Death’s Tyrant Destroyed

  • 25 March, 2016
  • Reformed Free Publishing Association
Through death, He [Christ] passed into the glory of His resurrection, and of His exaltation at the right hand of God, and is clothed with all power in heaven and on earth. He holds the keys of death and hell. This mighty Lord, through His Spirit, now stretches His strong arm of salvation into our prison of sin and death, to lead us out into liberty. He opens wide the door, breaks the shackles of sin that hold us in bondage to the will of the devil, gives us a new heart, a new life, new love, new light, new knowledge, and wisdom. He gives us the saving faith, the power whereby we may appropriate Him, and all His blessings of salvation. He calls us through the word of the cross, the word of reconciliation, of liberty, of deliverance from the slavery of sin.
And we hear the voice of Jesus, the captain of our salvation, calling: “Come unto me, and rest.”
And we do come, and find rest; we repent and are forgiven; we believe and are delivered.
No longer do we accomplish the will of the devil, but have a new delight in the law of the God of our salvation.
And no longer does the fear of death hold us in bondage, for in His cross and resurrection we behold the way out, into the final glory of the tabernacle of God with us.
O, amazing power of the cross!
- When I Survey, Book 4: The Power of the Cross, Chapter 4: Death’s Tyrant Destroyed
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