Disciples, Corruption, and Homosexuality...

  • 20 March, 2013
  • Reformed Free Publishing Association

Coming soon to you in the April 1 issue of the Standard Bearer...

Meditation | Disciples on the Road to Emmaus


"Jesus Christ rose from the dead, just as He said." -Rev. John Marcus

A Word Fitly Spoken | Corruption


"Our misery is that the whole of creation is held captive by a destructive, pervasive, and inexorable power." -Rev. Bill Langerak

All Around Us


"With the imminent legalization of homosexual marriage in the US and euthanasia in Canada, this world is not becoming a better place. Christians should have no such illusion." - Rev. Clay Spronk


Read these articles and more in the upcoming April 1 issue of the Standard Bearer. Not a subscriber? Purchase an eSubscription or a hardcopy subscription today!
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