Islam (13)

On January 13 (blog post: Islam 11), we considered the death of Jesus on the...

Jehovah Our Sun and Shield

A sun is Jehovah God! Wonderfully significant is the sun in nature as an image...

Spiritual Disciplines of the Christian Life: Challenges

We want to notice the internal and external challenges to this pursuit of godliness, and thus the need to persevere in these spiritual disciplines. I present here three such challenges (laziness, busyness, and the entertainment and technology craze); I am sure you can add to the list...

The calling of the Word of God is clear: as a good soldier of Jesus Christ, as one running the race of this life, persevere. Be disciplined, committed, and consistent in the study of the scriptures and in prayer. This is necessary in the life of the child of God—this concerns our spiritual health and strength! We must be strong to serve our God, strong to fight against sin, and strong to live faithfully in the calling that God has given to each of us.

N. T. Wright’s “New Perspectives”

Introduction Calvin College (Grand Rapids, MI) hosted its thirtieth “January Series” in January 2017. Appearing,...

Doug Wilson, Federal Vision No Mas

In a blog post entitled “Federal Vision No Mas,” Douglas Wilson says that he no...

The Puritans and the Theater

I recently read a fascinating book on the decline of western civilization entitled Apostate: The...