Quite simply, you are not the only saint. The communion of saints includes many others apart from you. It includes the congregation where you are a member. It includes members of other denominations of churches. It includes members of your household: your spouse, your parents, your children, your older and younger siblings.
The word translated “communion” in the New Testament appears around twenty times and is often rendered “fellowship.” Its basic meaning is sharing or participation in something or with someone. If, then, there is communion or fellowship between persons, they have something in common, something that unites them and makes them one, something that brings them together.
With the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays just ahead of us, the concept of giving thanks is a timely one. In this blog post are excerpts from 3 Standard Bearer meditations on giving thanks. May each of these lead you in this holiday season (and in the coming year!) to reflect on the value of every day, with giving thanks to God always at the forefront of your mind.
I strongly suspect that many readers will regard what they have just read as three good reasons not to buy and read this book. A master's thesis sounds far too academic to be of spiritual benefit; the subject of rewards sounds far too dubious to interest a lover of free grace; and perhaps reservations about the PRCA are too entrenched for readers to part with their money. But that would be to make a great mistake.
Hey teens (and parents of teens and young adults)! Join us at the Reformed Book Outlet in Hudsonville on October 29, 7pm EST, to meet the authors of some of your favorite books for Christian teens and young adults.