RFPA Annual Meeting 2024

RFPA Annual Meeting 2024

This year's Annual Meeting drew an excellent turnout of young and old readers and RFPA supporters. Many of the 181 active Association members attended with friends and family members to listen to high school teacher and long-time Association member Mr. Joel Minderhoud give a presentation titled "Is Your Brain Being Wired for Deeper Thinking? The Christian Calling and Incentive to Read."
Book Review - Finding My Vocation

Book Review - Finding My Vocation

The following review was written by Mike Velthouse on the book Finding My Vocation by William Boekestein (Jenison, MI: Reformed Free Publishing, 2024). 
Author Interview: Brian Huizinga on Crowning His Gifts

Author Interview: Brian Huizinga on Crowning His Gifts

The following Q&A with author Brian Huizinga is on the book Crowning His Gifts: Gracious Rewards in the Reformed Tradition (Jenison, MI: Reformed Free Publishing, 2024). This review was originally published in the Grandville Gleaner, the newsletter of Prof. Huizinga's home congregation.
Looking forward: Which books will we release this FY?

Looking forward: Which books will we release this FY?

As the RFPA begins a new fiscal year, we look forward to another year of Reformed books and magazines for young and old. This year will see the publication of more Reformed classics, the beginning of a new children's book series by a beloved author, the continuation of the Devotions on the Gospel of John and Christ and His Church series, and more!
2023 Interview with Translator Thiago

2023 Interview with Translator Thiago

This month on the blog, we're highlighting RFPA translators! Without these hardworking men and women, the RFPA would not have the reach it currently does. Navigate to the RFPA's YouTube channel today for our latest interview with Portuguese translator Thiago McHertt.
2023 Interview with Translator Sam

2023 Interview with Translator Sam

This month on the blog, we're highlighting RFPA translators! Without these hardworking men and women, the RFPA would not have the reach it currently does. Navigate to the RFPA's YouTube channel today for our latest interview with Hindi and Tamil translator Sam Salve.