SB Staff Annual Meeting 2024

SB Staff Annual Meeting 2024

Last week Tuesday, June 4, the annual Standard Bearer meeting was held at the Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary. Once annually, the editors and writers of the SB meet to decide on topics, rubrics, and writers for the upcoming volume year.
Watchman on the Walls of Zion: The Life and Influenece of Simon van Velzen

Watchman on the Walls of Zion: The Life and Influenece of Simon van Velzen

Simon van Velzen was a powerful preacher of the gospel. He was a reformer of the church of Christ in the Netherlands in the Secession of 1834, a seminary    professor who influenced hundreds of future Reformed ministers, as well as a faithful husband and devoted father.

Sadly, many Reformed Christians in the twenty-first century have little, if any, idea as to who he is. Where he is remembered, he is often branded as being “unyielding, obstinate, and domineering,” and he is dismissed as being of little significance in the history of the church.

Here’s the biography that corrects the ignorance and misconceptions by setting forth the fascinating life of an influential figure in the history of Christ’s church.

We need your help!

We need your help!

Dating Differently has been in print for six months, and you, our supporters, have been incredible in your response. We’ve had to go back to the printer for more copies.

We think it’s safe to say that you think this is a good book. Now we are asking you to help us spread the word. Has this book been a help to you in your Christian dating? Do you want to encourage others to date differently?

Please go to the book page on Amazon and leave a review for us. If you don’t have the book yet, you can get it here, and still leave a review.

Thank you for your continued support!

Books for your Valentine

Books for your Valentine

It’s Valentine’s Day! It’s the day to buy your wife or girlfriend (or mom!) flowers and chocolates and a nice dinner, and…a book?

Hey, why not? Valentine’s Day is supposed to be all about love, and we’ve got books that speak about love from a biblical perspective.

And you don’t have to limit your gift to your significant other. Consider getting these titles for your teenage children. Help them to start their romantic relationships off on the right foot.

Biblical, practical, God-focused, and Reformed

Biblical, practical, God-focused, and Reformed

If you are looking for a 12-step program to finding a godly spouse and a happy marriage, you will not find that in this book. But you will not be disappointed because you will find a fresh, biblical, practical, God-focused, Reformed approach to dating guided by the principles of God’s word. In a world where dating is self-focused and resembles what happens on a used car lot, Rev. Engelsma grounds dating in God’s glory, marriage, and the relationship of Christ and his bride, the church.

February 1, 2020 Standard Bearer preview article

The Christian man as husband

In recent articles on what it means to be a godly man I’ve written about male sexuality (especially as it relates to single men) and how a godly man behaves in a dating relationship. This article addresses the next logical subject: the Christian man as husband.