Four Hundred Years

  • 16 February, 2018
  • Reformed Free Publishing Association

For four hundred years, the Canons of Dordt, the product of the seven month long Synod of Dordt, have served as one of the three major creeds of Reformed churches around the world. The Canons have served these churches well. They have been and still remain a bulwark against those who seek to undermine the doctrines of sovereign, particular grace. They have preserved faithful, Reformed believers from the onslaughts of those who wish to inject man’s work into the work of salvation.

The Canons of Dordt stated and defended the doctrines of sovereign grace and rejected the Arminian error of free will, and thereby resolved a raging controversy in the Dutch Reformed Churches concerning the sovereign grace of God.

It is fitting then, this year, to recognize Professor Homer Hoeksema’s exposition of this creed. The Voice of our Fathers is an extensive commentary on the articles drawn up by the great Synod of Dordrecht (1618-19). The introduction and appendices of the commentary include details of the history of the synod.

“Many churches regard them [the Canons] as a dead letter and have relegated them to the dusty shelves of their archives. Many Reformed churches—to their unending shame—ignore, compromise, or deny the teachings of the Canons that they have sworn to uphold. Yet the Canons are just as applicable to the church today as they were when they were adopted.  The truth is the same; the enemy is the same; and the battle is the same. Rightly conceived, the Canons are still a living document that guides the faith and life of the church.”

—Mark Hoeksema, from the foreword

“Let us therefore appreciate the heritage preserved for us in our confessions, and let us give good heed to the voice of our fathers, for in that voice of our fathers is easily detected the voice of the Lord our God himself, as by the Spirit of Christ and through the Holy Scriptures he speaks to us.”

Homer Hoeksema, from the Introduction to the first edition


656 pages, Hardcover, Retail $49.95

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