Quiz Your Knowledge of the Canons of Dordt (15)

Quiz Your Knowledge of the Canons of Dordt (15)

  • 22 April, 2024
  • Reformed Free Publishing Association

The RFPA blog editor, Rev. Martyn McGeown, enjoys teaching the creeds in his capacity as pastor of Providence PRC. To that end, he has written a series of quizzes for our blog readers, to test readers' knowledge of the Canons of Dordt. Try them out, test yourselves and your friends and family, and may the questions spur you on to familiarize yourselves with the confessions.

Today, we conclude the final section of the Canons, Head Five.

Find questions 1 through 26 here.

Find questions 27 through 53 here.


Quiz 15 on Canons Head Five

54. True or false: Assurance of perseverance springs from a serious and holy desire to preserve a good conscience and to perform good works.
55. True or false: Assurance of perseverance is because of our good works.
56. True or false: Assurance of perseverance depends upon our good works.
57. True or false: Assurance of perseverance is enjoyed along a certain path: in the way of obedience.
58. True or false: Assurance of perseverance is also enjoyed as we walk in darkness.
59. True or false: If we did not have assurance of our final perseverance, we would still be happy Christians.
60. True or false: Assurance of perseverance is always the same: the believer never doubts it to any degree.
61. True or false: Doubts are to be expected; therefore, doubts are good.
62. True or false: It is praiseworthy to doubt our salvation and final perseverance in true faith.
63. True or false: Although true believers may doubt their final perseverance for a time in periods of great temptation, such assurance is restored to them.
64. True or false: The certainty of perseverance excites in believers a spirit of pride and carnal security.
65. True or false: The certainty of perseverance excites in believers humility, reverence, piety, and patience.
66. True or false: The consideration of this benefit (the certainty of perseverance) is an incentive or a stimulus to live in obedience to God’s commandments out of thankfulness to him.
67. True or false: If someone recovers from backsliding, he will be more careful to avoid sinning in the future.
68. True or false: God has ordained a way in which we maintain an assurance of persevering: that is, the way of walking in obedience to God’s commandments in the light.
69. True or false: If we walk in the darkness of sin, we will still enjoy the assurance of persevering in true faith.
70. True or false: If we abuse God’s fatherly kindness, he will not turn away his gracious countenance from us.
71. True or false: To the godly the withdrawal of God’s gracious countenance is more bitter than death.
72. True or false: The godly do not care if God’s gracious countenance is turned from them.
73. True or false: God preserves, confirms, and perfects his grace in us by means of his Word preached and read.
74. True or false: Because our perseverance is certain, we do not need admonitions or warnings in the preaching.
75. True or false: God never threatens his people; therefore, the preacher may never preach threatening texts.
76. True or false: Without special revelation it is impossible for true believers to have certainty of perseverance.
77. True or false: To teach the perseverance of the saints is to promote laziness and laxity of morals in the church.
78. True or false: The true church of Jesus Christ has always loved and defended the truth of perseverance.
79. True or false: The truth of perseverance is revealed in Scripture for God’s glory and our comfort.


Find the answers to these final few questions here.

Thank you for participating in our quiz series on the Canons of Dordt! How did you fare? Did you enjoy these quizzes? What did you think of having a Monday quiz series on the RFPA blog? Contact ashley@rfpa.org to share your feedback.

Visit the RFPA blog next week for more solidly Reformed content.


Martyn McGeown is a pastor in the Protestant Reformed Churches. He is also the editor of the RFPA blog and the author of multiple RFPA publications.

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