Our classic advent devotional

Our classic advent devotional

  • 13 December, 2019
  • Reformed Free Publishing Association
…As Mary’s firstborn, he was the preparer of the way for his brethren according to the flesh in an altogether unique sense of the word.
For he was born, yet not begotten.
Firstborn of Mary, of her flesh and blood, yet not by the will of man.
As the eternal Son of God he prepared his own way in the womb of the virgin-mother and through her womb into the world.
He took upon himself the flesh and blood of the children.
He assumed the form of a servant.
And thus he became like unto his brethren!
Her firstborn!

—The Mystery of Bethlehem (page 57)

What child of God, saved by grace, does not turn with an ever new interest and spiritual delight to Bethlehem in “the fullness of time,” to contemplate in humble adoration the mystery of salvation, revealed, yet hid, in the child in the manger? ... Millions of sermons have been delivered on this theme…but the theme was never exhausted and always kindles anew the interest of the believer.—Herman Hoeksema

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