NEW! eSubscriptions Now Available!

  • 24 July, 2012
  • Reformed Free Publishing Association

Are you a digital junkie? Do you have a long commute or do you travel frequently for work? Does your Standard Bearer issue always seem to arrive after the publication date? Then the eSubscription to the Standard Bearer is perfect for you!


Read the latest issue easily from your mobile device or computer in a number of formats (eBook, PDF, or FlippingBook). Click here to subscribe today. (Oh, and current hardcopy subscribers, you qualify for a half-priced eSubscription. Click here for your deal.)


On a side note, have you noticed our newly remodeled Standard Bearer archive?  (Check it out here!)

Our web designer has done an incredible job updating the archive, giving it a modern new look, and improving the search functionality. Some new features include: user-friendly keyword search, keyword highlights within the search results, and search by Bible Text. You also have the option to view each issue in PDF or FlippingBook (a neat digital magazine where you can turn the pages of the issue yourself). You will soon have the option to download individual issues to your eReaders. (Both mobi and epub files will be available.)

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