Afraid of the Gospel (8)

Afraid of the Gospel (8)

Conditional theology!

Christless sermons!

These go hand in hand. Hand in hand they must go. For conditional theology wants us to believe that there are works of men that precede the works of God and for which God waits, either before saving us or before he can and will give us the next installment of salvation. We must believe, so the particular phase of conditional theology which was smuggled into the Protestant Reformed churches declares, before the promise of God to save us will go into effect. 

Cyber Monday Deal #2 – Commentaries by Prof. H. Hanko on Galatians and 1 Peter

Cyber Monday Deal #2 – Commentaries by Prof. H. Hanko on Galatians and 1 Peter

Cyber Monday Deal #2 – Commentaries by Prof. H. Hanko on Galatians and 1 Peter
Cyber Monday Deal #1 – Two Books by Prof. D. Engelsma on the Covenant

Cyber Monday Deal #1 – Two Books by Prof. D. Engelsma on the Covenant

Cyber Monday Deal #1 – Two Books by Prof. D. Engelsma on the Covenant
Prophecies of the Messiah – Black Friday Deal #2

Prophecies of the Messiah – Black Friday Deal #2

Prophecies of the Messiah – Black Friday Deal #2
Devotionals – Black Friday Deal #1

Devotionals – Black Friday Deal #1

Devotionals – Black Friday Deal #1
Afraid of the Gospel (7)

Afraid of the Gospel (7)

Christ or conditions.

That is the issue! Either Christ and his work is the prerequisite for my entrance into the kingdom of heaven or else my act of converting myself is the prerequisite. Either Christ and his atonement is the basis for my salvation or else I am saved on the condi­tion of faith, and perhaps on the condition of a few other things demanded of me.

Christ and conditions?