New RFPA Logo! What Do You Think?

New RFPA Logo! What Do You Think?

  • 24 June, 2024
  • Reformed Free Publishing Association

Have you noticed, reader?

To coincide with our centennial anniversary, the Reformed Free Publishing Association has recently begun using a new logo in our emails, conference displays, and book designs.

After months of consideration (from May 2023 to February 2024!), involving excellent logo submissions from various designers, the RFPA decided on the logo above as our new, official Reformed Free Publishing Association insignia! Look out for its appearance on the RFPA website, conference and trade show exhibits, books and magazines, and more.


The new logo in acronym form

The new logo as a mark


According to designers Todd and Erika Karsemeyer:

The new RFPA logo design intends to convey the mission and purpose of the RFPA in a simple, memorable way. The stated goal of the RFPA is to witness the distinctive Reformed truth of the gospel, primarily through the printed page. The acronym TULIP has long been used to succinctly capture the basic truths of Reformed theology, and so a tulip graphic has served as the RFPA logo for some time. The new logo updates that concept and adds a publishing element to it.

Viewed from one perspective, the new RFPA logo mark is a blossoming tulip, with the circle or “head” representing petals yet to open. The tulip also pays homage to the shared Dutch heritage of the RFPA's founders. From another perspective, the mark is an open book or magazine with the reader’s head visible above — inspired by a fond childhood memory of [the designer's] father sitting on the couch reading the Standard Bearer.


This logo redesign, implemented in this 100th year of the Association's existence, follows closely behind the recent redesign of the Standard Bearer cover.

If you loved the old tulip logo, never fear! There are no immediate plans to update the sign outside our location in Jenison, Michigan, which means visitors will still be able to enjoy the "vintage" logo when stopping by to peruse our bookstore or tour our warehouse.

The RFPA hopes that generations to come will read and be edified by what this new logo represents--solidly Reformed books and magazines that witness to the truth of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

What do you think of the new logo? Let us know your thoughts by emailing or sending us your feedback through a Board member or RFPA Agent.


See below for former RFPA logos. These can be found on many publications of the past. Which logo do your RFPA books have?

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