The Charge of Antinomianism (6): Works, the Way to Salvation

The Charge of Antinomianism (6): Works, the Way to Salvation

Belonging to the effort to smear the truth of grace with the charge of antinomianism...

Gospel Truth of Justification (5): Polemical

The apostle Paul, after addressing the churches of Galatia in verses 1-5, immediately administers a...

TODAY! Radio Interview with Professor David J. Engelsma on Gospel Truth of Justification

Today from 4-6 pm EST, Prof. David J. Engelsma will be interviewed by Christopher Amzen on...

Christian Education and the Reformed Baptism Form (6): Causing to Instruct Children with Sola Scriptura

The third question of the Reformed baptism form states that parents are called to “instruct”...

Second Radio Interview on Gospel Truth of Justification with Professor David J. Engelsma

  This week Thursday, November 16 (note the date change), Prof. David J. Engelsma will...

Gospel Truth of Justification (4): Instructive

Good sermons edify. That is, they are instructive and spiritually build up the hearers. When,...