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by Martyn McGeown
The greatest miracle in history is unquestionably the incarnation of the Son of God. Every Christian delights in the beautiful, familiar, and comforting history of the birth of Jesus Christ. Even the world has some idea of the events surrounding Christ’s birth that are recorded in the gospels according to Matthew and Luke.
The main focus of scripture—and therefore of this book—is Jesus Christ. He alone is the Son of God made flesh; he alone is the savior of sinners; and he alone is the redeemer of God’s elect. The biblical history is not a sentimental story about the birth of the “little Lord Jesus,” but it describes the first step of Christ’s humiliation, which is his lowly birth. This is the first step that Jesus took in our salvation and the first step that would lead to his death on the cross. Since Jesus did not come to be ministered unto but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many (Matt. 20:28), it is fitting that his birth be lowly in Bethlehem’s stable.
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