The Pastoral Character of the Canons

There are, undoubtedly, many reasons why wholesale departure from scripture truth is so characteristic of Reformed churches today, but not least among those reasons is the fact that churches and denominations often forget that they are part of the church of all ages, and that, also with regard to doctrine, they stand in organic connection with the church of the past. If the church is faithful to the truth then she is built on the foundation of apostolic doctrine and prophetic teaching, and by the grace of God that doctrine and that teaching is an inheritance received from the faithful church of years past. It is not only to her disgrace but to her own ruin that the church forgets this. 

For Reformed churches, perhaps more than any others, this heritage of truth is to be found in their creeds. Those creeds or confessions are the fruit of hard study, careful interpretation, and life-long defense of the word of God by those who have gone before, and it is through faithful use of those creeds that we as Reformed Christians “come into” our inheritance. The trouble is that Reformed churches today, almost without exception, are churches without a heritage, not because they have discarded their creeds but because they have neglected them. The creeds are useful and profitable only in so far as they are used in the preaching, the teaching, and in all the work of the church. Through neglect of her creeds, a church cuts herself off from the organism of the church and lays herself open to the withering influence of false teaching and worldliness. 

TODAY! Iron Sharpens Iron Radio Interview with Prof. Cammenga - Saved by Grace

TODAY! Iron Sharpens Iron Radio Interview with Prof. Cammenga - Saved by Grace

TODAY from 4-6pm EST,  Prof. Cammenga will be interviewed by Chris Arnzen on his radio program Iron Sharpens Iron.

The subject will be the book, Saved by Grace: A Study of the Five Points of Calvinism, that he co-authored with Rev. Ron Hanko. 

Visit and click on the livestream box to tune in and listen from any device. The program can also be listened to by phone at (563)999-9206; press #3 for Christian Radio when prompted.

Be sure to tune in today!

Iron Sharpens Iron Radio Interview with Prof. Cammenga - Saved by Grace

Iron Sharpens Iron Radio Interview with Prof. Cammenga - Saved by Grace

NEXT WEEK Tuesday, February 5, Prof. Cammenga will be interviewed by Chris Arnzen on his radio program Iron Sharpens Iron from 4:00-6:00 pm EST. 

The subject will be the book, Saved by Grace: A Study of the Five Points of Calvinism, that he co-authored with Rev. Ron Hanko. 

The Importance of Doctrine

Doctrine is not highly regarded anymore. In many evangelical churches there is such ignorance of doctrine that even the fundamentals of Christianity are not well understood. Even in churches that remain faithful in their teaching and preaching, there is often little interest in learning and understanding doctrine. The youth are, for the most part, bored by it, and their elders are content with a superficial knowledge of the doctrines of the Reformed faith.

Very often the symptom of this lack of doctrine is a constant agitation for more “practical” preaching and teaching along with a greater emphasis on liturgy and on the other parts of the worship service until the sermon is all but squeezed out. On the part of the preachers themselves, one finds less and less biblical exposition and more and more illustration, storytelling, and entertainment.

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