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I remember being quite confused for a long time by the question that titles this article. I remember being further confused by statements made by Protestant Reformed authors, such as the following: “In fact, Scripture makes clear that the law is gospel, for it has the power to convert the soul, to make wise the simple, and to enlighten the eyes.” And, “The law is gospel. If anyone doubts it, let him read Psalm 19 and Psalm 119.” And, “For Calvin and Calvinism, with regard to the elect believer law is an aspect of gospel.” How can this be? The law requires perfect obedience for us to be justified, an obedience of which we are not capable. That is not good news! On the other hand, the gospel proclaims that Christ’s perfect obedience (not our own obedience to the law) justifies us. That is good news! So how can an orthodox theologian say the law is the gospel? They are opposites!
—Read more in the upcoming article ‘Is the law part of the gospel?’ by Rev. Cory Griess in the upcoming May 15, 2018 issue of the Standard Bearer.
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