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In Lord’s Day 11 the Heidelberg Catechism teaches that Jesus is the only and complete Savior. Therefore, salvation is all the work of Jesus. Zacharias Ursinus explains this in his commentary on this Lord’s Day,
He saves us fully, and perfectly, by commencing salvation in us in this life, and at length consummating it in the life to come. This he does, because his merit is most perfect, and that for two reasons, as has already been explained: First, because he is God. “God purchased the church with his own blood; (Acts 20:28) from which it appears that his satisfaction surpasses the punishment and satisfaction of all the angels; and secondly because of the greatness of the punishment which he endured for us. He also saves us in the manner just specified, because the salvation which he confers upon us is most full, and complete: “Ye are complete in him; “(Col. 2:10) that is, ye have all things which pertain unto everlasting blessedness, and are made the complete and happy sons of God through and on account of Jesus Christ: “For it pleased the Father, that in him should all fullness dwell.” “The blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God cleanseth us from all sin.” “There is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus.” “But this man, because he continueth for ever, hath an unchangeable priesthood.” “Wherefore he is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him.” (Col. 1:19. 1 John 1:7. Rom. 8:1. Heb. 7:24.)
For the Reformed faith salvation never depends upon anyone other than Jesus Christ. Now and in the future Jesus “saves us fully and perfectly.” Thanks be to God!
Our blog writer is Rev. Clayton Spronk, pastor of Faith Protestant Reformed Church in Jenison, MI. If there is a topic you'd like Rev. Spronk to address, please contact us.
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