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October 1, 2020 Standard Bearer preview article
This article is written by Rev. Clayton Spronk and will be published in the October 1, 2020 issue...
This article is written by Rev. Clayton Spronk and will be published in the October 1, 2020 issue...
Walking in the Way of Love: A Practical Commentary on 1 Corinthians for the Believer, volume 2, by Nathan J. Langerak. Jenison, MI: Reformed Free Publishing Association, 2019. 544 pages, hardcover. [Reviewed by Rev. Clayton Spronk]
Rare are the biblical commentaries that provide sound theological instruction. Rarer still are the commentaries that provide sound theological instruction and helpful application to the faith and life of the church today. Even a little of both of these oft-missing ingredients would be enough to recommend a commentary to serious students of scripture. That this volume offers a feast of accurate explanations of the truth of scripture and appropriate applications means that I must highly recommend it to the reader.
Reports about the Presbyterian Church in America’s 2016 General Assembly focus on the issues of...
Ligonier Ministries and its founder, R. C. Sproul, and at least one of its contributing...
Dewey Roberts provides an explanation for why the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) has failed...
Members of the church today face increasing pressure to participate in sports on Sunday. Often...