Publication Review - Ignited by the Word

Publication Review - Ignited by the Word

The following review was written by Kristen Brands, an elementary school teacher in West Michigan, on the publication Ignited by the Word. This review was originally published in the June 2024 issue of the Beacon Lights, a monthly magazine written for Reformed Christian young people and young adults. 
SB Staff Annual Meeting 2023

SB Staff Annual Meeting 2023

Have you ever wondered how the Standard Bearer works? How are content and direction of the publication decided? What goes into the planning of the special issues? These are questions decided upon when, once annually, the editors and writers of the SB meet to decide on topics, rubrics, and writers for the upcoming volume year. Last week Wednesday, June 7, such a meeting was held at the Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary.

God's Word: A Lamp and a Light

The Standard Bearer is devoted to explaining and defending Reformed doctrine, promoting the Reformed life of...

Spiritual Disciplines of the Christian Life: Reading

The Bible commends reading. Reading is a discipline of the Christian life.

Reading as a spiritual discipline is not the same as reading in general. Certainly, reading books on history, science, wars, animals, and economics (the list goes on) is to be recommended, providing they are wholesome. But reading as a spiritual discipline is more focused on explicitly Christian literature, Reformed literature—in short, biblical literature: the Standard Bearer, Beacon Lights, Reformed Free Publishing Association (RFPA) publications, and so many other books and periodicals that promote our growth in godliness. Of course, we read the Bible, too, and that ought to be our main book—but the reading of scripture has been treated in past articles on devotions.

Why do we read? Consider three reasons...

Also, a few reminders about reading are in order...

Why We Should Read the Standard Bearer

Why We Should Read the Standard Bearer

Are you a Standard Bearer subscriber? Read the latest promotional flyer we have produced on...