Book Review - Finding My Vocation

Book Review - Finding My Vocation

The following review was written by Mike Velthouse on the book Finding My Vocation by William Boekestein (Jenison, MI: Reformed Free Publishing, 2024). 
Author Video: Bill Boekestein on Finding My Vocation

Author Video: Bill Boekestein on Finding My Vocation

Do you have an extra 76 seconds in your day? How about sitting down with author Rev. Bill Boekestein as he talks about his upcoming book, Finding My Vocation: A Guide for Young People Seeking a Calling? Learn why he wrote a book on the Reformed, biblical doctrine of vocation and why it’s a doctrine that’s so important for Christian young people to know and understand.
"Called to work" - A Beacon Lights Feature

"Called to work" - A Beacon Lights Feature

You’ve probably heard the word “vocation” before, particularly when people are talking about their work. Many Christians intentionally use this word when they describe their occupation because it correctly acknowledges that God provided them with the job they hold.