on the vexed subject of divorce and remarriage…they also caused me to re-examine my whole attitude to marriage in general and my own marriage in particular, and to re-appraise my role as husband, lover and head of the family.” –John Lowery, British Reformed Journal

          “…Engelsma’s book is ideal for any who has an interest in the subject…Ministers, elders, deacons, husbands, wives, parents, young people, and engaged couples, especially engaged couples, should read it. They will do so with life-long profit.” –R.J. Hooper, The Tamar Reformed Witness

          “…Engelsma…presents a rich, biblically based view of marriage.” –New Oxford Review

          “…Engelsma…provides what may well be the clearest expression of God’s heart on the matter of marriage in print today. In simple, readable form, the author sets out the biblical view of marriage.”-Charles Crisimier III, Standard Bearer


          David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.


          • 256 pages
          • paperback
          • ISBN 978-1-936054-46-6


          Paperback version available

          Hardcover version available

          Micah (eBook)

          Level Member Price $2.99


           Click to look inside

          Christians want to know Christ from the Old Testament, from Micah, and the other minor prophets. And yet for many of us the minor prophets are like a sealed book. The inspired writing of the minor prophets are addressed to the people of God and addressed to us also in the New Testament church. As inspired scripture they indeed  speak of Christ: Micah does so extensively, and not only in the obvious reference to Bethlehem in chapter 5:2.

          The prophet Micah proclaims the incomparable God of judgment and mercy. This God is our God, the God of all who believe in Jesus Christ. And this prophecy has vital lessons to teach us today.


          Read a review by Rev. Jerome Julien (URC).


          Martyn McGeown is a pastor in the Protestant Reformed Churches. He is also the editor of the RFPA blog and the author of multiple RFPA publications.


          • 240 pages
          • ISBN 978-1-944555-42-9


          Hardcover version available

          Micah: Proclaiming the Incomparable God

          Level Member Price $16.86


          Click to look inside

          Christians want to know Christ from the Old Testament, from Micah, and the other minor prophets. And yet for many of us the minor prophets are like a sealed book. The inspired writing of the minor prophets are addressed to the people of God and addressed to us also in the New Testament church. As inspired scripture they indeed  speak of Christ: Micah does so extensively, and not only in the obvious reference to Bethlehem in chapter 5:2.

          The prophet Micah proclaims the incomparable God of judgment and mercy. This God is our God, the God of all who believe in Jesus Christ. And this prophecy has vital lessons to teach us today.


          Read a review by Rev. Jerome Julien (URCNA).


          Martyn McGeown is a pastor in the Protestant Reformed Churches. He is also the editor of the RFPA blog and the author of multiple RFPA publications.


          • 240 pages
          • hardcover
          • ISBN 978-1-944555-41-2
          • Release date: November 14, 2018


          eBook version available

          Moses (eBook)

          Level Member Price $2.99


           Look inside the book

          “Moses was a unique figure in the history of the church. Never again would there be a mere human prophet who would know the Lord so intimately, face to face. His life in so many respects [was] a visible demonstration of the grace of God and of the gospel. He was a mediator through whom Israel…stood before the greatness of the living God. Henceforth they could only look forward to the day of which Moses spoke when he said to them, ‘The Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken’ (Deut. 18:15). He would be the fulfillment of that of which Moses was only the type.”

          Read reviews by Jerome Julien (The Outlook), Dennis Lee, and Matt DeBoer.


          Bernard Woudenberg (1931–2020) was a member of the Protestant Reformed Churches of America and served in several pastorates during his forty-year ministry. One of his greatest loves was Old Testament history, the fruit of which became the rubric “Cloud of Witnesses” in the Standard Bearer magazine. He wrote more than 200 articles under this rubric, many of which covered the life of Moses and became the subject matter of this book.


          • 282 pages
          • ISBN 978-1-944555-79-5


          Hardcover version available

          Moses: Typical Mediator of the Old Covenant

          Level Member Price $18.16


           Look inside the book

          “Moses was a unique figure in the history of the church. Never again would there be a mere human prophet who would know the Lord so intimately, face to face. His life in so many respects [was] a visible demonstration of the grace of God and of the gospel. He was a mediator through whom Israel…stood before the greatness of the living God. Henceforth they could only look forward to the day of which Moses spoke when he said to them, ‘The Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken’ (Deut. 18:15). He would be the fulfillment of that of which Moses was only the type.”

          Read reviews by Rev. Jerome Julien (The Outlook), Rev. Dennis Lee (PRCA), and Rev. Matt DeBoer (PRCA).


          Bernard Woudenberg (1931–2020) was a member of the Protestant Reformed Churches of America and served in several pastorates during his forty-year ministry. One of his greatest loves was Old Testament history, the fruit of which became the rubric “Cloud of Witnesses” in the Standard Bearer magazine. He wrote more than 200 articles under this rubric, many of which covered the life of Moses and became the subject matter of this book.


          • 282 pages
          • Hardcover
          • ISBN 978-1-944555-78-8
          • Release date: 2021


          eBook version available

          Mysteries of the Kingdom, The (eBook)

          Level Member Price $2.99


           Click to look inside

          The parables form a substantial part of our Savior's ministry, and this is ample reason for us to give good attention to them. With simple and familiar earthly pictures, Jesus tells us what the kingdom of heaven is like.

          "The author takes each parable and by careful exegesis opens up its rich seam of spiritual instruction, and gives a faithful and solidly Reformed interpretation. He shows us gospel mysteries of immense beauty, power, encouragement, practical relevance, and everlasting worth for citizens of a kingdom that is not of this world."


          What others are saying about this book:

          "We trust that the book will be given a wide circulation. May it be a useful instrument as God's kingdom is extended in our world through the power of His Word and Spirit." - The Banner, Feb. 11, 1977


          Herman Hanko (1930-2024) served as a minister in the Protestant Reformed Churches from 1955 to 1965, when he was appointed to serve as professor in the Protestant Reformed Seminary in Grandville, MI. He served in that capacity until his retirement in 2001. Until his passing in April 2024, he continued to lecture widely in the USA, the United Kingdom, and other countries, including Singapore and the Philippines. He is the author of several RFPA books.


          • 432 pages
          • ISBN 978-1-936054-82-4

              Hardcover version available

              Mysteries of the Kingdom: An Exposition of Jesus' Parables

              Level Member Price $21.41


               Click to look inside

              The parables form a substantial part of our Savior's ministry, and this is ample reason for us to give good attention to them. With simple and familiar earthly pictures, Jesus tells us what the kingdom of heaven is like.

              "The author takes each parable and by careful exegesis opens up its rich seam of spiritual instruction, and gives a faithful and solidly Reformed interpretation. He shows us gospel mysteries of immense beauty, power, encouragement, practical relevance, and everlasting worth for citizens of a kingdom that is not of this world."


              What others are saying about this book:

              "We trust that the book will be given a wide circulation. May it be a useful instrument as God's kingdom is extended in our world through the power of His Word and Spirit." - The Banner, Feb. 11, 1977


              Herman Hanko (1930-2024) served as a minister in the Protestant Reformed Churches from 1955 to 1965, when he was appointed to serve as professor in the Protestant Reformed Seminary in Grandville, MI. He served in that capacity until his retirement in 2001. Until his passing in April 2024, he continued to lecture widely in the USA, the United Kingdom, and other countries, including Singapore and the Philippines. He is the author of several RFPA books.


              • 432 pages
              • Hardcover
              • ISBN 978-0-916206-82-6
              • Release date: January 12, 2015


              eBook version available

              Mystery of Bethlehem, The

              Level Member Price $3.25


              Marvelously free of worldly Christmas sentiments, this meditation focuses on the great wonder of Christ's birth as a fulfillment of God's promise to save his people. In this beautiful devotional, the reader is led through the mysterious circumstances and events surrounding Jesus' birth to contemplate God's faithfulness.


              What others are saying about this book:

              "Though the themes are old, the manner in which Rev. H. Hoeksema treats them is original. This worth reading. It is excellent in every respect." Wm. Hendriksen (The Banner)


              Read a review by Joshua Vink.


              Herman Hoeksema (HH) (1886-1965) was ordained into the ministry in the Christian Reformed Churches in 1915. He is considered one of the founding "fathers" of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. He taught in the Seminary of the Protestant Reformed Churches from its founding and until his retirement in 1964.


              • 206 pages
              • paperback
              • ISBN 978-0-916206-31-4
              • Release date: 1944, 1986
              Translation missing: