Unfolding Covenant History, Volume 6 – ebook now available!

Unfolding Covenant History, Volume 6 – ebook now available!

  • 06 April, 2020
  • Reformed Free Publishing Association

After a fifteen-year hiatus from the Unfolding Covenant History series, and producing fourteen other titles published by the RFPA, Prof. David J. Engelsma continues this covenantal exposition of the Old Testament. The series’ other author, Prof. Homer C. Hoeksema wrote volumes 1–4, which deal with creation through the Israelites’ conquest of Canaan. Volume 5, Judges and Ruth, was written by Prof. Engelsma and published in 2005.

We are happy to report that volume 6, From Samuel to Solomon will be available in April* and sent to all our book club members! Volume 6 will have an updated cover design as well as a new interior design, while still maintaining the look of the series.


Hard copy coming soon*…Ebook now available!

If you are a hard copy book club member, the ebook is FREE!

Login to your online account at rfpa.org and use code: UNF6E.

*(Due to the current shelter-in-place order in Michigan, the normal delivery to our book club members of the hard copy book will be delayed. We will make delivery happen as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding!)  


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