In Review: The Triple Knowledge. Reviewed by Rev. Joshua Engelsma

The Triple Knowledge series: An Exposition of the Heidelberg Catechism. Herman Hoeksema. 2nd edition. 10...

Is God the Author of Sin?

In response to my last blog post (we welcome responses!), The Errors of Arminianism, a...

The Errors of Arminianism

In 1618-1619 the Great Synod composed and adopted the Canons of Dordrecht in response to the...

RCC: A False Church

The pope visited the US last week with much fanfare. Pope Francis is a hit...

The Progression of Theistic Evolution

Theistic evolution is a view that attempts to yoke Genesis 1-3 together with the findings...

Kim Davis: A Model of Christian Conduct?

For those of you who have not followed the news, Kim Davis is the Kentucky...