Book Review - Here We Stand

Book Review - Here We Stand

The following review was written by Kevin Huizinga on the book Here We Stand: 500th Anniversary of the Reformation by various authors, edited by Prof. Ron Cammenga (Jenison, MI: Reformed Free Publishing, 2018). This review was originally published in the October 2023 issue of The Grandville Gleaner.

"Here We Stand," a variation on Martin Luther's powerful concluding statement from his speech at the Diet of Worms, is an appropriate title for this book and theme for the event it summarizes. In October of 2017, a conference was held to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the great Reformation. Spread over two days, it included six different speeches which were then adapted by the speakers into written form. Each section highlights a different aspect of one of the most significant events of Christ's church on this earth.

Book Review - Ten Commandments for Children

Book Review - Ten Commandments for Children

The following review was written by Amanda DeBoer on the book The Ten Commandments for Children by Prof. Ron Cammenga (Jenison, MI: Reformed Free Publishing, 2023). This review will be published in the Clarion, a biweekly magazine of the Canadian/American Reformed Church federation, Vol. 72 No. 14, in November 2023.

Cammenga not only teaches the commandments, but also explores their depth and practicality in an age appropriate way. He has a kind, yet unwavering, manner of writing that is very appropriate for the topic. The Ten Commandments for Children will undoubtedly be a blessing for many families.

Book Review - Ten Commandments for Children

Book Review - Ten Commandments for Children

The following review was written by Todd and Nicole Kooienga on The Ten Commandments for Children by Ronald Cammenga (Jenison, MI: Reformed Free Publishing, 2023). This review was originally published in the July 2023 issue of The Grandville Gleaner.
Requirements of True Prayer (3): Humility and Confidence

Requirements of True Prayer (3): Humility and Confidence

Sincerity and humility, closely connected. Our coming to God in sincerity of heart is that we humble ourselves before God in prayer. This then is the second requirement of acceptable prayer according to the 117th Answer: that we rightly and thoroughly know our need and misery, so we may deeply humble ourselves in the presence of his divine majesty.

Requirements of True Prayer (2): Sincerity

Requirements of True Prayer (2): Sincerity

We continue from part one of this series titled “In the School of Prayer: The Requirements of True Prayer.” Read part one here. When we pray, we are, first of all, called to pray to God sincerely. That's the first requirement of prayer, and we cannot go on to requirements 2 and 3 without first noticing this requirement: sincerity. Sincerity is underscored in Lord's Day 45. That was the teaching already of Question and Answer 116.

Requirements of True Prayer (1): An Introduction

Requirements of True Prayer (1): An Introduction

The following post was adapted from a sermon called "In the School of Prayer: The Requirements of True Prayer," preached by Prof. Ron Cammenga on March 26, 2023, at Hudsonville Protestant Reformed Church. Listen to the whole sermon here, or read on for part one of three in this series.