Grace Conferred (4): The Sacred Precepts and Admonitions of the Gospel

Grace Conferred (4): The Sacred Precepts and Admonitions of the Gospel

If you were paying careful attention to the Canons and looked them up, and I hope that you make a practice of doing that, you might have thought that I changed the Canons last time. In the English version of Canons 5:14 we read of “the hearing and reading of His (God’s) Word, by meditation thereon, and by exhortations, threatenings, and promises thereof.” I wrote, “The exhortations, threatenings, and promises of the gospel.” Which is it, “the exhortations of the Word” or “the exhortations of the gospel”? And is there an important difference or distinction?
Cyber Monday Deal #2 – Commentaries by Prof. H. Hanko on Galatians and 1 Peter

Cyber Monday Deal #2 – Commentaries by Prof. H. Hanko on Galatians and 1 Peter

Cyber Monday Deal #2 – Commentaries by Prof. H. Hanko on Galatians and 1 Peter
Prophecies of the Messiah – Black Friday Deal #2

Prophecies of the Messiah – Black Friday Deal #2

Prophecies of the Messiah – Black Friday Deal #2
The Belgic: "A Confession of the Gospel in all its riches"

The Belgic: "A Confession of the Gospel in all its riches"

The Belgic Confession: A Commentary, Volumes I–II by David J. Engelsma. Jenison, MI: Reformed Free Publishing Association, 2018–19. 348 and 382 pages. Reviewed by Dr. H. David Schuringa, a reformed theologian living in West Michigan (as reviewed in the July 24, 2019 issue of Christian Renewal).

The publishing of Dr. David Engelsma’s two-volume commentary on the Belgic Confession is a welcome event due not only to its meaty content but also to meager current resources. The historic confession comprises a complete dogmatics in its own right as it follows the usual outline of the loci with the doctrines of the Word, God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, Ecclesiology and Eschatology.

Engelsma maintains, however, that though the con­fession is doctrinal and systematic, it is not a sys­tematic theology as such but rather, “the confession of the gospel in all its riches as this gospel is known by every illumined mind and embraced by every regenerated heart” (II:366f.). That is certainly true in large measure, which in turn makes these two volumes Engelsma’s own dogmatics of sorts. What Berkhof did for Bavinck, he does for Hoeksema.

Belgic Confession (volume 2) chapter preview: Article 25 on "The Abolishing of the Ceremonial Law"

Belgic Confession (volume 2) chapter preview: Article 25 on "The Abolishing of the Ceremonial Law"

IN ONE MONTH volume two of The Belgic Confession commentary will be printed, completing the two-volume set written by Professor David J. Engelsma.

We give to you the full Chapter 19 on Article 25: "The Abolishing of the Ceremonial Law."
Book Review: Walking in the Way of Love, volume 2

Book Review: Walking in the Way of Love, volume 2

Walking in the Way of Love: A Practical Commentary on 1 Corinthians for the Believer, volume 2, by Nathan J. Langerak. Jenison, MI: Reformed Free Publishing Association, 2019. 544 pages, hardcover. [Reviewed by Rev. Clayton Spronk]

Rare are the biblical commentaries that provide sound theological instruction. Rarer still are the commentaries that provide sound theological instruction and helpful application to the faith and life of the church today. Even a little of both of these oft-missing ingredients would be enough to recommend a commentary to serious students of scripture. That this volume offers a feast of accurate explanations of the truth of scripture and appropriate applications means that I must highly recommend it to the reader.