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If in this anniversary year of the Reformation, you confessed justification by faith alone to a Roman Catholic neighbor, or to an advocate of the heresy of the federal vision, and he responded by quoting to you James 2:21 and 25, could you maintain your confession, or would you be silenced?
All opponents of the gospel truth of justification by faith alone, from Rome to the federal vision of today, hang their hat on James 2.
At the annual meeting of the Reformed Free Publishing Association on Thursday, September 28, Prof. David J. Engelsma will not only show the harmony of James 2 on the one hand and of Romans 3-5 and Galatians on the other hand, but he will also demonstrate that James 2 itself convincingly proves that it does not compromise the Reformation’s gospel truth of justification by faith alone.
The lecture will develop the truth of justification set forth in the speaker’s recent book commemorating and defending the Reformation of the church in this, the 500th anniversary of that glorious event, Gospel Truth of Justification: Proclaimed, Defended, Developed (Reformed Free Publishing Association, 2017).
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