Translations in Focus - Doctrine According to Godliness (Amharic)

Translations in Focus - Doctrine According to Godliness (Amharic)

This month on the blog, we're looking forward to the RFPA Annual Association meeting in a few weeks by highlighting our translations. Today's "translation in focus" is the Amharic translation of Doctrine According to Godliness (translated by Selam Kefyalew). Read on for a side-by-side comparison of chapter 328 from the English and Amharic versions of Doctrine!
Book Review - Job: God's Sovereignty in Suffering

Book Review - Job: God's Sovereignty in Suffering

The following review was written by Randall C. Bailey on the book Job: God's Sovereignty in Suffering by Ronald Hanko (Jenison, MI: Reformed Free Publishing, 2021). This review was originally published in the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (JETS).
February 15, 2021 Standard Bearer preview article

February 15, 2021 Standard Bearer preview article

We see in Jonah clear proof that though Christ has taken the wrath of God against our sins on Himself and delivered us from the wrath to come, Christ’s work does not deliver us from the consequences of our sins, from divine chastisement, and from God’s holy anger against sin. That is what we forget when we think we can go on carelessly in our sin as though God does not see. That is how we behave when we use grace as an excuse for sin. Then we say with Jonah, “I am an Hebrew and fear the God who made all things,” and refuse to bow before Him.
God’s Omnipresence

God’s Omnipresence

Knowing God is life eternal. It is also the great difference between a life of...

The Church and Her Creeds

There is an essay by a well-known British author of this century entitled "Creed or Chaos?"² In the essay the author defends the use of creeds in the church, and the title of the essay very aptly describes the urgency of maintaining and defending our creeds. The only alternative is ecclesiastical chaos. History has proved that, especially in the last century. The church has moved off her creedal foundation, has separated herself from the church of the past and from the word of God, and is no longer protected from the chaos that the floods and winds of doctrinal change, spiritual ignorance, and worldliness bring. 
MP3 of Radio Interview with Prof. Cammenga on 'Saved by Grace'

MP3 of Radio Interview with Prof. Cammenga on 'Saved by Grace'

On Tuesday, February 5, 2019, Prof. Ronald Cammenga had a radio interview with Chris  Arnzen, the national, religious radio host of Iron Sharpens Iron, on his book, Saved by Grace: A Study of the Five Points of Calvinism.

If you did not have an opportunity to listen to Prof. Cammenga's interview on Iron Sharpens Iron, you can do so now by clicking the link below.