"I wrote the book for the believer"

Rev. Nathan Langerak, a new author for the RFPA, was interviewed on his book, Walking in the Way...

The Bible and Israel (1)

The belief that Israel is a nation before God forever is one held almost fanatically...

Christian Education and the Reformed Baptism Form: According to Ability

The book entitled The Reformed Baptism Form: A Commentary by Bastiaan Wielenga, is clear that...

Love: "A More Excellent Way"

  First Corinthians is scripture's detailed treatment of Christian love. According to the theme text...

The Justified Believer

“The just shall live by faith.”—Romans 1:7  Righteous, or just, by faith!  This is indeed...

A Cheerful Giver

One of the ways in which church members support the building of the spiritual house...