"Radically different in that it seeks the glory of God in our dating relationships"

  • 20 December, 2019
  • Reformed Free Publishing Association

Dating Differently: A Guide to Reformed Dating, by Rev. Joshua Engelsma. Jenison, MI: Reformed Free Publishing Association, 2019. $16.95. 160 pages, softcover. [Reviewed by Jim Regnerus, administrator of Trinity Christian High School in Hull, IA]

The world in which we live continues under the lie, the lie with which Satan tempted Eve and the lie which the heart of the natural man continues to indulge. This lie says that man is as God and can know all things, good and evil—even about dating.

And what if we don’t know?

Just do what everybody else is doing. Or at least Google it.

Dating Differently, subtitled A Guide to Reformed Dating, is radically different from what is above described.

Dating Differently is radically different in that it seeks the glory of God in our dating relationships. To that end, the book is a practical—very practical—guide for how the Reformed Christian conducts himself in dating with a view toward a God-glorifying marriage. Whether discussing dating versus courtship, how physical a relationship may be, what to do on a date, what the role of parents is, how we judge spiritual character, or when to get married, Engelsma is practical. His tone is conversational and the narrative is sprinkled with applicable anecdotes of his and his wife’s own dating years.

Dating Differently abounds with wisdom. The author knows his topic. Yet, the strength of the book lies not in its author, but in its basis of God’s word governing every aspect of our life, including dating. The questions for discussion at the end of each chapter will be an aid to anyone dating or contemplating dating. Book clubs and Bible societies will also benefit.     

This easily digested, nine-chapter RFPA publication is a must-read. My hope is that the RFPA targets more than just teens in the marketing of the book. Definitely, teens will benefit richly, but so will parents, teachers, elders, ministers, husbands, wives, and all members of the bride of Christ.

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