SB Staff Annual Meeting 2024

SB Staff Annual Meeting 2024

Last week Tuesday, June 4, the annual Standard Bearer meeting was held at the Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary. Once annually, the editors and writers of the SB meet to decide on topics, rubrics, and writers for the upcoming volume year.
Book review: "A useful tool for parents and teens"

Book review: "A useful tool for parents and teens"

Preparing for Dating and Marriage by Cory Griess. Reviewed by Rev. Dr. Don E. Galardi,...

"It will not only help your will also challenge you in your own marriage"

"It will not only help your will also challenge you in your own marriage"

Preparing for Dating and Marriage by Cory Griess. Reviewed by Dr. Sacha Walicord, pastor of Walker United Reformed Church, Grand Rapids, Michigan, visiting Professor Akademie fuer Reformatorische Theologie (Reformed Theological Seminary), Giessen, Germany.

Many Christian parents have lost countless nights’ sleep over their child’s unwise dating or marriage decisions. Much heartache has been caused by covenant children who entered the “dating game” or even marriage in an unprepared way. Much of this heartache and many tears could have been avoided if parents just had had a tool that helped them teach their children how to look for a godly spouse. Cory Griess’ very readable devotional seeks to fill exactly this gap as it is not only written from a sound biblical perspective but also in a warm and easy-to-understand tone. This is not your classical self-help book, but it is written for an audience 7th grade and up to be used as a family devotional guide in thirty-one brief and straightforward lessons.

November 15, 2020 Standard Bearer preview article

November 15, 2020 Standard Bearer preview article

The instrumental cause of our salvation

However, to speak more clearly, we do not mean, that faith itself justifies us, for it is only an instrument with which we embrace Christ our righteousness. But Jesus Christ, imputing to us all His merits and so many holy works which He has done for us and in our stead, is our righteousness. And faith is an instrument that keeps us in communion with Him in all His benefits, which, when become ours, are more than sufficient to acquit us of our sin.

—Belgic Confession, Article 22

Faith, thus receiving and resting on Christ and His righteousness, is the alone instrument of justification; yet is it not alone in the person justified, but is ever accompanied with all other saving graces, and is no dead faith, but worketh by love.

—Westminster Confession of Faith, Chapter 11.2


Now available! Preparing for Dating and Marriage: A 31-Day Family Devotional

Now available! Preparing for Dating and Marriage: A 31-Day Family Devotional

Now available! Preparing for Dating and Marriage: A 31-Day Family Devotional by new author, Rev. Cory...

Coming soon! Preparing for Dating and Marriage: A 31-Day Family Devotional

Coming soon! Preparing for Dating and Marriage: A 31-Day Family Devotional

Coming mid-August! Preparing for Dating and Marriage: A 31-Day Family Devotional by new author, Rev....