Two Books on the Awesome Mystery of Marriage

Two Books on the Awesome Mystery of Marriage

  • 05 February, 2021
  • Reformed Free Publishing Association

Better to Marry

Better to Marry provides straightforward, practical instruction for single and married believers alike, taken directly from the classic Bible passages on sex and marriage. Two appendices treat the remarriage and prohibition of the remarriage of the "innocent party."


Also available in ebook format! (Only $2.99 for book club members!)


Marriage, the Mystery of Christ and the Church

Although this book’s controversial contention that marriage is an unbreakable bond for life gets the most attention today…the book is a mainly positive explanation and application of the Bible’s teaching about marriage in all of marriage’s aspects… Marriage…is a Reformed pastor’s instruction and exhortation to married couples, especially young married couples, with the purpose that they glorify God in their marriages and enjoy the bliss of this blessed communion of life.

“This is one of those books that you wish could be put into the hands of every married couple and those contemplating marriage…If the contents of this book were put into practice, society would become more stable and broken homes would be few and far between.” —The Gospel Witness

“…one of the finest among the flood of such books flowing off the presses…The book [has] a theological depth and seriousness often lacking in non-Reformed books on this subject.” —Reformed Herald

“A book that says many biblical things about sex, children, family, the mystery of marriage. Recommended for laypersons and preachers alike.” —The Reformed Journal

“This book does faithfully reflect the teachings of God’s Word on marriage.” —The Banner

“A pastor, husband, and father speaks of marriage and its relationships in terms that few want to hear today–even in the church.” —Moody

“…there is much to be learned from this book for it touches upon much where the rubber hits the road in marriage. The chapters ‘The Christian Man as Husband’ and ‘The Christian Woman as Wife’ serve as excellent mirrors and may also serve the reader to discover where he or she fails in honouring the special God-designed role in marriage.” —Trowel and Sword

Also available in ebook format! (Only $2.99 for book club members!)


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