Particular Grace: A Defense of God’s Sovereignty in Salvation

Particular Grace: A Defense of God’s Sovereignty in Salvation

Originally published in Dutch at the end of the nineteenth century, Particular Grace is an explanation and development of the gospel of salvation by the grace of God in Jesus Christ.

Abraham Kuyper's main purpose in this volume is to expose the error of general grace and to present a sold, biblical defense of the Calvinistic doctrine of particular grace.

"Reformed believers will surely be impressed with the power of the author's language and argument, the breadth of this acquaintance with past and contemporary discussion, and the cumulative weight of his case. They will also find Kuyper surprisingly fresh and pointed. Many contemporary denials of particular grace are anticipated by his arguments." —Mid-America Journal of Theology

'God's Goodness Always Particular' by Herman Hoeksema—Reprinted!

What does the Bible teach regarding God’s attitude to the reprobate ungodly? What are the...

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God’s Goodness Always Particular

This book is Rev. Herman Hoeksema’s defense of particular grace over against the teaching of common grace, set forward by the Rev. Daniel Zwier in the periodical De Wachter. In the 1930s Rev. Zwier attempted to show how a denial of common grace was unscriptural. He charged that Rev. Hoeksema and those who followed him were guilty of rationalism, faulty exegesis, and bad theology.

Read and gain new appreciation for the truth that God’s goodness is always particular.


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Remembering the Schism of 1953: Historical Sermons and Lectures Now Available!

You may have noticed that we added a new set of sermons and lectures to...