We interrupt the series of blog posts on Islam. If you have been following, and if you have comprehended the blog posts so far, you, and hopefully your Muslim contacts, should be able to answer these questions. Quiz yourselves and your families, especially your teenagers in Heidelberg/Essentials catechism class. How well do you understand the Christian faith? Could you prove these important teachings from scripture?
Part 1: the Trinity
- Christians believe in three gods?
- Christians believe that the Son of God is a creature?
- Christians believe that there are three Creators?
- Christians believe that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one person?
- Christians believe that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are three beings?
- Christians believe that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are each one third of God?
- Christians believe that when Jesus was on the earth, there was no God in heaven?
- Christians believe that Mary is a god?
- Christians believe that the Father came before the Son and the Holy Spirit?
- Christians believe that the Father and the Holy Spirit have physical bodies?
- Christians believe the Father first created the Son, who then helped him create the world?
- Christians believe that the Father and the Son created the Holy Spirit?
- Christians worship only the Father, and do not worship the Son or the Holy Spirit?
- Christians believe that the Father adopted the Son at his baptism in the river Jordan, at which point he became God's Son?
- Christians believe that Jesus became the Son of God when he was born into the world?
- Christians believe that to become a father, God took a wife through whom he bore a son?
Part 2: The Incarnation
- Christians believe that when the Son of God became a man he was no longer God’s Son?
- Christians believe that during his life on earth the Son possessed no divine attributes?
- Christians believe that the Son of God was always human, even before the incarnation?
- Christians believe that because Mary is the mother of Jesus, she should be worshipped?
- Christians believe that the human nature of Jesus consists only of a human body, but not of a human soul?
- Christians believe that because Jesus is human and divine, he is or has two persons?
- Christians believe that Jesus has one nature?
- Christians believe that the qualities of one nature also belong to the other nature in Jesus? For example, Christians believe that the body of Jesus is omnipotent and omnipresent, like his divine nature?
- Christians believe that, because Jesus was hungry, thirsty and tired, he was not really God?
- Christians believe that, because Jesus suffered and died, he was not really God?
- Christians believe that, because Jesus performed miracles, understood the secret thoughts of men, and was worshipped, he was not really human?
- Christians believe that Jesus did not really have a human nature; he just seemed to?
- Christians believe that the human nature of Jesus was corrupted with sin?
- Christians believe that Jesus lived a perfect life of obedience and that he never sinned?
- Christians believe that, as a human being, Jesus was obligated to keep God’s Law?
- Christians believe that the Son of God on earth prayed to God?
Part 3: Sin and Salvation
- Christians believe that God tolerates sin and turns a blind eye to it?
- Christians believe that God only punishes “serious” sins such as murder or adultery?
- Christians believe that the penalty for sin is death?
- Christians believe in total depravity, which means that man is totally corrupt, unable to do anything good, and inclined to all evil?
- Christians believe that the sin which Adam committed in the Garden affected only Adam?
- Christians believe that all human beings are born good, but they become sinful because of their environment?
- Christians believe that it is possible to do enough good works in order to earn salvation?
- Christians believe that God accepts a work as truly “good” if it is sincere?
- Christians believe that a truly good work must be done out of faith to God’s glory?
- Christians believe that, because sinners could not save themselves, the Son came to be the Savior?
- Christians believe that Jesus obeyed the Law of God in the place of his people because they could not perfectly obey it themselves?
- Christians believe that Jesus carried the penalty of the Law of God in the place of his people because they could not carry that penalty themselves?
- Christians believe that the penalty that Jesus carried is the wrath (anger) and curse of God?
- Christians believe that the Father forced Jesus to carry that penalty against his will?
- Christians believe only Jesus was qualified to carry that penalty because he is God in human flesh?
For the answers to these questions, visit the Islam 11 blog post.
This post was written by Rev. Martyn McGeown, missionary-pastor of the Covenant Protestant Reformed Church in Northern Ireland stationed in Limerick, Republic of Ireland.