Looking forward: Which books will we release this FY?

Looking forward: Which books will we release this FY?

As the RFPA begins a new fiscal year, we look forward to another year of Reformed books and magazines for young and old. This year will see the publication of more Reformed classics, the beginning of a new children's book series by a beloved author, the continuation of the Devotions on the Gospel of John and Christ and His Church series, and more!
"Biblical Obscurities": Author Mike Velthouse Interviews with Hope RWC

"Biblical Obscurities": Author Mike Velthouse Interviews with Hope RWC

This weekend, spend a few hours with author Mike Velthouse and the Hope RWC podcast! Below, find links to a series of interviews with Mike, in which he discusses four "Biblical Obscurities." Readers may recognize hints of these and other Obscurities articles in his upcoming book, Journey Through the Psalms, a devotional for ages 9–13.
The Time Appointed by the Lord - A "Believing and Confessing" Meditation

The Time Appointed by the Lord - A "Believing and Confessing" Meditation

It must be of great comfort to us as we see the unfolding of history around us—a history which is often chaotic, confused, and frightening—that the future is not in the hands of men and nations, or even in the hands of the devil. The future is in the hands of God. “Known unto God are all his works from the foundation of the world” (Acts 15:18). Therefore, history cannot either end one moment before God has determined or continue one moment longer than he has planned. Article 37 calls this “the time appointed by the Lord.”
Book Review - The Mystery of Bethlehem

Book Review - The Mystery of Bethlehem

The following review was written by Joshua Vink on the book The Mystery of Bethlehem by Herman Hoeksema (Jenison, MI: Reformed Free Publishing, 1986). This review was originally published in the December 2023 issue of The Grandville Gleaner.

A multitude of books, articles, and sermons have been written on the topic, but the story of Christmas can never be exhausted. Where would we be without the birth of our Lord and Savior? Herman Hoeksema writes in the hope of kindling anew that interest in the heart of the reader.

Book Review - Ten Commandments for Children

Book Review - Ten Commandments for Children

The following review was written by Amanda DeBoer on the book The Ten Commandments for Children by Prof. Ron Cammenga (Jenison, MI: Reformed Free Publishing, 2023). This review will be published in the Clarion, a biweekly magazine of the Canadian/American Reformed Church federation, Vol. 72 No. 14, in November 2023.

Cammenga not only teaches the commandments, but also explores their depth and practicality in an age appropriate way. He has a kind, yet unwavering, manner of writing that is very appropriate for the topic. The Ten Commandments for Children will undoubtedly be a blessing for many families.

"It will not only help your children...it will also challenge you in your own marriage"

"It will not only help your children...it will also challenge you in your own marriage"

Preparing for Dating and Marriage by Cory Griess. Reviewed by Dr. Sacha Walicord, pastor of Walker United Reformed Church, Grand Rapids, Michigan, visiting Professor Akademie fuer Reformatorische Theologie (Reformed Theological Seminary), Giessen, Germany.

Many Christian parents have lost countless nights’ sleep over their child’s unwise dating or marriage decisions. Much heartache has been caused by covenant children who entered the “dating game” or even marriage in an unprepared way. Much of this heartache and many tears could have been avoided if parents just had had a tool that helped them teach their children how to look for a godly spouse. Cory Griess’ very readable devotional seeks to fill exactly this gap as it is not only written from a sound biblical perspective but also in a warm and easy-to-understand tone. This is not your classical self-help book, but it is written for an audience 7th grade and up to be used as a family devotional guide in thirty-one brief and straightforward lessons.