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In this first volume of Christ and His Church through the Ages, author and historian Herman Hanko tells the fascinating story of the ancient church during the first six centuries of the New Testament dispensation. He relates how Christ faithfully guided the church from the ministry of the apostles through the fall of the Roman Empire. Highlights of this history include the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, the spread of the gospel to the Gentiles, the persecution of the church under Roman emperors, the deliberations of the ecumenical councils, and the battle for the truth of sovereign grace.
Through this and future volumes, students of church history and interested readers alike will surely grow in their love and appreciation for the saga of Christ’s church. They will find church history to be, as the author once affectionately described it, “the exciting adventure of the marvelous work of grace.”
Herman Hanko served as professor of church history at the Theological School of the Protestant Reformed Churches from 1965 until his retirement in 2001. He is the author of several books, including Portraits of Faithful Saints, Contending for the Faith, and For Thy Truth’s Sake: A Doctrinal History of the Protestant Reformed Churches.
Dan Van Uffelen is a church history teacher at Covenant Christian High School in Walker, Michigan. He has taught church history for almost two decades.
The book of Job is God’s commentary on the suffering and trials of his people. God speaks to our trials from the viewpoint, first, of his own interactions with Satan, then from the viewpoint of Job’s interactions with his friends and finally as the one who appears to Job and his friends in a tornado. The book describes suffering on a scale seldom seen but shows our weaknesses and the temptations we face when under the hand of God or when called to bring comfort to others who are suffering. For that reason it is instructive and corrective but is also of great comfort, for it points those who are suffering to God’s sovereignty in trials and to his faithfulness and saving grace to his own.
Those who have read the book of Job often find the book repetitious and difficult to follow, especially the interaction of Job and his friends. This work is not meant to be an exhaustive, verse-by-verse explanation of the book of Job but is an attempt to show how the book fits together and leads up to its grand climax in the appearance of God. It also attempts to show that Job has often been misunderstood and maligned, and though guilty of sin, as we all are in suffering, is nevertheless one whose faith and hope in God are sure. May it be of help to all who love God as Job did, especially when the God they love chastises and corrects them as he does all of his children.
Ronald Hanko is an emeritus minister in the Protestant Reformed Churches of America. He has served in the active ministry for 38 years. He has also written Doctrine according to Godliness: A Primer of Reformed Doctrine and The Coming of Zion’s Redeemer: The Prophecies of Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi.
The Church's Hope: The Reformed Doctrine of the End: Volume 1: The Millennium, by David J. Engelsma.
This book is the first volume of a set of two volumes that can be considered the summa of the author's longstanding preaching and teaching on issues pertaining eschatology and the end times. The book reminds all Christians that the errors concerning the millennium affect the hope of the church—nothing less than the church’s hope. The controversy over the millennium is fundamental.
David J. Engelsma is an emeritus minister and professor in the Protestant Reformed Churches.
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