Quiz Your Knowledge of the Canons of Dordt (13)

Quiz Your Knowledge of the Canons of Dordt (13)

  • 08 April, 2024
  • Reformed Free Publishing Association

The RFPA blog editor, Rev. Martyn McGeown, enjoys teaching the creeds in his capacity as pastor of Providence PRC. To that end, he has written a series of quizzes for our blog readers, to test readers' knowledge of the Canons of Dordt. Try them out, test yourselves and your friends and family, and may the questions spur you on to familiarize yourselves with the confessions.

Today, we begin with the final section of the Canons, Head Five.

[To start from the beginning with our Canons quiz series, click here to see the 1st quiz on Head One, here for the 1st quiz on Head Two, and here for the 1st quiz on Heads Three/Four.]


Quiz 13 on Canons Head Five

1. The Fifth Head of the Canons is titled, “Of the ______________ of the ______________.”
2. True or false: In this life God delivers his people only from the guilt of sin.
3. True or false: In this life God delivers his people altogether from the body of sin.
4. True or false: In this life God delivers his people from the infirmities of the flesh.
5. True or false: There is no difference between daily sins of infirmity and gross, enormous sins.
6. True or false: The good works of God’s children are only sin.
7. True or false: The good works of God’s children are genuinely good, but spots adhere to them.
8. True or false: Our imperfection in this life is a reason for humility and seeking refuge in Christ’s blood.
9. True or false: We mortify the flesh by the spirit of prayer and by holy exercises of piety.
10. True or false: It is possible for God’s children to persevere in a state of grace if left to their own strength.
11. True or false: God only begins the work of salvation in us; our persevering in grace depends upon us.
12. True or false: The weakness of the flesh is able to prevail against the power of God.
13. True or false: The perseverance of true believers is the fruit of election and a gift gained by the death of Christ
14. True or false: God influences and actuates believers by his grace in such a way that they cannot fall into sin.
15. True or false: If a believer deviates from the guidance of God’s grace, the fault is God’s.
16. True or false: When a believer fails to watch and pray he is liable to be seduced by the devil to commit sin.
17. True or false: By the righteous permission of God believers sometimes fall into great and heinous sins.
18. True or false: When a believer walks in darkness he may lose the sense of God’s favor for a time.
19. True or false: When a believer walks in darkness, God begins to hate him.
20. True or false: The sense of God’s favor is restored because the believer repents.
21. True or false: The sense of God’s favor is restored when the believer repents.
22. True or false: The sense of God’s favor is restored before the believer repents.
23. True or false: When a believer walks in darkness, he highly offends God and wounds his own conscience.
24. True or false: When a believer walks in darkness, he loses the grace of adoption and the state of justification.
25. True or false: God never permits a true believer to plunge himself into everlasting destruction.
26. True or false: Because God loves his children unconditionally, he allows them to sin without consequences.


Find the answers to these first few questions here. For more quizzes and other reader activities, visit the RFPA blog next week!


Martyn McGeown is a pastor in the Protestant Reformed Churches. He is also the editor of the RFPA blog and the author of multiple RFPA publications.

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