Kuyper's Common Grace 'Christianizing of Culture'—Reformed Calling or Ecclesiastical Suicide?

A public lecture, "Kuyper's Common Grace 'Christianizing of Culture'—Reformed Calling or Ecclesiastical Suicide?" will be...

Not Letting Abortion Be Minimized

In an editorial in Reformed Perspective Jon Dykstra explains his response to a Canadian Politician’s...

Our new book has arrived!

The Coming of Zion's Redeemer by Ronald Hanko Order your copy today or join the...

The Coming of Zion's Redeemer

  The Coming of Zion's Redeemer is written by returning author Ronald Hanko on the...

What's in the August issue of the Standard Bearer....?

Editorial | Our Church Order, Psalms, and HymnsStrength of Youth| "To Teach Them to War":...

Standard Bearer July issue coming to your mailbox....

Standard Bearer July issue coming to your mailbox....
