$10 Gift Certificate
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$20 Gift Certificate
This certificate may be used for any RFPA product, including a Standard Bearer or Ignited by the Word subscription.
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$25 Gift Certificate
This certificate may be used for any RFPA product, including a Standard Bearer or Ignited by the Word subscription.
These certificates make wonderful gifts for all occasions and are redeemable by mail, in person, and by email. Note: The amount on the purchased certificate will be automatically credited to your (or a recipient's) account. If you would like a paper or digital copy of your certificate, please let us know where to mail or email the certificate in the "customer notes" section at checkout.
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$30 Gift Certificate
This certificate may be used for any RFPA product, including a Standard Bearer or Ignited by the Word subscription.
These certificates make wonderful gifts for all occasions and are redeemable by mail, in person, and by email. Note: The amount on the purchased certificate will be automatically credited to your (or a recipient's) account. If you would like a paper or digital copy of your certificate, please let us know where to mail or email the certificate in the "customer notes" section at checkout.
When submitting your order, please note who the certificate is for, so that we can credit the recipient's account accordingly.
$50 Gift Certificate
This certificate may be used for any RFPA product, including a Standard Bearer or Ignited by the Word subscription.
These certificates make wonderful gifts for all occasions and are redeemable by mail, in person, and by email. Note: The amount on the purchased certificate will be automatically credited to your (or a recipient's) account. If you would like a paper or digital copy of your certificate, please let us know where to mail or email the certificate in the "customer notes" section at checkout.
When submitting your order, please note who the certificate is for, so that we can credit the recipient's account accordingly.
1 & 2 Thessalonians, Studies in
Click to see sample lesson
Will Jesus' return be secret or public? What about those who predict the time of this great event? What must the believer's attitude be toward Christ's coming in glory? How, then, must the church live?
Join author Cornelius Hanko in these fifteen study lessons as he leads the way through Paul's two important letters to the church at Thessalonica. In this guide, Hanko points to the sure answers found in the biblical account, so needed in our age of uncertainty.
This guide is split into 15 lessons for personal or group study.
- 80 pages
- paperback
- ISBN 978-1-936054-52-7
- Release date: 2014
Find all Bible study guides in this series here.
1 Peter, Studies in
The first epistle written by the apostle Peter was designed to strengthen, encourage, and comfort Christians in the midst of the "fiery trial" they would endure, and to hold out to them their great hope. The author of this booklet for Bible study groups leads into the various truths of this book in 16 lessons with questions (and accompanying Scripture references) that students can research before class. Space is given to write answers and take notes.
The subject matter covered is shown in the lesson titles: Greeting and Benediction, The Joy of the New Testament Church, Hope That Never Dies, Fervent Love for the Brethren, The Chief Cornerstone, By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them, Patience in Suffering for God's Sake, Admonition to Wives and Husbands, A Godly Walk, A Good Confession amidst Persecution, Through Suffering to Glory, The Judge Is at the Door, Stewards in God's House, Partakers of Christ's Suffering, Admonition to Elders, and Conclusion of the Epistle.
This guide contains 16 lessons for personal or group study.
- 80 pages
- paperback
- ISBN 978-0-916206-75-8
- Release date: 2002
Find all Bible study guides here.
1834: Hendrik de Cock's Return to the True Church
Look inside the book
The author’s narrative recounts the reformation of the church in 1834, when Hendrik de Cock witnessed against the false doctrines and unspiritual character of the state Reformed church of the Netherlands. After having been unceremoniously suspended and deposed from office, he led his congregation to return to the biblical worship of God in Christ Jesus as set forth in the Reformed creeds, which represents the faith of God’s saints throughout the ages. His witness has inspired the witness of hundreds of thousands of people throughout the world until this day.
This book therefore recounts one man’s struggle against the perversions of scripture by the vast majority of ordained pastors in the state Reformed church with its million or more spiritually sleeping members. Contra mundum was the character of this struggle for the truth. De Cock’s witness therefore was a trumpet blast in the night of spiritual darkness that awakened God’s people at the morn of a new day, while at the same time it angered and galvanized the unfaithful ecclesiastical administrators in opposition. De Cock gave witness to the sole authority of sacred scripture and to the binding authority of the Reformed creeds, which for Reformed believers is derived from the binding authority of the Bible.
Read reviews by Dr. Wes Bredenhof, Prof. David Engelsma, Dr. Eugene Heideman, Rev. E. T. Kirkland, Rev. Cornelius Pronk, Rev. Clayton Spronk, Rev. Pieter VanderMeyden, and Charles Terpstra (The Three R's blog).
Read reviews on Goodreads.com here.
Find more reviews at the Covenant Protestant Reformed Church (NI) bookstore page here.
Marvin Kamps (1940-2014) was a minister of the word in the Protestant Reformed Churches from 1976-1993. He served congregations in Iowa, Washington, and West Michigan.
- 512 pages
- hardcover
- ISBN 978-1-936054-32-9
- Release date: March 21, 2014
eBook version available
1834: Hendrik de Cock's Return to the True Church (eBook)
Look inside the book
The author’s narrative recounts the reformation of the church in 1834, when Hendrik de Cock witnessed against the false doctrines and unspiritual character of the state Reformed church of the Netherlands. After having been unceremoniously suspended and deposed from office, he led his congregation to return to the biblical worship of God in Christ Jesus as set forth in the Reformed creeds, which represents the faith of God’s saints throughout the ages. His witness has inspired the witness of hundreds of thousands of people throughout the world until this day.
This book therefore recounts one man’s struggle against the perversions of scripture by the vast majority of ordained pastors in the state Reformed church with its million or more spiritually sleeping members. Contra mundum was the character of this struggle for the truth. De Cock’s witness therefore was a trumpet blast in the night of spiritual darkness that awakened God’s people at the morn of a new day, while at the same time it angered and galvanized the unfaithful ecclesiastical administrators in opposition. De Cock gave witness to the sole authority of sacred scripture and to the binding authority of the Reformed creeds, which for Reformed believers is derived from the binding authority of the Bible.
Read reviews by Dr. Wes Bredenhof, Prof. David Engelsma, Dr. Eugene Heideman, E. T. Kirkland, Cornelius Pronk, Clayton Spronk, Pieter VanderMeyden, and Charles Terpstra (The Three R's blog).
Read reviews on Goodreads.com here.
Marvin Kamps (1940-2014) was a minister of the word in the Protestant Reformed Churches from 1976-1993. He served congregations in Iowa, Washington, and West Michigan.
- 512 pages
- ISBN 978-1-936054-23-7
Hardcover version available
Acts, Studies in
Click to see sample lesson
Written by Luke, Acts is the continuation of his gospel narrative. In Acts we find a three-fold theme. First, it is the history of the work of the Holy Spirit. It is the fulfillment of Christ’s promise that he would pour out his Spirit on his people. Second, Acts sets forth the doctrine of the church, which in its simplicity is the model for the organization and operation of the Spirit-led church of all ages. Third, Acts is evangelistic, recording the spread of the gospel through the preaching of the word of Christ.
Thus Acts is a paradigm for the New Testament church throughout its history.
The question format of this study guide is intended to provoke study, discussion, and thought, in order to facilitate an understanding of Acts, whether in Bible studies or on a personal level.
This guide is split into 28 chapters, with each chapter corresponding to a chapter in Acts. Each chapter is made up of 3-5 sections that can be used as "lessons" for personal or group study.
Mark Homer Hoeksema (1949-2021) was the son of a Protestant Reformed minister. He had a great love for church history, facilitating and recording many dozens of interviews and profiles with men and women in the Reformed church tradition. Many of these can be found in the archives of the Standard Bearer and the Beacon Lights, a publication for Reformed young people of which he was editor-in-chief for some years. He also wrote numerous Bible study guides for the RFPA.
- 176 pages
- paperback
- ISBN 978-1-936054-93-0
- Release date: 2015
Find all Bible study guides here.
All Glory to the Only Good God
The third book in the Reformed Spirituality series, this book again consists of meditations by Protestant Reformed minister and theologian, Herman Hoeksema. The meditations in this volume have in common their living, breathing zeal for the glory of the good God. God is only good—good in himself; good in creation; good in salvation; good in Christ; good to his elect people.
This set of beautiful meditations demonstrates that genuine spirituality rises from and ends in the glory of God, for the zeal of the soul for God's glory is the most profound spirituality. And because the Spirit works spirituality by sound doctrine, spirituality exists and flourishes by means of sound instruction in biblical, Reformed doctrine.
All Glory to the Only Good God is part of the Reformed Spirituality series comprised of meditations written by Herman Hoeksema.
Herman Hoeksema (HH) (1886-1965) was ordained into the ministry in the Christian Reformed Churches in 1915. He is considered one of the founding "fathers" of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. He taught in the Seminary of the Protestant Reformed Churches from its founding and until his retirement in 1964.
- 336 pages
- hardcover
- ISBN 978-1-936054-28-2
- Release date: September 3, 2013
eBook version available
Other Books in the Reformed Spirituality Series:
Peace for the Troubled Heart
Communion with God
All Glory to the Only Good God (eBook)
The third book in the Reformed Spirituality series, this book again consists of meditations by Protestant Reformed minister and theologian, Herman Hoeksema. The meditations in this volume have in common their living, breathing zeal for the glory of the good God. God is only good—good in himself; good in creation; good in salvation; good in Christ; good to his elect people.
This set of beautiful meditations demonstrates that genuine spirituality rises from and ends in the glory of God, for the zeal of the soul for God's glory is the most profound spirituality. And because the Spirit works spirituality by sound doctrine, spirituality exists and flourishes by means of sound instruction in biblical, Reformed doctrine.
All Glory to the Only Good God is part of the Reformed Spirituality series comprised of meditations written by Herman Hoeksema.
Herman Hoeksema (HH) (1886-1965) was ordained into the ministry in the Christian Reformed Churches in 1915. He is considered one of the founding "fathers" of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. He taught in the Seminary of the Protestant Reformed Churches from its founding and until his retirement in 1964.
- 336 pages
- ISBN 978-1-936054-29-9
Hardcover version available
Other Books in the Reformed Spirituality Series:
Always Reforming (eBook)
Featuring over a dozen authors, Always Reforming demonstrates that the Spirit of Christ has carried on the reforming work of Christ in the sixteenth century in one particular branch of the church of the Reformation. A successor to The Sixteenth-Century Reformation of the Church, this book traces the continuing reformation in the Netherlands in the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries, and in the Protestant Reformed Churches in North America in the twentieth century.
- 318 pages
- ISBN 978-1-944555-09-2
- Edited by David Engelsma
Paperback version available
Other Books in the Rightly Dividing Series:
Common Grace Revisited (eBook)
Reformed Worship (eBook)
Always Reforming: Continuation of the Sixteenth Century Reformation
Featuring over a dozen authors, Always Reforming demonstrates that the Spirit of Christ has carried on the reforming work of Christ in the sixteenth century in one particular branch of the church of the Reformation. A successor to The Sixteenth-Century Reformation of the Church, this book traces the continuing reformation in the Netherlands in the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries, and in the Protestant Reformed Churches in North America in the twentieth century.
- 318 pages
- paperback
- ISBN 978-0-916206-99-4
- Edited by David Engelsma
- Release date: June 6, 2016
eBook version available
Other Books in the Rightly Dividing Series:
Battle for Sovereign Grace in the Covenant (eBook)
This book recounts much of the gripping history of the schism of 1953 within the Protestant Reformed Churches (PRC), the culmination of the hard fought battle for sovereign grace in the covenant. The book includes new, important details that have not been previously published and also provides the history of the controversial adoption by the PRCA of the Declaration of Principles, the document that in some ways occasioned the schism of 1953. In the appendices of the book, Engelsma gives a brief, valuable commentary on the Declaration, the first commentary to be written.
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 304 pages
- ISBN 978-1-936054-27-5
Battle for Sovereign Grace in the Covenant: The Declaration of Principles
This book recounts much of the gripping history of the schism of 1953 within the Protestant Reformed Churches (PRC), the culmination of the hard-fought battle for sovereign grace in the covenant. The book includes new, important details that have not been previously published and also provides the history of the controversial adoption by the PRCA of the Declaration of Principles, the document that in some ways occasioned the schism of 1953. In the appendices of the book, Engelsma gives a brief, valuable commentary on the Declaration, the first such commentary to be written.
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 304 pages
- Hardcover
- ISBN 978-1-936054-19-0
- Release date: June 16, 2013
Behold the Beauty - Art Curriculum (Grades 2-3)
Click for sample lessons. (First sample is Second Grade. Second sample is Third Grade)
The second volume in the three-volume art curriculum set, Behold the Beauty, is designed to be used by teachers or homeschooling parents for second and third grade.
Behold the Beauty was also written with practical considerations in mind: to assist instructors who have had little or no training in art. The lessons are clear and easy to use, requiring minimal supplies without compromising objectives.
The ultimate objective of every lesson is exactly as the title implies: to behold the beauty of creation and to praise God in doing that. As students learn to more closely observe creation while rendering what they see in pencil, paint, or other artistic media, they will be trained to meet that objective. The lessons teach how to use the elements of art, such as line, shape, and color, while introducing the principles of design, such as unity, variety, and focal point. Not only do students learn to behold the evidence of God's glory all around them by these means, they also learn to make objects of beauty in order to communicate that glory to others. The curriculum is based on the infallible Scriptures, and the twelve lessons of each grade level comprise a thorough, biblical, and systematic art education.
Connie Meyer is a 1982 graduate of Calvin College with a BA in art education. She is a wife and the mother to five children. She has used Behold the Beauty lessons with her children and has helped teachers teach art in their classrooms.
- 179 pages
- softcover, spiral bound
- ISBN: 978-0-916206-90-1
Other Books in the Behold the Beauty Series:
Behold the Beauty - Art Curriculum (Kindergarten & First Grade)
Behold the Beauty - Art Curriculum (Grades 4-6)
View a sample lesson from Grade 4.
View a sample lesson from Grade 5.
View a sample lesson from Grade 6.
This third volume in the three-volume art curriculum set, Behold the Beauty, is designed to be used by teachers or homeschooling parents for kindergarten–6th grade.
Behold the Beauty was also written with practical considerations in mind: to assist instructors who have had little or no training in art. The lessons are clear and easy to use, requiring minimal supplies without compromising objectives.
The ultimate objective of every lesson is exactly as the title implies: to behold the beauty of creation and to praise God in doing that. As students learn to more closely observe creation while rendering what they see in pencil, paint, or other artistic media, they will be trained to meet that objective. The lessons teach how to use the elements of art, such as line, shape, and color, while introducing the principles of design, such as unity, variety, and focal point. Not only do students learn to behold the evidence of God's glory all around them by these means, they also learn to make objects of beauty in order to communicate that glory to others. The curriculum is based on the infallible Scriptures, and the twelve lessons of each grade level comprise a thorough, biblical, and systematic art education.
Read review by Renita Kuehner (The Old Schoolhouse).
What others have said about this curriculum:
"This book has been a great introduction to art for my son. We've been using it for over a year now and have made many wonderful art projects. I even have his 2 yr. brother participate and he has fun. It teaches great art concepts and includes godly wisdom alongside."
"This is a great book. There is a small amount of prep (little more than making sure you have the materials), and no special skills required. I have been working through this with my 6 year old (started when she was 5. Her little brother also tries to do the projects (and is successful for the most part). Highly recommended."
Connie Meyer is a 1982 graduate of Calvin College with a BA in art education. She is a wife and the mother to five children. She has used Behold the Beauty lessons with her children and has helped teachers teach art in their classrooms.
- 280 pages
- softcover
- ISBN: 978-1-936054-30-5
Other Books in the Behold the Beauty Series:
Behold the Beauty - Art Curriculum (Kindergarten & First Grade)
Behold the Beauty - Art Curriculum (Second & Third Grade)
Behold the Beauty - Art Curriculum (Kindergarten & First Grade)
Click for sample lessons. (First sample is Kindergarten. Second sample is First Grade)
This first volume in the three-volume art curriculum set, Behold the Beauty, is designed to be used by teachers or homeschooling parents for Kindergarten and first grade.
Behold the Beauty was also written with practical considerations in mind: to assist instructors who have had little or no training in art. The lessons are clear and easy to use, requiring minimal supplies without compromising objectives.
The ultimate objective of every lesson is exactly as the title implies: to behold the beauty of creation and to praise God in doing that. As students learn to more closely observe creation while rendering what they see in pencil, paint, or other artistic media, they will be trained to meet that objective. The lessons teach how to use the elements of art, such as line, shape, and color, while introducing the principles of design, such as unity, variety, and focal point. Not only do students learn to behold the evidence of God's glory all around them by these means, they also learn to make objects of beauty in order to communicate that glory to others. The curriculum is based on the infallible Scriptures, and the twelve lessons of each grade level comprise a thorough, biblical, and systematic art education.
Read review by Renita Kuehner (The Old Schoolhouse).
What others have said about this curriculum:
"This book has been a great introduction to art for my son. We've been using it for over a year now and have made many wonderful art projects. I even have his 2 yr. brother participate and he has fun. It teaches great art concepts and includes godly wisdom alongside."
"This is a great book. There is a small amount of prep (little more than making sure you have the materials), and no special skills required. I have been working through this with my 6 year old (started when she was 5. Her little brother also tries to do the projects (and is successful for the most part). Highly recommended."
Connie Meyer is a 1982 graduate of Calvin College with a BA in art education. She is a wife and the mother to five children. She has used Behold the Beauty lessons with her children and has helped teachers teach art in their classrooms for many years.
- 179 pages
- softcover
- ISBN: 978-0-916206-89-5
Other Books in the Behold the Beauty Series:
Behold, He Cometh! (eBook)
Behold, He Cometh is an essay-style commentary on the much disputed book of Revelation. By careful exegesis, the author gives a solidly Reformed, amillennial interpretation of scripture. This book sets forth in clear, concise language the comforting truths concerning the end times.
What others are saying about this book:
"...lucid, simple style...In interpreting the symbolism, the author is refreshingly sane." —Peace & Truth magazine
"A refreshing feature...was that the author shows great insight into the Scriptures." —Australian Baptist
"...anyone who wishes to make a thorough study of Revelation owes it to himself to work through Hoeksema's Behold He Cometh." —Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly
"It is the kind of book I would like to see in every library and in every home. I heartily recommend it." —Westminster Theological Journal
"The treatment of the text is definitely Reformed in character in that it always ascribes all the glory to God and traces his way in history…I warmly recommend the book." - William Hendriksen (The Banner)
"With its republication, the text has not changed. It is the same book we have been using through the last thirty-three years. What makes it different – and more usable – is the addition of forty-four pages of indices: Scripture and subjects." - Jerome Julien (The Outlook)
Read reviews by William Hendriksen (The Banner), Jerome Julien (The Outlook), and L Praamsma.
Herman Hoeksema (HH) (1886-1965) was ordained into the ministry in the Christian Reformed Churches in 1915. He is considered one of the founding "fathers" of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. He taught in the Seminary of the Protestant Reformed Churches from its founding and until his retirement in 1964.
- 800 pages
- ISBN 978-1-944555-46-7
Hardcover version available
Behold, He Cometh! An Exposition of the Book of Revelation
Now in its 6th printing!
Behold, He Cometh is an essay-style commentary on the much disputed book of Revelation. By careful exegesis, the author gives a solidly Reformed, amillennial interpretation of scripture. This book sets forth in clear, concise language the comforting truths concerning the end times.
What others are saying about this book:
"...lucid, simple style...In interpreting the symbolism, the author is refreshingly sane." —Peace & Truth magazine
"A refreshing feature...was that the author shows great insight into the Scriptures." —Australian Baptist
"...anyone who wishes to make a thorough study of Revelation owes it to himself to work through Hoeksema's Behold He Cometh." —Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly
"It is the kind of book I would like to see in every library and in every home. I heartily recommend it." —Westminster Theological Journal
"The treatment of the text is definitely Reformed in character in that it always ascribes all the glory to God and traces his way in history…I warmly recommend the book." - William Hendriksen (The Banner)
"With its republication, the text has not changed. It is the same book we have been using through the last thirty-three years. What makes it different – and more usable – is the addition of forty-four pages of indices: Scripture and subjects." - Jerome Julien (The Outlook)
Read reviews by William Hendriksen (The Banner), Jerome Julien (The Outlook), and L Praamsma.
Herman Hoeksema (HH) (1886-1965) was ordained into the ministry in the Christian Reformed Churches in 1915. He is considered one of the founding "fathers" of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. He taught in the Seminary of the Protestant Reformed Churches from its founding and until his retirement in 1964.
- 800 pages
- hardcover
- ISBN 978-1-944555-45-0
- Release date: 1969, 1974, 1980, 1986, 2000, 2018
eBook version available
Belgic Confession: A Commentary - volume 1
An orthodox commentary on the confession, that is, one that is in wholehearted accord with the teachings of the confession, and resolutely faithful to them, will be profitable to Reformed Christians and churches in the twenty-first century, not only for invaluable instruction in the Reformed faith, but also for the maintenance and defense of Reformed orthodoxy.
Founded on holy scripture, the Belgic Confession determines sound doctrine for Reformed churches and believers. This doctrine is rich, lovely, and powerful. The confession also authoritatively exposes contemporary heresies. As they read this commentary which proclaims the doctrine and authority of the confession, all believers who love the Reformed faith will be faithfully guided in the truth of the “old paths.”
Volume one covers Articles 1-21 of the Belgic Confession.
Read reviews by Ronald Cammenga (PRTJ Nov 2019), Herman Hanko, Nathan Langerak, and Dr. H. David Schuringa.
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 368 pages
- hardcover
- ISBN 978-1-944555-33-7
- Release date: June 1, 2018
Belgic Confession: A Commentary - volume 1 (eBook)
An orthodox commentary on the confession, that is, one that is in wholehearted accord with the teachings of the confession, and resolutely faithful to them, will be profitable to Reformed Christians and churches in the twenty-first century, not only for invaluable instruction in the Reformed faith, but also for the maintenance and defense of Reformed orthodoxy.
Founded on holy scripture, the Belgic Confession determines sound doctrine for Reformed churches and believers. This doctrine is rich, lovely, and powerful. The confession also authoritatively exposes contemporary heresies. As they read this commentary which proclaims the doctrine and authority of the confession, all believers who love the Reformed faith will be faithfully guided in the truth of the “old paths.”
Volume one covers Articles 1-21 of the Belgic Confession.
Read reviews by Ronald Cammenga (PRTJ Nov 2019), Herman Hanko, Nathan Langerak, and Dr. H. David Schuringa.
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 368 pages
- ISBN 978-1-944555-34-4
Hardcover version available
Other Books in the Belgic Confession Series:
Belgic Confession: A Commentary - volume 2 (eBook)Belgic Confession: A Commentary - volume 2
With the publication of this book is completed a Reformed, full-scale, commentary on the Belgic Confession, of which there are few in English today. This second volume is not a summary of the Confession, nor a compilation of sermons loosely based on the Confession, but a commentary. It explains the Confession, article by article, doctrine by doctrine.
Volume two begins with the Confession’s opening article on the doctrine of salvation, continues with the Confession’s lengthy treatment of the doctrine of the church, and concludes with the Confession’s explanation of the doctrine of the last things—eschatology.
Volume two covers Articles 22-37 of the Belgic Confession and includes indexes for both volume 1 and volume 2.
Read reviews by Allen Brummel, H. David Schuringa (Christian Renewal) and Ronald Cammenga (PRTJ Nov 2019).
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 400 pages
- hardcover
- ISBN 978-1-944555-35-1
- Release date: June 5, 2019
eBook version available
Other Books in the Belgic Confession Series:
Belgic Confession: A Commentary - volume 1
Belgic Confession: A Commentary - volume 2 (eBook)
With the publication of this book is completed a Reformed, full-scale, commentary on the Belgic Confession, of which there are few in English today. This second volume is not a summary of the Confession, nor a compilation of sermons loosely based on the Confession, but a commentary. It explains the Confession, article by article, doctrine by doctrine.
Volume two begins with the Confession’s opening article on the doctrine of salvation, continues with the Confession’s lengthy treatment of the doctrine of the church, and concludes with the Confession’s explanation of the doctrine of the last things—eschatology.
Volume two covers Articles 22-37 of the Belgic Confession and includes indexes for both volume 1 and volume 2.
Read reviews by Allen Brummel, H. David Schuringa (Christian Renewal) and Ronald Cammenga (PRTJ Nov 2019).
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 400 pages
- ISBN 978-1-944555-36-8
Believing and Confessing: 365 Meditations on the Belgic Confession
The Belgic Confession of Faith is a beloved summary of the Christian faith—for the building up of the church of Christ and to the glory of the triune God. But the Belgic Confession is not only a statement of faith. The theological depths and the personal character of this beloved document make it a more-than-suitable resource to which the believer can turn for the daily practice of personal devotions.
The 365 meditations in this book will daily guide the reader toward a better understanding of those scriptural truths for which the author of the Belgic Confession, Guido de Brès, lived and died.
Read review by Kathy VanderKolk (Grandville Gleaner).
- 416 pages
- softcover
- ISBN 978-1-944555-69-6
- Release date: August 2023
eBook version available
Table of Contents (click here for full TOC, or click Article 1 below for a sample):
Introduction 3
Article 1: There is One Only God, 4
Article 2: By What Means God Is Made Known unto Us, 18
Article 3: The Written Word of God, 26
Article 4: Canonical Books of the Holy Scripture, 31
Article 5: From Whence the Holy Scriptures Derive their Dignity and Authority, 35
Article 6: The Difference Between the Canonical and Apocryphal Books, 35
Article 7: The Sufficiency of the Holy Scriptures to be the Only Rule of Faith, 43
Article 8: God is One in Essence, Yet Distinguished in Three Persons, 58
Article 9: The Proof of the Foregoing Article of the Trinity of Persons in One God, 66
Article 10: Jesus Christ Is True and Eternal God, 74
Article 11: The Holy Ghost Is True and Eternal God, 82
Article 12: Of the Creation, 90
Article 13: Divine Providence, 105
Article 14: The Creation and Fall of Man, and His Incapacity to Perform What Is Truly Good, 127
Article 15: Original Sin, 142
Article 16: Eternal Election, 157
Article 17: The Recovery of Fallen Man, 172
Article 18: The Incarnation of Jesus Christ, 180
Article 19: The Union and Distinction of the Two Natures in the Person of Christ, 188
Article 20: God Hath Manifested His Justice and Mercy in Christ, 196
Article 21: The Satisfaction of Christ, Our Only High Priest, for Us, 204
Article 22: Faith in Jesus Christ, 219
Article 23: Justification, 228
Article 24: Man's Sanctification and Good Works, 249
Article 25: The Abolishing of the Ceremonial Law, 265
Article 26: Christ's Intercession, 273
Article 27: The Catholic Christian Church, 295
Article 28: Every One Is Bound to Join Himself to the True Church, 303
Article 29: The Marks of the True Church, and Wherein She Differs from the False Church, 311
Article 30: The Government of and Offices in the Church, 319
Article 31: The Ministers, Elders, and Deacons, 334
Article 32: The Order and Discipline of the Church, 342
Article 33: The Sacraments, 357
Article 34: Holy Baptism, 370
Article 35: The Holy Supper of Our Lord Jesus Christ, 379
Article 36: The Magistrates, 388
Article 37: The Last Judgment, 396
Better to Marry
2nd edition
Better to Marry provides straightforward, practical instruction for single and married believers alike, taken directly from the classic Bible passages on sex and marriage. Two appendices treat the remarriage and prohibition of the remarriage of the "innocent party."
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 128 pages
- paperback
- ISBN 978-1-936054-38-1
- Release date: 1993, 2014
eBook version available
Better to Marry (eBook)
2nd edition
Better to Marry provides straightforward, practical instruction for single and married believers alike, taken directly from the classic Bible passages on sex and marriage. Two appendices treat the remarriage and prohibition of the remarriage of the "innocent party."
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 128 pages
- ISBN 978-1-936054-39-8
Hardcover version available
Biblical and Religious Psychology
Click here for a Table of Contents!
Click here to read a sample chapter!
The great Reformed theologian Herman Bavinck (1854–1921) was famous for his study of many disciplines, including psychology. The pinnacle of his studies in theological psychology is Biblical and Religious Psychology. The book is divided into two parts which work in harmony to cultivate a theological anthropology that attends to who man psychologically is, in relation to God, according to both special and general revelation. Both readers acquainted with Bavinck and new readers will be captivated by the author’s typically rich and erudite style.
Biblical and Religious Psychology, translated by Herman Hanko and edited by Gregory Parker Jr, with revisions by Annemarieke Ryskamp, is an enlightening and stimulating work that will help all readers think more deeply about the relationship between theology and psychology and appreciate the theological complexities of being human.
What others are saying about the book:
In recent years there has been a renewal of interest in a “theological psychology.” While a rift may have existed in the recent past between theology and psychology, this has not always been the case. Herman Bavinck was one of many theologians who thought deeply about the connection between these two disciplines. He did this in a time when psychology was asserting itself as a science. For anyone interested in how one can put the words “biblical” and “psychology” together, this is an important work to consider. The readers will find themselves challenged and encouraged to take up the task of constructing a “theological psychology” anew. – Cameron Clausing, lecturer in applied theology and missional engagement at Christ College (Sydney, Australia)
This book showcases Bavinck’s attentiveness to the empirical granularity of biblical teaching on humanity. Further, the text represents Bavinckʼs mature writings on these topics, so readers who want a fuller picture of his reflections on the issue cannot neglect reading these texts. The editors and translators should be celebrated for bringing this accessible yet profound work to a wider audience, and the incisive introduction by John Bolt makes it all the more worthwhile. Take up and read! – N. Gray Sutanto, assistant professor of systematic theology of Reformed Theological Seminary (Washington D.C.), author of God and Knowledge: Herman Bavinck’s Theological Epistemology, cotranslator and coeditor of Herman Bavinck’s Christian Worldview
Bavinck spent his career as a theologian thinking about the human subject. Here you get his final thoughts on the psyche, consciousness, and particularly what the Bible teaches about human beings and how we respond to God’s presence. This is the work of the mature Bavinck, which makes it worth paying attention to. – Cory Brock, minister in the Free Church of Scotland at St. Columba’s (Edinburgh) and lecturer in systematic theology and preaching at Edinburgh Theological Seminary
As the 20th century dawned, the discipline of psychology celebrated its emancipation from the Bible and theology. As the new psychology was explaining more and more of the human experience, the rich, previously theologically informed constructs such as soul, spirit, and heart were being reduced to mere consciousness that could be measured in a laboratory. The divorce between psychology and theology seemed to be final. However, thanks to the work of Hanko, Ryskamp and Parker, we now know this was not the case. In their very readable translation of Bavinckʼs Biblical and Religious Psychology, we see that Bavinck was still trying to carve out a place for a theological informed psychology. Not only will this volume be of historical benefit, but Bavinck’s treatment of the human soul in all of its fullness can and should inform contemporary psychology-theology integration discussions. – Bryan N. Maier, associate professor of Psychology and Counseling at Cairn University
When framed in a biblical anthropology, psychology as the study of human soul activity is a necessary and valuable tool for educating children. – John Bolt, "Introduction," professor emeritus of Calvin Theological Seminary and editor of Herman Bavinck's Reformed Dogmatics (Gereformeerde Dogmatiek)
I consider this material to be of such interest and help, especially to those who are engaged in the work of teaching covenant children, that a translation and publication of it is worthwhile in spite of elements with which I disagree. Bavinck did work in the area of Christian psychology which is not to be found in any English writings. – Herman Hanko, "Translator's Foreword," professor emeritus of Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary
Read reviews by Wes Bredenhof (Clarion), John Jambura, @reformedandreading, @biblebookstheology, and Marc Daniel Rivera (KristiyaKnow), and Michael Carlino (Boyce College). Or listen to a discussion and review of this book's content via the "Grace in Common" podcast here ("Is neo-Calvinism Biblical?").
HERMAN BAVINCK (1854-1921) was a Dutch Reformed theologian. He earned his doctorate from the University of Leiden in 1880. He taught at the Theological School in Kampen and Free University of Amsterdam. He is well regarded as the foremost theologian of neo-Calvinism.
- 288 pages
- Hardcover
- ISBN 978-1-959515-06-7
- Release date: February 2024
eBook version available
Biblical and Religious Psychology (eBook)
Click here for a Table of Contents!
Click here to read a sample chapter!
The great Reformed theologian Herman Bavinck (1854–1921) was famous for his study of many disciplines, including psychology. The pinnacle of his studies in theological psychology is Biblical and Religious Psychology. The book is divided into two parts which work in harmony to cultivate a theological anthropology that attends to who man psychologically is, in relation to God, according to both special and general revelation. Both readers acquainted with Bavinck and new readers will be captivated by the author’s typically rich and erudite style.
Biblical and Religious Psychology, translated by Herman Hanko and edited by Gregory Parker Jr, with revisions by Annemarieke Ryskamp, is an enlightening and stimulating work that will help all readers think more deeply about the relationship between theology and psychology and appreciate the theological complexities of being human.
What others are saying about the book:
In recent years there has been a renewal of interest in a “theological psychology.” While a rift may have existed in the recent past between theology and psychology, this has not always been the case. Herman Bavinck was one of many theologians who thought deeply about the connection between these two disciplines. He did this in a time when psychology was asserting itself as a science. For anyone interested in how one can put the words “biblical” and “psychology” together, this is an important work to consider. The readers will find themselves challenged and encouraged to take up the task of constructing a “theological psychology” anew. – Cameron Clausing, lecturer in applied theology and missional engagement at Christ College (Sydney, Australia)
This book showcases Bavinck’s attentiveness to the empirical granularity of biblical teaching on humanity. Further, the text represents Bavinckʼs mature writings on these topics, so readers who want a fuller picture of his reflections on the issue cannot neglect reading these texts. The editors and translators should be celebrated for bringing this accessible yet profound work to a wider audience, and the incisive introduction by John Bolt makes it all the more worthwhile. Take up and read! – N. Gray Sutanto, assistant professor of systematic theology of Reformed Theological Seminary (Washington D.C.), author of God and Knowledge: Herman Bavinck’s Theological Epistemology, cotranslator and coeditor of Herman Bavinck’s Christian Worldview
Bavinck spent his career as a theologian thinking about the human subject. Here you get his final thoughts on the psyche, consciousness, and particularly what the Bible teaches about human beings and how we respond to God’s presence. This is the work of the mature Bavinck, which makes it worth paying attention to. – Cory Brock, minister in the Free Church of Scotland at St. Columba’s (Edinburgh) and lecturer in systematic theology and preaching at Edinburgh Theological Seminary
As the 20th century dawned, the discipline of psychology celebrated its emancipation from the Bible and theology. As the new psychology was explaining more and more of the human experience, the rich, previously theologically informed constructs such as soul, spirit, and heart were being reduced to mere consciousness that could be measured in a laboratory. The divorce between psychology and theology seemed to be final. However, thanks to the work of Hanko, Ryskamp and Parker, we now know this was not the case. In their very readable translation of Bavinckʼs Biblical and Religious Psychology, we see that Bavinck was still trying to carve out a place for a theological informed psychology. Not only will this volume be of historical benefit, but Bavinck’s treatment of the human soul in all of its fullness can and should inform contemporary psychology-theology integration discussions. – Bryan N. Maier, associate professor of Psychology and Counseling at Cairn University
When framed in a biblical anthropology, psychology as the study of human soul activity is a necessary and valuable tool for educating children. – John Bolt, "Introduction," professor emeritus of Calvin Theological Seminary and editor of Herman Bavinck's Reformed Dogmatics (Gereformeerde Dogmatiek)
I consider this material to be of such interest and help, especially to those who are engaged in the work of teaching covenant children, that a translation and publication of it is worthwhile in spite of elements with which I disagree. Bavinck did work in the area of Christian psychology which is not to be found in any English writings. – Herman Hanko, "Translator's Foreword," professor emeritus of Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary
Read reviews by Wes Bredenhof (Clarion), John Jambura, @reformedandreading, @biblebookstheology, and Marc Daniel Rivera (KristiyaKnow).
HERMAN BAVINCK (1854-1921) was a Dutch Reformed theologian. He earned his doctorate from the University of Leiden in 1880. He taught at the Theological School in Kampen and Free University of Amsterdam. He is well regarded as the foremost theologian of neo-Calvinism.
- 288 pages
- ISBN 978-1-959515-07-4
Hardcover version available
Born For Our Salvation (eBook)
The nativity story is the message of salvation, for in the words of the Nicene Creed, “Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God…for us men and for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary, and was made man.” Jesus was born for our salvation!
Follow the inspired evangelists, Matthew and Luke, as they relate the wonderful events that surround the birth and early childhood of Jesus Christ. Marvel at the announcement of the angel Gabriel. Rejoice with Mary, Elizabeth, the unborn John, and Joseph. Trace the steps of Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem, where the Savior is born. Listen to the heavenly song of the angelic host as they announce the gospel to lowly shepherds. Meet patient Simeon and aged Anna in the temple, and hear Simeon’s mysterious prophecy of the Savior’s rejection. Make the long trek from the east with the wise men who eagerly seek him that is born King of the Jews. Enter the palace of ruthless King Herod and witness his satanic enmity against the newborn Savior. Flee with Mary, Joseph, and Jesus to Egypt to escape the king’s wrath. Observe Jesus’ childhood development in Nazareth, and, finally, accompany Jesus to the temple in Jerusalem in his twelfth year, where he must be about his Father’s business.
Read reviews by Jerome Julien (The Outlook), Joseph Holstege, Jonathan Langerak, and Stephan Regnerus.
Martyn McGeown is a pastor in the Protestant Reformed Churches. He is also the editor of the RFPA blog and the author of multiple RFPA publications.
- 288 pages
- ISBN 978-1-944555-56-6
Hardcover version available
Born For Our Salvation: The Nativity and Childhood of Jesus Christ
Click to look inside
The nativity story is the message of salvation, for in the words of the Nicene Creed, “Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God…for us men and for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary, and was made man.” Jesus was born for our salvation!
Follow the inspired evangelists, Matthew and Luke, as they relate the wonderful events that surround the birth and early childhood of Jesus Christ. Marvel at the announcement of the angel Gabriel. Rejoice with Mary, Elizabeth, the unborn John, and Joseph. Trace the steps of Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem, where the Savior is born. Listen to the heavenly song of the angelic host as they announce the gospel to lowly shepherds. Meet patient Simeon and aged Anna in the temple, and hear Simeon’s mysterious prophecy of the Savior’s rejection. Make the long trek from the east with the wise men who eagerly seek him that is born King of the Jews. Enter the palace of ruthless King Herod and witness his satanic enmity against the newborn Savior. Flee with Mary, Joseph, and Jesus to Egypt to escape the king’s wrath. Observe Jesus’ childhood development in Nazareth, and, finally, accompany Jesus to the temple in Jerusalem in his twelfth year, where he must be about his Father’s business.
Read reviews by Jerome Julien (The Outlook), Joseph Holstege, Jonathan Langerak, and Stephan Regnerus.
Martyn McGeown is a pastor in the Protestant Reformed Churches. He is also the editor of the RFPA blog and the author of multiple RFPA publications.
- 288 pages
- hardcover
- ISBN 978-1-944555-55-9
- Release date: December 10, 2019
eBook version available
Bound to Join (eBook)
Some professing Christians deny the necessity of church membership. Others join a church for unsubstantial reasons or leave a church for trivial, often selfish reasons. Many remain members of apostatizing churches because of family or traditional ties. Some Christians find themselves in areas or countries where no true church exists or can be formed. They ask, sometimes in anguish, "What must we do?"
Seemingly forgotten today is the truth that Jesus Christ institutes his catholic church in organized congregations that are clearly identified by objective marks. These are true churches, in distinction from false and apostatizing churches.
In the form of letters to an inquiring (though not always appreciative) European audience, this book addresses the issue of church membership in the twenty-first century. This instruction is applicable to all believers and is based on scripture, the Belgic Confession, and the important, but little known, controversy of John Calvin with the Nicodemites.
Read review by David Higgs (The Evangelical Presbyterian July 2011)
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 184 pages
- ISBN 978-1-936054-10-7
Hardcover version available
Bound to Join: Letters on Church Membership
Some professing Christians deny the necessity of church membership. Others join a church for unsubstantial reasons or leave a church for trivial, often selfish reasons. Many remain members of apostatizing churches because of family or traditional ties. Some Christians find themselves in areas or countries where no true church exists or can be formed. They ask, sometimes in anguish, "What must we do?"
Seemingly forgotten today is the truth that Jesus Christ institutes his catholic church in organized congregations that are clearly identified by objective marks. These are true churches, in distinction from false and apostatizing churches.
In the form of letters to an inquiring (though not always appreciative) European audience, this book addresses the issue of church membership in the twenty-first century. This instruction is applicable to all believers and is based on scripture, the Belgic Confession, and the important, but little known, controversy of John Calvin with the Nicodemites.
Read review by David Higgs (The Evangelical Presbyterian July 2011)
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 184 pages
- hardcover
- ISBN 978-1-936054-03-9
- Release date: 2010
Called to Watch for Christ's Return
A few days before Jesus gave his life on the cross, his disciples asked, “What shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?” (Matt. 24:3). Christ responded with the Olivet Discourse, a detailed teaching on the doctrine of the last things.
We need to understand the signs of Christ’s coming for our comfort as we look for “that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ” (Titus 2:13).
Christ had two concerns. First, his disciples must know the signs of his coming, which are footsteps of his approach. But Christ is not satisfied with mere “sign-gazing,” which can lead to speculation and idle, foolish living. He did not give signs to satisfy our curiosities, but so that we will be ready for him when he returns. Therefore, Christ’s second concern was the readiness of his disciples, which is expressed in his urgent and repeated warnings to watch for his coming in light of the signs.
Watch, pray, and serve the Lord with an eye to the signs of his return!
What others are saying about this book:
"This book is a gem. It is filled with sound teaching, and at the same time it is filled with comfort and blessing for God’s people. For those who want to know more about what the Bible teaches on this important area of biblical truth, these chapters on the Little Apocalypse will be of great spiritual value. A word of thanks is to be given to Rev. McGeown for his hard work. We look forward to more books with his biblical insight." - Jerome Julien (The Outlook)
Read reviews by Ryan Barnhill (PRCA), Jerome Julien (The Outlook), Dr. Julian Kennedy (CPRC), Mid-Ulster Mail, and Donna L. Lochridge (Amazon).
Martyn McGeown is a pastor in the Protestant Reformed Churches. He is also the editor of the RFPA blog and the author of multiple RFPA publications.
- 304 pages
- softcover
- ISBN 978-1-944555-14-6
- Release date: December 1, 2016
eBook version available
Called to Watch for Christ's Return (eBook)
A few days before Jesus gave his life on the cross, his disciples asked, “What shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?” (Matt. 24:3). Christ responded with the Olivet Discourse, a detailed teaching on the doctrine of the last things.
We need to understand the signs of Christ’s coming for our comfort as we look for “that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ” (Titus 2:13).
Christ had two concerns. First, his disciples must know the signs of his coming, which are footsteps of his approach. But Christ is not satisfied with mere “sign-gazing,” which can lead to speculation and idle, foolish living. He did not give signs to satisfy our curiosities, but so that we will be ready for him when he returns. Therefore, Christ’s second concern was the readiness of his disciples, which is expressed in his urgent and repeated warnings to watch for his coming in light of the signs.
Watch, pray, and serve the Lord with an eye to the signs of his return!
What others are saying about this book:
"This book is a gem. It is filled with sound teaching, and at the same time it is filled with comfort and blessing for God’s people. For those who want to know more about what the Bible teaches on this important area of biblical truth, these chapters on the Little Apocalypse will be of great spiritual value. A word of thanks is to be given to Rev. McGeown for his hard work. We look forward to more books with his biblical insight." - Jerome Julien (The Outlook)
Read reviews by Ryan Barnhill (PRCA), Jerome Julien (The Outlook), Dr. Julian Kennedy (CPRC), Mid-Ulster Mail, and Donna L. Lochridge (Amazon).
Martyn McGeown is a pastor in the Protestant Reformed Churches. He is also the editor of the RFPA blog and the author of multiple RFPA publications.
- 304 pages
- ISBN 978-1-944555-15-3
Hardcover version available
Calvin's Calvinism
2nd edition
Originally written in 1552, this treatise by Calvin on the doctrines of predestination and providence represents his mature thoughts on these subjects.
In the previous edition, Calvin's treatise was divided into two parts according to the subject matter. This edition of Calvin's Calvinism puts the related topics of predestination and providence together, the way Calvin himself addressed them in his original.
Calvin's Calvinism features brief historical introductions to the treatise and to Calvin's replies to a former friend who wrote against this treatise. These replies are also included in this edition.
Read a review by C. Matthew McMahon (A Puritan's Mind).
- 330 pages
- hardcover
- ISBN 978-0-916206-88-8
- Translated by Henry Cole
- Edited by Russell J. Dykstra
- Release date: 1987, 2009
eBook version available
Calvin's Calvinism (eBook)
2nd edition
Originally written in 1552, this treatise by Calvin on the doctrines of predestination and providence represents his mature thoughts on these subjects.
In the previous edition, Calvin's treatise was divided into two parts according to the subject matter. This edition of Calvin's Calvinism puts the related topics of predestination and providence together, the way Calvin himself addressed them in his original.
Calvin's Calvinism features brief historical introductions to the treatise and to Calvin's replies to a former friend who wrote against this treatise. These replies are also included in this edition.
- 330 pages
- ISBN 978-1-936054-85-5
- Translated by Henry Cole
- Edited by Russell J. Dykstra
Hardcover version available
Christ and His Church Through the Ages, Vol. 1 (eBook)
For many, the term “ancient” implies drudgery and irrelevance. However, the outset of this book will dispel any such notions. The ancient age brims with interest, instruction, and encouragement for today’s readers. This was an age of miracle-working apostles, fearless martyrs, and stalwart church fathers; an age that preserved the scriptures, prescribed the creeds, and produced timeless Christian classics; an age when the church was buffeted by fierce waves of persecution and assailed by heresies of every sort. Through this volume and the ones that follow, the Lord Jesus Christ, the cornerstone of the church, sovereignly shepherded his beloved church by his word and Spirit.
In this first volume of Christ and His Church through the Ages, author and historian Herman Hanko tells the fascinating story of the ancient church during the first six centuries of the New Testament dispensation. He relates how Christ faithfully guided the church from the ministry of the apostles through the fall of the Roman Empire. Highlights of this history include the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, the spread of the gospel to the Gentiles, the persecution of the church under Roman emperors, the deliberations of the ecumenical councils, and the battle for the truth of sovereign grace.
Through this and future volumes, students of church history and interested readers alike will surely grow in their love and appreciation for the saga of Christ’s church. They will find church history to be, as the author once affectionately described it, “the exciting adventure of the marvelous work of grace.”
What others are saying about this series:
"I consider The Ancient Church to be the definitive history book on this period of church history for the Reformed school student. The Ancient Church reads like an adventure, which the history of the church is. Upon picking up such an 'exciting adventure of the marvelous work of grace,' who could put it down?...The great strength of The Ancient Church is the constant relating of the history of the church to Jesus Christ, whose church it is. This is what gives the volume its lasting value for the believer and his children’s children. The Ancient Church also gleams with scholarship that stands in the service of the believer...the copious charts, maps, pictures, and revisions for accuracy enhance the reader’s experience and fortify his understanding. [The book] appears perfectly suited to be a church history textbook for the high school level. The information is organized into chapters and subheadings that could be readily adapted into a lecture outline for a classroom...The same qualities that make The Ancient Church suited to be a school textbook make it suited to a very broad audience. The man who is weary from a long day of work and who finds it hard to stay awake with a book in the evening will find the material engaging and the subsections manageable. The reader who devours books will find this one to be a feast that he consumes and then returns to...Conclusion: highly recommended. May the companion volumes be on our doorsteps soon." - Reformed Pavilion
"I thank my former professor for taking the time to write the book, and look forward to the release of the next three volumes. The [significant and time-consuming] contributions of the editor and reviser, Dan VanUffelen, are also commendable. The addition of introductory essays, biographical sketches, sidebars, charts, and pictures makes the book more enjoyable to read, and more suitable for a textbook. The addition of an index to the book is also welcome. The subject matter is precious. The matter is presented at a level that many can read. [Readers] will not only enjoy reading the book, but likely recommend it to others interested in the church’s history." - The Standard Bearer
"Hanko writes with infectious enthusiasm for his subject, which is not dull history, but the history of the church, which, Hanko reminds us, is the center of history...For many of us the only church history we know well—and the only part in which we are interested—is the Reformation. That is a mistake, for ancient church history includes exciting and formative years, even centuries...VanUffelen, who edited and revised the work, has added helpful charts, maps, timelines, and illustrations, which greatly enhance the book. This is a great read and will appeal even to children...May the Lord use it for the edification especially of Christian youth in the schools, for the instruction of God’s people everywhere, and for his own glory! May it serve as a family history for the church of which all believers are members! I look forward to the next volumes." - RFPA Blog
Read reviews by Doug Kuiper (The Standard Bearer), Martyn McGeown (RFPA Blog), Jerome Julien (The Outlook), and Andy Lanning.
Herman Hanko (1930-2024) served as a minister in the Protestant Reformed Churches from 1955 to 1965, when he was appointed to serve as professor in the Protestant Reformed Seminary in Grandville, MI. He served in that capacity until his retirement in 2001. Until his passing in April 2024, he continued to lecture widely in the USA, the United Kingdom, and other countries, including Singapore and the Philippines. He is the author of several RFPA books.
Dan Van Uffelen is a church history teacher at Covenant Christian High School in Walker, Michigan. He has been teaching church history since 2001.
- 272 pages
- ISBN 978-1-944555-92-4
Hardcover version available
Other Books in this Series:
Christ and His Church Through the Ages, Vol. 1: The Ancient Church (AD 30-590)
For many, the term “ancient” implies drudgery and irrelevance. However, the outset of this book will dispel any such notions. The ancient age brims with interest, instruction, and encouragement for today’s readers. This was an age of miracle-working apostles, fearless martyrs, and stalwart church fathers; an age that preserved the scriptures, prescribed the creeds, and produced timeless Christian classics; an age when the church was buffeted by fierce waves of persecution and assailed by heresies of every sort. Through this volume and the ones that follow, students will learn how the Lord Jesus Christ, the cornerstone of the church, sovereignly shepherded his beloved church by his word and Spirit.
In this first volume of Christ and His Church through the Ages, author and historian Herman Hanko tells the fascinating story of the ancient church during the first six centuries of the New Testament dispensation. He relates how Christ faithfully guided the church from the ministry of the apostles through the fall of the Roman Empire. Highlights of this history include the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, the spread of the gospel to the Gentiles, the persecution of the church under Roman emperors, the deliberations of the ecumenical councils, and the battle for the truth of sovereign grace.
Through this and future volumes, students of church history and interested readers alike will surely grow in their love and appreciation for the saga of Christ’s church. They will find church history to be, as the author once affectionately described it, “the exciting adventure of the marvelous work of grace.”
What others are saying about this series:
"I consider The Ancient Church to be the definitive history book on this period of church history for the Reformed school student. The Ancient Church reads like an adventure, which the history of the church is. Upon picking up such an 'exciting adventure of the marvelous work of grace,' who could put it down?...The great strength of The Ancient Church is the constant relating of the history of the church to Jesus Christ, whose church it is. This is what gives the volume its lasting value for the believer and his children’s children. The Ancient Church also gleams with scholarship that stands in the service of the believer...the copious charts, maps, pictures, and revisions for accuracy enhance the reader’s experience and fortify his understanding. [The book] appears perfectly suited to be a church history textbook for the high school level. The information is organized into chapters and subheadings that could be readily adapted into a lecture outline for a classroom...The same qualities that make The Ancient Church suited to be a school textbook make it suited to a very broad audience. The man who is weary from a long day of work and who finds it hard to stay awake with a book in the evening will find the material engaging and the subsections manageable. The reader who devours books will find this one to be a feast that he consumes and then returns to...Conclusion: highly recommended. May the companion volumes be on our doorsteps soon." - Reformed Pavilion
"I thank my former professor for taking the time to write the book, and look forward to the release of the next three volumes. The [significant and time-consuming] contributions of the editor and reviser, Dan VanUffelen, are also commendable. The addition of introductory essays, biographical sketches, sidebars, charts, and pictures makes the book more enjoyable to read, and more suitable for a textbook. The addition of an index to the book is also welcome. The subject matter is precious. The matter is presented at a level that many can read. [Readers] will not only enjoy reading the book, but likely recommend it to others interested in the church’s history." - The Standard Bearer
"Hanko writes with infectious enthusiasm for his subject, which is not dull history, but the history of the church, which, Hanko reminds us, is the center of history...For many of us the only church history we know well—and the only part in which we are interested—is the Reformation. That is a mistake, for ancient church history includes exciting and formative years, even centuries...VanUffelen, who edited and revised the work, has added helpful charts, maps, timelines, and illustrations, which greatly enhance the book. This is a great read and will appeal even to children...May the Lord use it for the edification especially of Christian youth in the schools, for the instruction of God’s people everywhere, and for his own glory! May it serve as a family history for the church of which all believers are members! I look forward to the next volumes." - RFPA Blog
Read reviews by Doug Kuiper (The Standard Bearer), Martyn McGeown (RFPA Blog), Jerome Julien (The Outlook), and Andy Lanning.
Herman Hanko (1930-2024) served as a minister in the Protestant Reformed Churches from 1955 to 1965, when he was appointed to serve as professor in the Protestant Reformed Seminary in Grandville, MI. He served in that capacity until his retirement in 2001. Until his passing in April 2024, he continued to lecture widely in the USA, the United Kingdom, and other countries, including Singapore and the Philippines. He is the author of several RFPA books.
Dan Van Uffelen is a church history teacher at Covenant Christian High School in Walker, Michigan. He has been teaching church history since 2001.
- 272 pages
- hardcover
- ISBN 978-1-944555-75-7
- Release date: 2018, 2021
eBook version available
Other Books in this Series:
Christianizing the World (eBook)
This book is a critique of Abraham Kuyper’s cultural theory of a common grace of God and of the grandiose mission of this grace, and of those who confess the theory and evidently intend to promote it so that it accomplishes the end Kuyper claimed. The book exposes Kuyper’s biblical basis for his theory and its practical mission.
The first and main part of the book is a much-expanded version of the public lecture given in Grand Rapids, Michigan in 2014 under the auspices of the evangelism society of Southwest Protestant Reformed Church in Wyoming, Michigan. The second part of the book consists of questions raised by the audience at the conclusion of the lecture and of the answers by the speaker at the lecture.
Read reviews by Robert Burford (Frankston South, Australia), Arie den Hartog (PRCA), William Gibson (the English Churchman), Dr. Julian Kennedy (CPRC), Craig Ferguson, and Gerry Wisz (Christian Renewal)
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 192 pages
- ISBN 978-1-944555-03-0
Hardcover version available
Christianizing the World: Reformed Calling or Ecclesiastical Suicide?
This book is a critique of Abraham Kuyper’s cultural theory of a common grace of God and of the grandiose mission of this grace, and of those who confess the theory and evidently intend to promote it so that it accomplishes the end Kuyper claimed. The book exposes Kuyper’s biblical basis for his theory and its practical mission.
The first and main part of the book is a much-expanded version of the public lecture given in Grand Rapids, Michigan in 2014 under the auspices of the evangelism society of Southwest Protestant Reformed Church in Wyoming, Michigan. The second part of the book consists of questions raised by the audience at the conclusion of the lecture and of the answers by the speaker at the lecture.
Read reviews by Robert Burford (Frankston South, Australia), Arie den Hartog (PRCA), William Gibson (the English Churchman), Dr. Julian Kennedy (CPRC), Craig Ferguson, and Gerry Wisz (Christian Renewal)
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 192 pages
- hardcover
- ISBN 978-1-944555-02-3
- Release date: May 9, 2016
eBook version available
Church Order Commentary, The
This revised third edition is the accepted standard for the interpretation and application of the Church Order of Dordrecht by Reformed and Presbyterian denominations. This weighty and time-tested commentary instructs us today on the need for a book of order for biblical consistency in church government.
- 464 pages
- hardcover
- ISBN 978-1-944555-80-1
- Release date: 2021
eBook version available
Church Order Commentary, The (eBook)
3rd edition
This revised third edition is the accepted standard for the interpretation and application of the Church Order of Dordrecht by Reformed and Presbyterian denominations. This weighty and time-tested commentary instructs us today on the need for a book of order for biblical consistency in church government.
- 464 pages
- ISBN 978-1-936054-25-1
Hardcover version available
Church's Hope: The Reformed Doctrine of the End - Vol. 1, The Millennium
The Christian’s hope is the visible, bodily, glorious return of the Lord Jesus Christ on the clouds of heaven with the resurrection of the Christian’s body, the public vindication of the Christian at the last judgment, and the enjoyment of the glories of the new creation. In the Reformed Doctrine of the End series, the author writes on eschatology in service of the church’s hope. As Engelsma demonstrates, the last things—centrally the coming of Christ—are the purpose and goal of all the revelation of God in scripture, from beginning to end. This book will encourage the Christian as he heeds Christ’s instruction regarding that coming: “Gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 1:13).
This 1st volume treats the magnificent subjects of the intermediate state and the millennium. The bulk of this book is devoted to a thorough analysis of the millennium, with a vigorous defense of Reformed amillennialism. Especially thorough is Engelsma’s critique of postmillennialism, which he sees as a threat to Reformed churches.
Both postmillennialism and dispensational premillennialism subvert the church’s hope. Postmillenialism fixes the believer’s hope on a golden age within history in which the church will be dominant—a carnal victory. Dispensational premillenialism fixes the believer’s hope on a fictitious rapture, which will snatch the church out of the world so that God can fulfill his program in history with the Jews. Both views leave the church unprepared for the future.
Read reviews by Jerome Julian, Justin Smidstra, and Martyn McGeown
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 350 pages
- Softcover
- ISBN 978-1-944555-67-2
- Release date: 2021
eBook version available
The Church's Hope: The Reformed Doctrine of the End - Vol. 2, The Coming of Christ
Church's Hope: The Reformed Doctrine of the End - Vol. 1, The Millennium (eBook)
The Christian’s hope is the visible, bodily, glorious return of the Lord Jesus Christ on the clouds of heaven with the resurrection of the Christian’s body, the public vindication of the Christian at the last judgment, and the enjoyment of the glories of the new creation. In the Reformed Doctrine of the End series, the author writes on eschatology in service of the church’s hope. As Engelsma demonstrates, the last things—centrally the coming of Christ—are the purpose and goal of all the revelation of God in scripture, from beginning to end. This book will encourage the Christian as he heeds Christ’s instruction regarding that coming: “Gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 1:13).
This 1st volume treats the magnificent subjects of the intermediate state and the millennium. The bulk of this book is devoted to a thorough analysis of the millennium, with a vigorous defense of Reformed amillennialism. Especially thorough is Engelsma’s critique of postmillennialism, which he sees as a threat to Reformed churches.
Both postmillennialism and dispensational premillennialism subvert the church’s hope. Postmillenialism fixes the believer’s hope on a golden age within history in which the church will be dominant—a carnal victory. Dispensational premillenialism fixes the believer’s hope on a fictitious rapture, which will snatch the church out of the world so that God can fulfill his program in history with the Jews. Both views leave the church unprepared for the future.
Read reviews by Jerome Julian, Justin Smidstra, and Martyn McGeown
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 350 pages
- ISBN 978-1-959515-15-9
Softcover version available
The Church's Hope: The Reformed Doctrine of the End - Vol. 2, The Coming of Christ (eBook)
Church's Hope: The Reformed Doctrine of the End - Vol. 2, The Coming of Christ
The Christian’s hope is the visible, bodily, glorious return of the Lord Jesus Christ on the clouds of heaven with the resurrection of the Christian’s body, the public vindication of the Christian at the last judgment, and the enjoyment of the glories of the new creation. In the Reformed Doctrine of the End series, the author writes on eschatology in service of the church’s hope. As Engelsma demonstrates, the last things—centrally the coming of Christ—are the purpose and goal of all the revelation of God in scripture, from beginning to end. This book will encourage the Christian as he heeds Christ’s instruction regarding that coming: “Gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 1:13).
In this 2nd volume, the reader learns that the truth central to all eschatology is the second coming of Jesus Christ itself - what the Greek of the New Testament promises as the parousia, literally the presence (of Jesus Christ). All other aspects of the biblical doctrine of the coming of Jesus are subordinate to this coming, either leading to it, accompanying it, or proceeding from it. Therefore, the proper subtitle of this second volume is The Coming of Christ.
The coming of Christ Jesus, with all that is related to it, will be the “end.” Such is Jesus’ own description of his coming in Matthew 24:14: “And then shall the end come,” which might be paraphrased, “And then shall the goal be reached.” The coming of Christ, with all that precedes and follows, is the goal of God, not only with the events of the last days but also of all history. All the events belonging strictly to the last things, all the history of the New Testament church, all the history of the world beginning with its creation, and all the doctrines of the Christian faith have the coming, or presence, of Jesus Christ as their goal.
This is the importance of the content of this volume. This is why the outstanding promise of the gospel is that uttered by Jesus himself: “I come quickly” (Rev. 22:12). And this is why the fundamental prayer of the church is, in response, “Even so, come, Lord Jesus” (Rev. 22:20).
Read reviews by Justin Smidstra (PRCA), Mitchell Dixon (Presbyterion, Covenant Theological Seminary).
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 192 pages
- softcover
- ISBN: 978-1-73681542-7
- Release date: 2022
eBook version available
The Church's Hope: The Reformed Doctrine of the End - Vol. 1, The Millennium
Church's Hope: The Reformed Doctrine of the End - Vol. 2, The Coming of Christ (eBook)
The Christian’s hope is the visible, bodily, glorious return of the Lord Jesus Christ on the clouds of heaven with the resurrection of the Christian’s body, the public vindication of the Christian at the last judgment, and the enjoyment of the glories of the new creation. In the Reformed Doctrine of the End series, the author writes on eschatology in service of the church’s hope. As Engelsma demonstrates, the last things—centrally the coming of Christ—are the purpose and goal of all the revelation of God in scripture, from beginning to end. This book will encourage the Christian as he heeds Christ’s instruction regarding that coming: “Gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 1:13).
In this 2nd volume, the reader learns that the truth central to all eschatology is the second coming of Jesus Christ itself - what the Greek of the New Testament promises as the parousia, literally the presence (of Jesus Christ). All other aspects of the biblical doctrine of the coming of Jesus are subordinate to this coming, either leading to it, accompanying it, or proceeding from it. Therefore, the proper subtitle of this second volume is The Coming of Christ.
The coming of Christ Jesus, with all that is related to it, will be the “end.” Such is Jesus’ own description of his coming in Matthew 24:14: “And then shall the end come,” which might be paraphrased, “And then shall the goal be reached.” The coming of Christ, with all that precedes and follows, is the goal of God, not only with the events of the last days but also of all history. All the events belonging strictly to the last things, all the history of the New Testament church, all the history of the world beginning with its creation, and all the doctrines of the Christian faith have the coming, or presence, of Jesus Christ as their goal.
This is the importance of the content of this volume. This is why the outstanding promise of the gospel is that uttered by Jesus himself: “I come quickly” (Rev. 22:12). And this is why the fundamental prayer of the church is, in response, “Even so, come, Lord Jesus” (Rev. 22:20).
Read reviews by Justin Smidstra (PRCA), Mitchell Dixon (Presbyterion, Covenant Theological Seminary).
David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.
- 192 pages
- ISBN 978-1-7368154-3-4
Softcover version available
The Church's Hope: The Reformed Doctrine of the End - Vol. 1, The Millennium (eBook)
Cloud of Witnesses, A (eBook)
Click for a sample
With the insight of a theologian, the heart of a pastor, and the clarity of a preacher, Herman Hoeksema expounds key sections of the epistle to the Hebrews. The glory and work of the author and finisher of our faith, Jesus Christ; the biblical saints of old and their victories by faith; the beauty of the prize at the end of the race that is set before us—these are the main themes of A Cloud of Witnesses, a book that will encourage
readers as they press on in their pilgrimage toward that city whose builder and maker is God himself.
What others are saying about this book:
“Often it is the case that we read the theology of a great churchman like Herman Hoeksema and so call him a theologian. But in reading his sermons, we are reminded that his first job and calling was to preach. Students of theology might be better served reading more sermons than works on theology. Thankfully, in this volume the reader gets both.” – Douglas J. Douma, pastor of First Presbyterian Church (Unionville, NY),
author, and founder of Sola Appalachian Christian Retreat
"There is something reminiscent of the preaching style of Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones in the meticulous and practical way that Herman Hoeksema expounds the biblical text. “A Cloud of Witnesses” is a powerful collection of sermons that speak right into the situation that we find ourselves in today." – @biblebookstheology
Read a review from @biblebookstheology.
Herman Hoeksema (HH) (1886-1965) was ordained into the ministry in the Christian Reformed Churches in 1915. He is considered one of the founding "fathers" of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. He taught in the Seminary of the Protestant Reformed Churches from its founding and until his retirement in 1964.
- Edited by Dr. Marco Barone
- 352 pages
- ISBN 978-1-959515-28-9
Hardcover version available
Cloud of Witnesses: Sermons on Selected Passages from the Epistle to the Hebrews
Click for a sample
With the insight of a theologian, the heart of a pastor, and the clarity of a preacher, Herman Hoeksema expounds key sections of the epistle to the Hebrews. The glory and work of the author and finisher of our faith, Jesus Christ; the biblical saints of old and their victories by faith; the beauty of the prize at the end of the race that is set before us—these are the main themes of A Cloud of Witnesses, a book that will encourage
readers as they press on in their pilgrimage toward that city whose builder and maker is God himself.
What others are saying about this book:
“Often it is the case that we read the theology of a great churchman like Herman Hoeksema and so call him a theologian. But in reading his sermons, we are reminded that his first job and calling was to preach. Students of theology might be better served reading more sermons than works on theology. Thankfully, in this volume the reader gets both.” – Douglas J. Douma, pastor of First Presbyterian Church (Unionville, NY),
author, and founder of Sola Appalachian Christian Retreat
"There is something reminiscent of the preaching style of Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones in the meticulous and practical way that Herman Hoeksema expounds the biblical text. 'A Cloud of Witnesses' is a powerful collection of sermons that speak right into the situation that we find ourselves in today." – @biblebookstheology
Read a review from @biblebookstheology.
Herman Hoeksema (HH) (1886-1965) was ordained into the ministry in the Christian Reformed Churches in 1915. He is considered one of the founding "fathers" of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. He taught in the Seminary of the Protestant Reformed Churches from its founding and until his retirement in 1964.
- Edited by Dr. Marco Barone
- 352 pages
- hardcover
- ISBN 978-1-959515-27-2
- Release date: July 26, 2024