Why Reading Matters: Hope RWC Interviews Author (and Reader) Chuck Terpstra

Why Reading Matters: Hope RWC Interviews Author (and Reader) Chuck Terpstra

  • 24 February, 2025
  • Reformed Free Publishing Association

Why does the work of the RFPA—that is, publishing accessible, widely available Christian books which testify to the truth of Scripture in the Reformed tradition—matter, in the grand scheme of things? Why should reading matter to Christians? Last summer, the Hope RWC podcast aired 4 interviews with author, reader, librarian, and archivist Chuck Terpstra to explore the importance of reading, for Christians of all ages and vocations. Find links to these interviews below.


Interview 1 "The Importance of Reading (1)" 


Interview 2 "The Importance of Reading (2)" 


Interview 3 "Reading for the Ministry" 


Interview 4 "Reading for the Children" 


Chuck Terpstra is the full-time registrar, as well as librarian and archivist, at the Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary. He is a frequent contributor to the Standard Bearer magazine under the rubric "Bring the Books." Readers can find more of his writing on the Three R's blog. He's also contributed to the book series "Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth," which is currently available here as the RFPA's February sale.

Hope PR Ministry is a podcast maintained by the Reformed Witness Committee of Hope Protestant Reformed Church (Walker, Michigan). The podcast includes sermon series, speeches, and interviews on pertinent topics from a Reformed perspective. The committee welcomes any questions and feedback at hoperwc@gmail.com.

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