What's in the the March 15 Standard Bearer?

Read these articles and more in the upcoming March 15 issue of The Standard Bearer. Not...

Know the standard, and follow it - Read the Standard Bearer.

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The Fruit of the Spirit: Some Concluding Thoughts

This is the last post about Rev. Smit’s book, The Fruit of the Spirit of...

The Fruit of the Spirit: Temperance

Christians can learn temperance from the example of Olympic athletes. By observing the athletes Christians...

Covenant, Antithesis and the Secession: A Response to Rev. Nathan Langerak

We thought this response to a recent Standard Bearer article written by Rev. Nathan Langerak, "The Juggernaut of...

Coming soon to your mailbox...

Looking forward to receiving the February 1 issue of the Standard Bearer? Here's a taste of what's...