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  • 21 January, 2014
  • Reformed Free Publishing Association

Looking forward to receiving the February 1 issue of the Standard Bearer? Here's a taste of what's to come in the next issue of our Reformed magazine:

All Around Us | Biblical Patriarchy Not Biblical

"The goal of biblical patriarchy is an earthly goal, an earthly kingdom of earthly power with earthly riches. It is uninterested in the spiritual kingdom of Jesus Christ with its cross and marked absence of earthly power and riches."

Special Article | The Sacrifice of Thanksgiving


" He [David] resolves that he will take up his place among God's people. He will go to the courts of God so that he can begin to express his gratitude to God for his deliverance."


God's Wonderful Works | Does Man Have a Free Will?

"Something must be infused into us first, so that we go from being corrupt trees that produce only corrupt fruit, to being good trees that "bring forth the fruit of good actions."


Read these articles and more in the upcoming February 1 issue of the Standard Bearer. Not a subscriber? Purchase an eSubscription or a hard copy subscription today!


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