Announcing a new book for teens on Christian dating!

Announcing a new book for teens on Christian dating!

  DATING DIFFERENTLY: A Guide to Reformed Dating by Joshua Engelsma Coming October 2019! We’re...

October 1, 2019 Standard Bearer preview article

October 1, 2019 Standard Bearer preview article

The author of I Kissed Dating Goodbye repudiates the Christian faith

Joshua Eugene Harris (b. 1974) was a leading figure in the “Christian Purity” movement. His father, Greg Harris, was a leader among Christian homeschoolers in the 1980s and 1990s, a movement that his son, Joshua, enthusiastically embraced. At the age of 17 Harris began to speak at his father’s homeschooling events, and from 1994–1997 he published New Attitude Magazine, a resource for homeschooled teenagers. In 1997 without any formal theological training, Harris moved from Oregon to Maryland to place himself under the mentorship of Charles Joseph (C. J.) Mahaney, pastor of Covenant Life Church and Sovereign Grace Ministries.

For Thy Truth's Sake

For Thy Truth's Sake

First printed to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Protestant Reformed Churches (PRC), For Thy...

2019 RFPA Annual Meeting Video

2019 RFPA Annual Meeting   "Training Our Children in the Discipline of Reading"Rev. Justin Smidstra...

The History of the Reformed Baptism Form (2)

The History of the Reformed Baptism Form (2)

We continue our study of the history of the Reformed baptism form in connection with an RFPA book entitled The Reformed Baptism Form: A Commentary by Bastiaan Wielenga. Our blog post series began with a treatment of the form in connection with Christian education. We then turned to the history of Peter Dantheen and the history of the form. And last time we noticed that the Dutch Reformed in the 1560s and 1570s endured fiery years of persecution at the hands of their cruel Spanish overlords. Many were forced to live in exile outside of the borders of the Lowlands in cities such as Emden and Wesel. In the last blog post, we left off our study of the Reformed baptism form at Wesel in 1568 where several decisions were made concerning the formation of Reformed churches in the Lowlands in the interest of preaching the truth of God’s word.
RFPA Annual Meeting TONIGHT

RFPA Annual Meeting TONIGHT

"I will be making the case that reading is a spiritual discipline, that teaching our...