The RFPA blog editor, Rev. Martyn McGeown, enjoys teaching the creeds in his capacity as pastor of Providence PRC. To that end, he has written a series of quizzes for our blog readers, to test readers' knowledge of the Canons of Dordt. Try them out, test yourselves and your friends and family, and may the questions spur you on to familiarize yourselves with the confessions.
Today, we continue with Head Two.
Find questions 1 through 25 on Head Two here.
Quiz 6 on Canons Head Two
- True or false: God ordained his Son to the death of the cross with a certain and definite decree to save only the elect.
- True or false: The Arminians taught that Christ’s death might have accomplished everything that God intended even if the benefits of his death had, in fact, never been applied to any person.
- True or false: Propitiation is the turning away or appeasing of God’s wrath by the payment of a price.
- True or false: Christ died for all those whom God foresaw would believe in Christ and persevere to the end.
- True or false: Christ has by his death on the cross obtained salvation and the forgiveness of sins for everyone.
- True or false: In the Bible the word “world” usually means every single human being without exception.
- True or false: In the Bible the phrase “all men” often means all kinds of human beings.
- True or false: Christ died on the cross merely to show what God could do in punishing sinners for their sins.
- True or false: Whoever believes in Jesus Christ shall not perish, but shall have everlasting life.
- True or false: It would have been unwise for God to send Christ to the cross without a definite decree to save any.
- True or false: Jesus Christ laid down his life for his sheep, not for the goats.
- True or false: Isaiah teaches that God shall see the travail of Christ’s soul, but shall not be satisfied.
- True or false: If Christ died for all, but nobody was actually saved by his death, there would be no church.
- True or false: Since God ordained Christ’s death in his eternal decree, Christ’s death in history is unnecessary.
- True or false: It was possible for God to ordain Christ’s death and then for Christ not actually to die.
- True or false: Christ confirmed the new covenant of grace through his blood.
- True or false: Jesus Christ is the testator who died to release the benefits of God’s testament to God’s heirs.
- True or false: God has not determined who his heirs will be: whoever believes can be an heir of God.
- True or false: In the gospel God promises salvation to everyone.
- True or false: A pastor may say, “God promises to everyone of you that, if you believe, you shall be saved.”
Find the answers here. For more quizzes and other reader activities, visit the RFPA blog next week!
Edit 3/18/2024 at 9:47AM. An earlier version of this quiz's answer key answered question 31 incorrectly and has now been corrected. Thank you to the eagle-eyed reader who caught the mistake and let us know!
Martyn McGeown is a pastor in the Protestant Reformed Churches. He is also the editor of the RFPA blog and the author of multiple RFPA publications.